交际英语口语 Part 2 Consumption Fashion 2 Unit 4 At the Bank 3 目录页CONTENTS PAGE nInstructional ObjectivesnSituational ConversationsnSupplementsnMake Your Own Talk 4 过渡页TRANSITION PAGEInstructional Objectives学习目标Knowing how to open an account and cancel an account at the bank.Learning how to make deposits and make withdraws.Knowing how to transact a credit card.Introducing the way of applying for a loan.5 过渡页TRANSITION PAGE主要内容生词对话Situational Conversations 6 Situational Conversationsaccount n.账户withdraw v.取款interest n.利息satisfaction n.满足annual adj.每年的percent n.百分率;百分比current adj.现在的;流动的bankbook n.存折open an account 开户current account 活期存款make withdraws 取款the annual interest rate 年利率fill out 填写application form 申请表生词 7 Situational ConversationsA:Can I help you,Miss?B:Yes,Id like to open an account.A:Certainly Miss.What kind of account would you want?B:Im not too sure.But I need an account for which I can withdraw my money anytime I like and get some interest on it as well.A:Well.I think a current account will be to your satisfaction.You can make withdraws from the bank and the ATM anytime you like.B:Thats great!But whats the annual interest rate for this kind of account?A:小姐,有什么可以帮到您的吗?B:是的,我想开个账户。A:当然可以,小姐。您要开哪种账户呢?B:我不是很确定。但是我需要一个可以随时能取款,同时又能获得一些利息的账户。A:好的。我想活期存款账户可以满足您的要求。任何时候您想取款,可以从银行和自动取款机取款。B:那太好了!这种账户每年的利率是多少呢?Dialogue A 8 Situational ConversationsA:At present the rate is 1.8 percent a year.B:Good.I think Ill open a current account please.A:OK.Please fill out this application form.B:Yes.Name,address,phone number,thats it.Here you are.A:Wait a moment,please.Here is your bankbook,Miss.B:Thank you for your help.A:You are welcome.A:目前利率是一年1.8%。B:好的。我想我要开一个活期存款账户。A:好的。请填这张申请表。B:好的。姓名,地址,电话号码,就这样。给你。A:请稍等。小姐,这是您的银行存折。B:谢谢你的帮忙。A:不客气。Dialogue A 9 Situational Conversationsdeposit n.存款rate n.利率wait a moment 稍等deposit rate 存款利率生词 10 Situational ConversationsA:Good morning,sir.Can I help you?B:Yes,I want to deposit 1000 yuan in my bank account.A:Please fill out this deposit form.B:OK.Here you are.Any problem on that?A:No.Do you bring your bankbook with you?B:Yes,I do.Here it is,and the cash.A:早上好,先生。我能帮您什么吗?B:是的,我想在银行账户中存1000元钱。A:请填一下这张存款单。B:好的。填好了。有什么问题吗?A:没有问题。您带存折了吗?B:带了。这是存折,还有现金。Dialogue B 11 Situational ConversationsA:Wait a moment,please.B:Sure.A:Is there anything else I can do for you?B:Yes.Can you tell me what the interest rate is now?A:The deposit rate is 0.8%every month.B:Thanks.A:请等一等。B:好的。A:您还需要其他帮助吗?B:你能告诉我目前的存款利率吗?A:存款利率是每月0.8%。B:谢谢。Dialogue B 12 Situational Conversationsrecommend v.劝告savings n.储蓄款expensive adj.昂贵的revolve v.循环出现receive v.收到;接到statement n.申明;陈述expenditure n.支出;花费itemize v.列出清单生词 13 Situational Conversations生词provide v.提供benefit n.利益;好处advance n.预付款;前进apply for 申请credit card 信用卡charge rate 收费标准bank bill 银行账单 14 Situational ConversationsA:Id like to apply for a credit card.Can you help me with my application?B:Id be glad to.Do you have an account with this bank?A:No.B:In that case I highly recommend you apply for a savings and checking account also.That would help with your credit card application.A:What is the interest rate on your card?B:The annual charge rate is 9.5%.A:我想申请一张信用卡。你可以帮我申请吗?B:我很乐意帮你。你有这个银行的账号吗?A:没有。B:这样的话,我极力推荐你申请一个集储蓄存款和支票存款于一体的账户。这对你申请信用卡有帮助。A:你们信用卡的利率是多少呢?B:每年的收费标准是9.5%。Dialogue C 15 Situational ConversationsA:Thats very expensive.B:Not really.The credit card is a revolving account.You only pay interest on what you owe.A:How does the bank bill its customers for credit card charges?B:You will receive a monthly statement with each expenditure itemized.A:Does the card provide any other benefits?B:You can also get a cash advance up to 1000 dollars on this card.A:真贵啊!B:不完全是。这种信用卡是一个循环账户。你只需支付所欠债务的利息就行了。A:银行如何把信用卡费用账单交给客户呢?B:你每个月会收到一份结算单,上面列出了每项费用。A:这种卡有什么福利吗?B:使用这种卡你可以预支高达1000美元的现金。Dialogue C 16 Situational Conversationsgo down 降低;下降changefor 将换成生词 17 Situational ConversationsA:Good morning,sir.What can I do for you?B:Yes,Id like to change Australian dollars for RMB.A:How much do you want to change?B:I am not sure.Whats the rate today?A:Its 1 Australian dollar to 6.1 yuan RMB.B:What was the rate yesterday?A:The rate was 1 Australia dollar to 6.5 yuan yesterday.A:早上好,先生。请问有什么可以帮助您的呢?B:是的,我想把澳元换成人民币。A:您想换多少呢?B:我不确定。今天的汇率是多少呢?A:1澳元兑换6.1元人民币。B:昨天的汇率呢?A:1澳元兑6.5元人民币。Dialogue D 18 Situational ConversationsB:Oh,the rate goes down.A:It does,sir.Do you still want to have it changed now?B:Well,I want to change 1000 Australian dollars for RMB.A:OK.Please sign here in this form.B:OK.A:Here is the 6100 RMB.B:Thank you very much.B:哦,汇率跌了。A:是的,先生。您还想换吗?B:嗯,我想换1000澳元。A:好的。请在这张表格上签个名。B:好的。A:这是您的6100元人民币。B:谢谢。Dialogue D 19 过渡页TRANSITION PAGE主要内容AccountMoney Flow LineSupplements 20 AccountId like to open an account please.我想开个账户。Could you fill out this form please?请您填一下这张表格好吗?Does the checking account come with a debit card?活期账户是不是会附带一个借记卡呢?Id like to open a one-year time deposit account and a checking account.我想开一个一年期的定存户头和一个支票户头。Open an Account 21 AccountWould you like to open a time deposit savi
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