2022年江苏省无锡市成考专升本英语自考真题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(30题) 1. So badly ______ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for several weeks. A.did he injure B.he injure C.was he injured D.he was injured 2. No conclusion has been ______ yet. A.achieved B.reached C.attained D.arrived 3. When we ______ the museum is not decided. A.visited B.visit C.will visit D.visiting 4._______ many times, he finally understood the problem. A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told 5.We can assign the work to__________is reliable. A.whose B.whom C.whoever D.whomever 6. —The education system rather than the teachers______to answer for the overburden on the students—I agreeI hope the reform. being carried out in our country will hang about the_____results. A.are; desired B.is; desired C.are; desiring D.is; desiring 7. ______ your homework and make sure that you don't ______ any mistakes. A.Do; do B.Make; make C.Make; do D.Do; make 8.to sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do harm to one ‘s skin. A.Being exposed B.Having exposed C.Exposed D.After being exposed 9.Mary, _________ here——everybody else, stay where you are. A.come B.comes C.to come D.coming 10.We must __ early in the morning so as to catch the first train. A.set up B.set out C.set about D.set aside 11. —Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV. —______. A.That's not a very good idea. B.TV produces good influence on children. C.What makes you say that? D.You said TV was educational. 12. Sometimes children have trouble ______ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. A.to separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating 13.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, ______ we are all familiar, govern the world A.to which B.on which C.which D.with which 14. My father______me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it. A.discouraged B.encouraged C.prevented D.asked 15.That is the only way we can imagine _______ the overuse of water in students ‘ bathrooms. A.reducing B.to reduce C.reduced D.reduce 16. —That's me when I got married. See what I look like now! —Why not go on a diet to get into ______ ? A.shape B.form C.appearance D.body 17. This is just the place______he and his wife visited last year. A.where B.that C.when D.why 18._____ crying sadly, he raised his head and let tears stream down his face on purpose A.To be seen B.Seeing C.To see D.Having seen 19.These national parks are very important for preserving many animals, which would run the risk of becoming extinct. A.instead B.therefore C.nevertheless D.otherwise 20. Finally he got time for a glance______this report. A.off B.round C.on D.at 21. ______today, be would get there by Friday. A.Were he leave B.Was be leaving C.Were he to leave D.If he leaves 22. — This is my new dogHis name is Wisdom— That' s interestingWhy ______did you give him such a name? A.in the earth B.in world C.on earth D.on the world 23.The problem was settled to the complete of them, so they didn ‘t complain. A.amazement B.satisfaction C.disappointment D.attraction 24.Little_________that their plan has beenDiscovered. A.did they suspect B.do the suspect C.do they suspect D.they suspect 25. Countries that traditionally never allowed foreign students to stay and work like Germany or the United Kingdom—are facing their own labor ______ in information technology and relaxing their immigration laws. A.cuts B.shortages C.weaknesses D.imports 26.The novel written by the author _______ well, but five years agro no one could have imagined how great a role he _______ in the literary world A.sells; was to play B.selling; was playing C.sold; had played D.sell; is playing 27.Helen always helps her grandmother even though going to school ____ most of her day. A.takes up B.make up C.save up D.put up 28. The heavy snow could not keep US_________going out to work. A.on B.up C.upon D.from 29.It is reported that many a new house _______ at present in the disaster area A.are being built B.were being built C.was being built D.is being built 30. Not only I but also Tom and Mary ______fond of collecting stamps. A.am B.will C.are D.have 二、汉译英(10题) 31. 无论多么困难,我也不会失去信心。 32. He is so foolish (竟然认敌为友). 33. 如果让我来决定我们是要一个没有自行车的城市,还是要一个没有汽车的城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者。 34. (面对艰巨的任务), we had better act on the suggestions made at the meeting. 35. 美国的私立学校在规模和质量上相差很大。 36. 粗心大意会导致你们在实验中失败。 37. (若不是意想不到的麻烦),we could have fulfilled our task ahead of time. 38. 你知道今天报上有一篇重要的文章吗? 39. 用不了多久大家都会认识他。 40. 他的威信与自信使他成为一个杰出的领导。 三、语法与词汇(10题) 41. Do you have any ______ (evident) that Charles stole the money? 42. The reason why the water in this area had been polluted was the ______ (poison) substances had been poured into
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