【备战期末】九年级英语上册期末复习要点(北师大版)Unit 1 Leaning to Learn一、内容:学会用英语简单描述个人学习英语的困难、方法和征询好的语言学习方法二、重点和难点:1.情态动词m a y,m i g h t 的用法2.连词 i f,u n l e s s,o n c e 的用法3.连词的用法4 .情态动词表达建议5 .重点词汇和词组三.具体内容:(一)情态动词m a y,m i g h t 的用法M a y 可以表示没有把握的推测,意思是“可能”,但只能用于肯定句,m i g h t 表示推测时,不表示时态,只是可能性比m a y 小。M a y 还可以表允许或请求的意思,用 m i g h t 则语气更加委婉,客气。May主要用于第一人称,而且要比用c a n 正式的多。M a y I a s k y o u a q u e s t i o n?Might I use your eraser for awhile?Yes,please.Yes,you may.No,you mustn t.No,you had better not.No,you can t.(二)连词 if,unless,once 的用法e.g.If that is true,what shouldwe do?G ive me a call once you arrive atthe airport.Once I finish my homework,I willcall you.I won,t remember new vocabularyuniess I hear them.从属连词:只能用来引导从句,不能引导词或词组。这些从属连词包括:that,when,till,after,before,since,if,because,though,although,so-that,sothat,as soon as,once等。从属连词一般可以引导名词性从句和状语从句。1 .引导名词性从句的从属连词:(1)thatHe said(that)he would come.That she is still alive is true.(2)i f 是否I wonder if he is at home.(3)whether 是否I asked him whether he wouldcome.2.引导状语从句的从属连词:(1)连接时间状语从句的从属连词:Ihave lived in this citysi nee I was born.He came to China after thew a r w a s o v e r.T h e w a r h a d b e e n o v e rb e fo r e h e c a m e t o Ch i n a.(2)连接地点状语从句的从属连词:W h e r e t h e r e i ss m o k e,t h e r e i s fi r e.(3)连接让步状语从句的从属连词:Although/Though Japan is small,the population is big.Even if it was snowing heavily,we went on running.(4)连接原因状语从句的从属连词:I do it because I like it.Since you know all about it,tellme please.As you are in poor health,youshould not sit up late.(5)连接目的状语从句的从属连词:He works hard that/so that/inorder that he may pass the exam.(6)连接条件状语从句的从属连词:If it rains tomorrow,we won t goon a picnic.He will come unless it rains.Once he comes back,I will lethim call you.(7)连接结果状语从句的从属连词:He is so kind that everyone likeshim.(三)1.四个连词词组的使用:(1)either or 或者.或者.,不是.就是.这里有两个书包。你可以要红色的,也可以要黑色的。Here are two bags.You can takeeither the red one or the black one.你可以给我打电话,也可以明天找我面谈。You can either call me or speakto me tomorrow.不是他就是他哥哥认识去那儿的路。Either he or his brother knowsthe way there(2)bo th a n d 既也,两者都汤姆和吉姆都喜欢下棋。Both Tom and Jim like playingchess.那个小男孩在艺术学校既学习音乐也学习舞蹈。The little boy studies both musicand dance at the art school.她会唱歌也会跳舞。S h e c a n b o t h s i n g a n d da n c e.(3)n e i t h e r n o r 既不.也不他们的表演既没有娱乐性也没有教育性。Their performance was neitherentertaining nor educational.他和他的父亲都不打算与警察对话。Neither he nor his father isgoing to talk to the police.我爸爸和哥哥都不帮忙。Neither Dad nor my brother helps.(4)not only butalso 不仅.而且.那个三岁的小孩不仅会读书还会写字。The three-year-old child can notonly read but also write.昨天李宏扫了地,还倒了垃圾。Yesterday Li Hong not only sweptthe floor but also took out the trash.不仅那些工人们而且他们的老板都错了。Not only the workers but alsotheir boss was wrong.2.并列连词的使用:but,or,for,and,so(1)a n d表并列She got up and fell down again.(2)b u t表转折He is rich but unhappy.(3)o r表选择Which do you prefer,tea orcoffee?(4)for,so表因果He is absent,for he is ill.It s too dark,so I couldn,t seeanything.(四)情态动词表达建议You can listen to a recording ofthe lesson.You shouldn,t study everything inone night.In this country,you have todrive on the left.I think it might rain la te r thisafternoon.You mustn,t eat or drink inclass.建议:You should know more aboutyourself.You can read and listen toEnglish a lot to improve your English.You should listen to the teachercarefully in class.其他方法:Why notWhy don t youHow about What a bout Let s (五)词组和词汇1.have a hard time doing sth.=have difficulty in doing sth.I have a hard time learningEnglish.2.make sb.adj.It makes me crazy.3.rememberI can,t remember the name of thefilm.I don,t remember singing thecontract.4.forgetI am sorry.I ve forgotten yourname.5.try to doI tried to open the window butcouldn t.6.a number ofA great number of people gotraveling on holidays.7.go overLet s go over our plan once more.8.concentrate on sth.He should concentrate on municate with sb.My mother has never communi catedwi th me.1 0.rather thanWhen I m going out in theevening,I use my bike rather than the car.1 1.take chargeI take charge and lead the group.1 2.think aboutBefore you talk,you need tothink it about.1 3.read throughLet s read through the text.1 4.look upI have to look up the new wordsin the dictionaries.1 5.be clear aboutI m not clear about the material.1 6.find outCan you find out why he hurt hisleg.1 7.at t he end ofG o straight on,you will see thepost office at the end of the road.1 8.receive praise from sb.I need to receive praise from myteachers,so I have confidence in myself.1 9.practice doing sth.You need to practice speakingEnglish a lot.20.the+比较级,the+比较级The harder you work,the betteryou learn 21.get involved i n 卷入,介入,涉及去年这个国家卷入了战争。The country got involved in thewar last year我卷入了 一些莫名其妙的事情中。I was involved in something Idon,t understand.22.be honest with sb/sth.Yo u s ho u l d be ho n es t w it h y o u r l ear n in g.Unit 2 Life in the Future一.内容:会使用动词一般将来时描述预测将要发生的事件,未来的生活。明白w il l,s hal l 和bego in gto的区分。能够正确使用动词不定式。二.本周重点:1.一般将来时2动词不定式的使用3 .如何表达同意和反对别人的观点。4 .重点内容、词汇和词组。三.具体内容:(-)一般将来时用法:1 .表示将要发生的动作或存
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