1390 国 开《 人 文 英 语 4 》历 年 期 末 考 试( 第 三 大 题 阅 读 判 断 题 )题 库( 分 学 期 版) 2021年7月试题及答案 26-30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”, 错误的写“F”。 Passage 2 All communication begins with the sender and ends with the receiver.The sender is responsible for successful conveyance.The sender's personality,beliefs,cultural and educational background all influence the message and it is important for the sender to be aware of this as he or she is encoding the message.Simply put,encoding is translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepts of the message that needs sending.These symbols are usually words in written or spoken form.To ensure successful communication,the sender should know as much about his or her audience-the receiver-as possible in order to focus and support the encoding process. In addition to this awareness of self and encoding,the sender must choose the proper channel for conveying the message.Using the wrong channel may result in miscommunication.Like the sender, receivers are influenced by internal factors: their personality, their receptivity to the message or their relationship to the sender.Additionally,their current feelings,mood,or state of mind can affect a message.Once the message moves through the channel,the receiver then decodes it.The receiver uses his or her own experience and the context of the message to interpret its meaning. Feedback is the return message from the receiver to the sender.It is feedback that enables the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or not.Therefore it is essential to the communication process. This process,though very common,is fraught with potential breakdown at every turn.Spoken or written language is inherently easy to misinterpret.In conclusion,effective and successful Communication takes place when the message is successfully received and the receiver provides the sender with desirable feedback. 26.The sender's gender also influences the message. [答案]F 27.Encoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concepts of the message that will be sent later. [答案]T 28.These symbols are usually words and sentences in written form. [答案]F 29.Channel is not crucial for conveying the message. [答案]F 30.Feed backs enable the sender to know whether the receiver has received the message successfully or not. [答案]T 附: 所有的沟通都始于发送者,结束于接收者。发送者负责成功传达。发送者的个性、信仰、文化和教 育背景都会影响信息,发送者必须意识到这一点,因为他或她就是对信息进行编码。简单地说,编码就 是将信息翻译成代表需要发送的信息的思想或概念的符号。这些符号通常是书面或口头形式的文字。为 了确保成功的沟通,发送者应该尽可能多地了解他或她的听众—接收者—尽可能集中注意力并支持编码 过程。 除了这种自我意识和编码意识外,发送者必须选择正确的渠道来传达信息。使用错误的渠道可能会 导致沟通不畅。与发送者一样,接收者也受到内部因素的影响:他们的个性,他们对信息的接受程度或 他们与发送者的关系。此外,他们当前的感受、情绪或精神状态会影响信息。 一旦信息通过渠道,接收 者就会对其进行解码。接收者使用他的或她自己的经验和信息的上下文来解释其含义。 反馈是接收者返回给发送者的信息,是让发送者知道信息是否接收成功的反馈,因此对于沟通过程 至关重要。 这个过程虽然很常见,但处处都充满了潜在的故障。口语或书面语言本质上很容易被误解。总之, 有效和成功的沟通发生在消息被成功接收并且接收者向发送者提供理想的反馈时。 26.发送者的性别也会影响信息。 [答案]F 27.编码是将信息转换为符号的过程,这些符号作为稍后将要发送的消息的想法或概念。 [答案]T 28.这些符号通常是书面形式的单词和句子。 [答案]F 29.渠道对于传达信息并不重要。 [答案]F 30.反馈让发送者知道接收者是否成功接收到消息。 [答案]T 2021年1月试题及答案 26-30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”, 并将正确答案选项 填写在答题纸上。 Passage 2 All communication begins with the sender and ends with the receiver.The sender is responsible for successful conveyance.The sender's personality,beliefs, cultural and educational background all influence the message and it is important for the sender to be aware of this as he or she is encoding the message.Simply put,encoding is translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepts of the message that needs sending.These symbols are usually words in written or spoken form.To ensure successful communication,the sender should know as much about his or her audience-the receiver-as possible in order to focus and support the encoding process. In addition to this awareness of self and encoding,the sender must choose the proper channel for conveying the message.Using the wrong channel may result in miscommunication.Like the sender,receivers are influenced by internal factors: their personality, their receptivity to the message or their relationship to the sender.Additionally,their current feelings,mood, or state of mind can affect a message.Once the message moves through the channel, the receiver then decodes it.The receiver uses his or her own experience and the context of the message to interpret its meaning. Feedback is the return message from the receiver to the sender.It is feedback that enables the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or not.Therefore it is essential to the communication process. This process,though very common,is fraught with potential breakdown at every turn.Spoken or written language is inherently easy to misinterpret.In conclusion,effective and successful Communication takes place when the message is successfully received and the receiver provides the sender with desirable feedback. 26.The sender's gender also influences the message. [答案]F
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