考前测试考前测试 20222022 年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力真题练习试卷学能力真题练习试卷 B B 卷卷(含答案含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、请阅读 Passage 2,完成第小题。A.the tree that fell B.Torontos east end C.the subway in New York D.the Hurricane Sandy devastation【答案】D 2、_enough time and money,the investigators would have been able to discover more evidence in this case.A.Giving B.Given C.To give D.Being given【答案】B 3、请阅读短文,完成第小题。A.Both the teachers and students there are depressed B.The school won a big award from the Sunday Times C.The school did extremely well in motivating its students D.The students there had poor qualifications and low self-esteem【答案】C 4、Which of the following writing activities may be used to develop students skill of planning A.Editing their writing in groups B.Self-checking punctuations in their writing C.Sorting out ideas and putting them in order D.Cross-checking the language in their writing【答案】C 5、Around two oclock every night,Sue will start talking in her dream.It somewhat _ us.A.bothers B.had bothereD C.would bother D.bothereD【答案】B 6、When he came in,he found that paper clips,drawing pins and safety-pins were_all over the floor.A.scattered B.sprayed C.dispersed D.separated【答案】A 7、Passage 1 A.An external camera checks that the car is going properly B.The car will automatically keep to its lane C.The seat belt will tighten when the driver is found drowsy D.The technology of the alcohol odor sensor should be improved【答案】B 8、The stress of the following words are all on the first syllable except _.A.golden B.design C.rising D.pattern【答案】B 9、Interlanguage,or the developing linguistic system of a second language learner,displays the following features except_.A.independent B.transitional C.fossilization D.rule-governed【答案】A 10、请阅读 Passage l,完成第小题。A.are mostly foreign-born B.are all White British C.should not wear a turban D.usually should wear bearskins【答案】D 11、The situational approach is a grammar-based language teaching method which focuses on _.A.grammar and vocabularies B.oral language and sentence patterns C.speaking and listening D.pronunciation and speaking【答案】B 12、The ambiguity in My friend drove me to the bank.is caused by_.A.lexical items B.a grammatical structure C.homonymy D.polysemy【答案】D 13、I have personally come to understand that“empowerment”is not a lesson that can be thought by way of textbooks or lectures,projects or field trips,and not even by way of principles and inspirational teaching.It must be taught by personal examples.A.Having been successful in empowering students B.Possessing the expertise in the subject they teach C.Having received adequate training on empowerment D.Beingabletointegratepersonalexperiencesintotheir teaching【答案】D 14、He said he d phone you _ he got home.A.the moment B.the moment when C.at the moment D.at the moment when【答案】A 15、Passage 1 A.Donna and Her Pupils B.TheI CantFuneral C.TheI Cantand Its Relatives D.TheI CantTouches the Lives of Everyone【答案】B 16、Which of the following may better check students ability of using a grammatical structure A.Having them work out the rule B.Having them give some examples C.Having them explain the meaning D.Having them explain the structure【答案】B 17、Passage 2 A.the algae have done their work B.the atmosphere becomes cooler C.there is oxygen D.it rains there【答案】D 18、When a teacher leads students to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual clue,which one of the following approaches does he use?A.Bottom-up Approach B.Top-down Approach C.Interactive Approach D.3P Approach【答案】B 19、请阅读短文。A.Travel advices are not important B.Travel medicine is hard to be credible C.How to prevent and treat disease can actually help travel medicine popularize D.People havent realized the importance of travel medicine【答案】C 20、It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has todayThere will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physicsWe are only beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical oneStarvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800by Crookes in about 1900It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by using the new fertilizersIn the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals-by shaping our own biological environment A.physical exhaustion B.mental stimulation C.mental exhaustion D.extinction【答案】C 21、When teaching students how to give appropriate responses to a congratulation or an apology,the teacher is probably teaching at _.A.lexical level B.sentence level C.grammatical level D.discourse level【答案】D 22、The chief manager is a determined man.You never find him _when he makes adecision.A.in a sudden B.in a dilemma C.in a hurry D.in a flash【答案】B 23、Tom,see that your sister gets safely back,_ A.can you B.wont we C.won t you D.should we【答案】C 24、请阅读短文,完成第
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