UNIT 1 Honesty and responsibilityJICHU ZHISHI SHULI基础知识梳理构 建 知 识 体 系课标单词背诵(先填后背)第一组1.barely a血刚好;仅仅,勉强可能;几乎不;刚才2.appointment n.约定,约会;任命,委任;职务3.jaw n.下巴,颌4.diamond n.钻石5.worthwhile。山.值得花时间(或花钱、努力等),重要的,令人愉快的6.collarn.衣领;颈圈;圈,箍7.bless 表示惊奇):祝福8.in ch n.英寸;少量,短距离9.outline。.概述,略述.概述;轮廓线,略图10.arrest n.&逮捕,拘捕1 1.更达“给(某人)打电报;接通(电源).金属丝;电线;铁丝网12.criminal n.罪 犯。力.犯法的,犯罪的;刑事的;不道德的13.anyhow ado.不过,总之;尽管如此;而且;随便地14.innocent。力.无辜的,清白的,无罪的;天真无邪的,纯真的n.无辜者,单纯的人15.legal ad/.合法的;法律的16.principle n.道德原则;法则;信条17.decent。力.正派的,合乎礼节的;得体的,适当的18.geophysicist n.地球物理学家19.core a力.核心的,最重要的n.核心,最重要的部分20.resign&i.辞职,辞去21.ward n.病房22.substantial”力.大量的,价值巨大的;结实的,牢固的第二组23.mineral n.矿物,矿物质24.superb a力.极佳的,卓越的,质量极高的25.ashamed a力.惭愧,羞愧,尴尬26.forgive of.&玉原谅,宽恕;免除(债务)2 7.当幽”.欺骗,蒙 骗 血.作弊,舞弊28.w r a p包,裹,用.缠 绕n.披肩,围巾;包裹材料29.parcel n.包裹,小包;一块地vt.裹 好,打包30.bow n.蝴蝶结;弓oi.鞠躬;低(头)31.nephew n.侄子,外甥32.wrinkle.皱纹;褶皱,皱痕式.(使脸上)起皱纹,皱起;起褶皱33.phase n.阶段,时期34.mercy n.仁慈,宽恕35.likewise ado.同样地;也,而且36.deadline n.最后期限,截止日期37.in te g r ity诚实正直;完整,完好38.organic a力.有机的,统一的;绿色的;不使用化肥的;生物的39.starfish n.海星,星鱼40.discouraged a力.灰心的41.garbage n.垃圾;废话42.saving n.节省物,节省;储蓄金43.bonus n.意外收获;奖金,红利44.sow vr.&pi.(sowed,sown)播种,种 单词拼写 运用核心单词语境运用1.suspect vt.&.疑有,觉得 n,嫌疑用所给词的适当形式填空犯,可疑对象2.pretend ui.&.假装;装扮,扮作;自诩,自认为3.quote n.引语”&式.引用,引述;举例说明4.harvest n.收成,收获量;收获季节,收 割 况.收 割,捕 猎5.virtuen.美德;正直的品性;优点6.fault n.过错,责任;弱点,缺点7.sew vi.&ur.(sewedy sewn)缝,做针线活;缝上1.Mr.Bissell admires the architecturalwonders,while on his way to Bukhara hegets a taste of police methods whensuspected(suspect)of drug dealing.2.One of his greatest faults(fault)is thathe talks too much.3.This material was then put into cottonbags which were weighed and thensewn(sew)up.4.He asked who we were andpretended(pretend)not to know us.5.The professor searched a book for apassage worth quoting(quote).6.Brazil harvested(harvest)28 millionbags of coffee in 1991,the biggest cropfor four years.7.Among her many virtues(virtue)areloyalty,courage,and truthfulness.派生单词语境运用1.appoint vt.约 定;任命f appointmentn.约定,约会;任命,委托;职务2.rely v.依赖;信赖f reliable 可信赖的,可依靠的;真实可信的,可靠的f reliably adv.可靠地3.g u id e 指导f guidance几.指导;导航4.disappoint”.使失望;使扫兴disappointment .失望;沮丧 disappointed L力.失望的;沮丧的disappointing。的.令人失望的;令人沮用所给词的适当形式填空1.Mary and I had appointed to meet atthe shopping center,but she failed tokeep the appointment,so I was veryangry,(appoint)2.My friend is a reliable person,and youcan rely on it that he will give you ahand.(rely)3.To my parents5 disappointment,mydisappointing maths grade greatlydisappointed my parents,and theirdisappointed look urged me to study高 考 热 点 熟词生义 及 出 黑 色 生 衣 包 中 电 正 确 区 造 茎 一丧的5.guilt n.内疚;犯罪f guilty 力.感 到内疚的,感到惭愧的;有罪的,有过失的6.photograph”.照片 0f.给.照相-photographer n.摄影师,拍照者photography n.摄影7.social adj,社会的一socialist adj,社会主义的n.社会主义者f socialism 社会主义harder then.(disappoint)4.Not only providing learning guidancebut also helping children build a healthyand positive view of life,we can alsoguide them to set up their right directionin life.(guide)5.When we feel guilty for either lettingourselves or someone else down,most ofus are really experiencing falseguilt.(guilt)6.My dad was not a professionalphotographer,but he lovedDhotography.(photograph)7.He thought of himself as a socialistsbut his theory was a very British sort ofsocialism,(social)1.(2017全国卷 I)My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.A.固定 B.抛锚 C.担任2.(2016全国卷 I)In all,from the time the stem cells are harvested from adonor(捐献者)to the time they can be implanted in the patient,weve got 72 hoursat most.BA.收割 B.采集 C.捕猎 短 语 理 解 运用高频短语1.tear d o w n 拆毁,拆除2.make one,s fortune 发财3.lose contact 失去联系4.arm in a r m 臂挽着臂5.under arrest 被逮捕6.at the mercy of sb./sth.任.处置,对.无能为力7.weigh on sb./sth.使焦虑不安,加重.的思想负担8.make contributions to 为.作出贡献9.live a l i e 过骗人的生活,为人虚伪10.frankly speaking 坦率地说语境运用选用左边短语的适当形式填空1.Determined to make his fortune in South America,Mark Twain set off from hishome for New Orleans in his teens.2.The city will tear down the building and create a park.3.Mother and son lost contact when Nicholas was in his early twenties.4.Not only crops,but also family income and nutrition are at the mercy of rainclouds.5.Be true and be honest to yourself.Do not live a lie.句式辨识运用教材原句背诵句式结构仿写1.不定式短语作主语To live a life of honesty and integrity isa responsibility of every decent person.To do this is to cut the foot to fit the shoe.这样做是削足适履。2.地点状语位于句首引起的全部倒装In the doorway of a store stood a man,with an unlit cigar in his mouth.At thn foot of Mount Tai sits/lies abeautiful modem city-Tai,an.一个美丽的现代都市泰安坐落于泰山脚下。3.现在分词短语作状语However,the boy was not discouraged,believing that he could make adifference to the ones that he saved.To begin with,a new stadium has beenbuilt up,becoming the new landmark inour school.首先,一座新的体育馆已被建造,成为我们学校的新地标。重唯考点探究ZHONGNAN KAODIAN TANJIU 突 破 思 维 瓶 颈1.appointment 课本义.约定,约会;任命,委托;职务 增补义.被任命的人,受委任的人(1)make an appointment with sb.与某人约定keep/break an appointment 守/违约(2)appoint 任命;委派;安排,指定(时间、地点)appoint sb.as/to be 任命某人为.appoint sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事(3)appoin
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