2019版冀教版小升初模拟测试英语试卷一(I I)卷姓名:班级:成绩:小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 .What9A.hap p enB.hap p en ed2 .This is)A.beijin gB.y u n n anC.Shan ghaiA.A.3 .Am y is.s o m e p ict u r es.t akin gB.t al kin g4 .Ther e ar ebeau t ifu l fl o w er s.1 l o v e t hem.()l o t o fB.a l o t o fC.l o t s5 .be l at e again.()A.No tB.Do es n,tC.Do n,tD.Ar en tA.Lo n do nA.is t he cap it al cit y7.My gr an dm a.m ade;w it hB.Beijin go f En gl an d.a w ar m co atm e.B.m ake;fo rC.New Yo r kI l ike itv er ym u ch.C.D.Shan ghaim ade;fo r6.)()8.A Kiw i is a p er s o n fr o m)A.New Zeal an dB.Au s t r al iaC.Ru s s ia9.请 从A、B、C三个选项中选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的选项。第 1 页 共 9 页()1.eatA.w eat herB.br eadC.m eal()2.babyA.hap p yB.s kyC.fl y()3.cakeA.agoB.m akeC.bag()4.do ct o r A.r aceB.co u n t r yC.cin em a()5.r o s esA.m u s icB.w al ksC.p icn ics()6.fo o dA.s cho o lB.go o dC.bo o k()7.r u bbis h A.cu tB.m u s eu mC.p u t()8.s ignA.p u bl icB.l ikeC.l it t er10 .,一Whatt he gir l?()一She s l o o kin g fo r m y ban an as.A.do,do in gB.is,do in gC.ar e,do in g11.,I w en tev er y day an d l o t s o f p ict u r es.()A.s w im m in g;t akeB.s w im m in g;t o o kC.s w im;t ake二、情景交际12 .,你想知道近处的这些是什么,你会问:.()A.What is t hat?B.What s t his?C.What ar e t hes e?三、填空题第2页 共9页13 .用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.Let (I)hel p y o u.2.Who _ (w an t)t o l ear n a n ew s o n g?3.Wo u l d y o u l ike (go)s ho p p in g w it h m e?4.I l o v e co ffee.What abo u t (dr in k)s o m e co ffee?5.It s eas y (s w im).词汇练习(根据汉语提示填入所缺的词)。14 ._(欢迎)t o o u r fact o r y!15 .Thes e (机器)m ake cr is p s.16._ (马铃薯)ar e go o d fo r u s.17.(放置)y o u r bo o k o n t he des k.18.Do n t t o u ch t he big do g.It s (危险的).四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Do y o u kn o w t he o w l?It is an an im al.It is a bir d.It can fl y.It fl ies at n ight an d s l eep s in t heday.It s head l o o ks l ike a cat s.It s ey es ar e big.It can s ee at n ight an d it can hear w el l.It s fav o u r it efo o d is m ice.So it is a go o d bir d.19.Can t he o w l fl y?2 0 .When do es t he o w l s l eep?2 1.What do es it s head l o o k l ike?第3页 共9页2 2 .What s t he o w l s fav o u r it e fo o d?2 3 .Is t he o w l go o d o r bad?五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误。On e day Mr.an d Mr s.Whit e w en t s ho p p in g by car.They s t o p p ed t heir car n ear a s ho p.They bo u ght(买)a l o t o f t hin gs an d w an t ed t o p u t t he t hin gs in t o t he car.Bu t Mr.Whit e co u l dn,t o p en t he do o r o f t hecar,s o t hey as ked a p o l icem an t o hel p t hem.The p o l icem an w as v er y fr ien dl y.He s t ar t ed t o o p en t hecar fo r t hem.Ju s t t hen a m an cam e u p an d s ho u t ed(喊),“What ar e y o u do in g w it h m y car?”Mr.an d Mr s.Whit e had a l o o k at t he car s n u m ber an d t hey w er e fr o z en(惊呆了)t her e.It w as n t t heir car.2 4 .Mr.an d Mr s.Whit e dr o v e fo r s ho p p in g.()2 5 .They s t o p p ed t heir car at t he gat e o f a s n ack bar.()2 6.They w an t ed t o giv e t heir t hin gs t o a p o l icem an.()2 7.The p o l icem an w o u l d l ike t o hel p Mr.Whit e.()2 8.Fr o m t he p as s age(短文),w e kn o w Mr.an d Mr s.Whit e m ade a m i s t ake(搞错 了).()六、句型转换按要求改写句子。2 9.Yo u r s cho o l bag is bigger t han m in e.(改为同义句)My s cho o l bagt han y o u r s.3 0 .I w ear s iz e 3 8 s ho es.(对画线部分提问)ar e y o u r s ho es?3 1.Jim is 1.7 m et r es.(对画线部分提问)第4页 共9页_ is Jim?3 2 .Am y is 1.5 7 m et r es.Sar ah is 1.63 m et r es.(合并成一句)Sar ah is _ _Am y.3 3 .Ar e y o u r feet bigger t han his?(作否定回答)No,_ .七、匹配题3 4 .把相应的中文句子填在英文题号前。(_)1、Who s t hat w o m an?A.这个男人是谁?()2、What a big fis h!B.这是我的奶奶。()3、Wher e ar e y o u fr o m?C.那个女人是谁?()4、Who s t his m an?D.好大的鱼啊!()5 This is m y gr an dm a.E.你来自哪里?八、书面表达3 5 .写作.以“My fr ien d”为题,介绍你朋友的兴趣爱好、能力等事情。关键词:nice,pretty,like,can,often,be good at.My friend第5页 共9页第6页 共9页参考答案一、选择题【答案】B1、【答妄】C2、U A3、【答案】B4、u【答案】C5、【答案】A6、【答宝】C7、【答案】A8、【若妄】1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B9、【三安】B10、【答案】B11、二、情景交际【答案】C1、三、填空题【左 】1.me 2.wants 3.to go 4.dnnking 5.to swim第 7 页 共 9 页(M 夏】【小题1】Welcome【小题2】machines【小迪3】Potatoes【小察4】Put【小翅5 dangerous2、四、阅读回答问题【答宝)【小题1】Yes,it cam【小题2】It sleeps in the day.【小费3】Its head looks like a cats.【小翅4】Its favourite food is mice.【小遇5】It is good.1、五、任务型阅读【答垂】【小题1】T【小襄2】F【小通3】F【小密4】T1 【小息5】T六、句型转换【百夏】【小题1】is smaller【小典2】What size【小超3】How tall【小题4】taller than【小型5】1、they arent七、匹配题【答案】1.C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B1、八、书面表达1第8页 共9页【言与】范 文:My friendMaty is my fnend.She is 12 years old.Shes from the UK.She is very nice and pretty.She likes playing the piano andsinging.She can play basketball.We often play basketball after school together.She often gets up early and does her homeworkon time.She is good at English.She often teaches me English,I like her.第 9 页 共 9 页
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