Part OnePage 1 Mr.and Miss So1.Gentle,2.dedicated;3.considerate 4.adventurous5.calm 6.aggressive 7.critical8.energetic9.selfish11.self-confident13.truthful 14.frank.16.sensitive17.bossy19.talkative20.persuasive22.emotional10.ambitious12.easy-goingoutgoing 15.18.patient21.sympatheticPost-readingPage-52.1)F 2)T 3)T 4)T 5)F 6)T 7)F8)F 9)Tpage 16 Vocabulary1.l)self-conscious3)self-esteem5.)self-worth7)self-awareness2)self-confidence4)self-destructive6)self-concept8)self-ass uranc e/c onfidenc e2.BJ,LA;HDE,N;J,MCF,G,K3.1.profound,2.jealousy,3,numerous4.overweight 5.overcome 6.eventually7.slim,8,compliments 9.diminishlO.reassuarance 11.detrimental12.isolated 13.self-esteem 14.accented4.l)reflected;2)concerned;3.profound effect/influence 4)viewed/regarded5)sensitive;6。respond/react7)eliminated8)overcome my fear 9)concentrateon10)made no commentTranslation1)You should spend a reasonableamount of time relaxing andexercising.2)In general children are healthier andbetter educated than before.3)When the right opportunity comesalong,hell take it.4)Every day he sets aside some timeto be with his family and enjoy life.5)I remember those dark streets andwalking hand in hand with myfather.6)He finally failed to live up to hisparents expectations.7)In contrast,our use of oil hasincreased enormously.8)he succeeded in his efforts toovercome his fatal weakness.Part threepage-38l.BBABC;6.CBCAA 11)CBkeys to the exercises in Unit 2Page 621.l)invitation;invited;inviting2)prepare;prepared;preparation;preparatory/preparation3)discoveries;discoverers;discovered4)approval;approve;approved;approving;disapprove5)eloquent;eloquence;eloquently6)faithful;unfaithful/faithless;faith;faithfully7)occasional;occasionally;occasion;8)delivery;delivering;delivered9)troublesome;troubled;troubled;troubling10)assurance;assured;assurepage 641)with a pattern of rose;2)prepareda wonderful/good meal for us.3)promised faithfully;4)deliver thisletter;5)a selection of milk andplain chocolate 6)Keep out ofmischief?behave themselves 7)thesound of distant thunder 8)received approval from thegovernment 9)in spite of the factthat he drank too much10)agree whether the drug is safe ornot.Page 89901)CCAB;5)AB AB 9)BABAPage 93l.the true reason why there was nosuch animal in Guizhou2.they were of no use at all in thisplace.3When he saw the donkey all of asudden,he thought it was a monster.4.he hid himself in the trees whilelooking at the donkey.5.what kind of animal is this and whydoes it look different from otheranimals that Ive seen/6.but one day the donkey stretched itsthin neck and cried.7.the tiger discovered that the donkeydidnt have any other skills exceptcrying.8.But he dared not rush to it and eat itjust as he did it to other animals.9.This did irritate the donkey(makethe donkey angry),who raised its hindleg and kicked the tiger.10.This time he rushed to do it withouthesitation and bit its throat.Keys to the exercisesPage 1111.financial;career;later;guilty;hurt;6.resentful;productive;independence;responsibility;10.trusted;frightening;resentment;abandoned;14.factors;quality2.1)T F T F T;6)F F F F FPage 112Vocabulary1CHGAE;K ID LB;J F2.l)constantly;2)impact;3)burden;4)candidly;5)fulfillment;6)salaried;7)resentment;8)assistance;9)perfect;10)surpress3.l)successfully;2)resentment;3)security;4)necessity;5)advisable;6)access/accessibility 7)athletic;8)maturity9)emotional;10)effectivelypage 113 translation1.Because of an emergency,the doctor willnot be available for several hours.2.How will taxes affect people with lowincomes?3)My mother always told me that in thelong run I would be glad I didnt give uppracticing the piano.4)These books range in price from$10to$20.5)It seems to me that you dont have muchchoice.6)Given their inexperience,they have donequite a good job.7)For such a big house the price is fairlycheap/low,but youve got to take intoconsideration the money you will spend onrepairs.8)Can we begin with discussingquestions/problems arising from the lastmeeting?Page 1331)AB AC A;6)ACBCA 11)CCBCPage 137Step 3-l)creates;individuals;makes;combination;however6)fall;responsible;which;difference;that11)tempted;used;lowest;died;reducing;16)quick;reason;principle;minor;message.Page 138E_B_F_CA_G_DKeys to unit 4Page159l.TTFTF;6.TTTTF;11.TFPage 161 vocabulary1)acceptable 2)efficiency 3)implications 4)instability 5)rationalize6)evaluation 7)foreseeable 8)invention9)hastily 10)probability11)professional 12)challenging 13)defensive 14)personality2.1)in case 2)Every so often 3)resortto 4)talk over 5)start over6)in reality 7)at stake 8)seized on 9)leading to 10)take stock of3.1)programs 2)way 3)technical 4)both5)provided 6)who7)such 8)needed 9)opportunities 10)when 11)to 12)Completion13)holding 14)early 15)hire 16)promote 17)up 18)educatingPage 163Translationl.He underwent a major heart surgery severalyears ago.2.we estimated that it would take a week tofinish the work.3.1 used to enjoy photography,but I now haveno time to pursue any hobbies.4.you may love someone but not ne
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