2022-2023学年江西省鹰潭市成考专升本英语自考真题(含答案及部分解析) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(30题) 1.We can assign the work to__________is reliable. A.whose B.whom C.whoever D.whomever 2.While ______ a job ,the graduate student got an offer to study abroad A.applied for B.applying to C.applied to D.applying for 3. So badly ______ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for several weeks. A.did he injure B.he injure C.was he injured D.he was injured 4. ______ your homework and make sure that you don't ______ any mistakes. A.Do; do B.Make; make C.Make; do D.Do; make 5.It is reported that many a new house _______ at present in the disaster area A.are being built B.were being built C.was being built D.is being built 6. ______today, be would get there by Friday. A.Were he leave B.Was be leaving C.Were he to leave D.If he leaves 7.—Has the wallet been returned yet? —No, but we expect ______ any day now. A.to return it B.it to return C.it to be returned D.it returned 8. Have a cigarette, ______? A.will you B.don't you C.do you D.aren't you 9. —There must be a dozen pens in this house but I can never find one when I need them. —Keep looking. ______ is sure to turn up. A.One B.It C.That D.This 10._______ many times, he finally understood the problem. A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told 11. Let me help you, ______? A.won't yon B.will you C.shall I D.shan't I 12. —Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV. —______. A.That's not a very good idea. B.TV produces good influence on children. C.What makes you say that? D.You said TV was educational. 13. They required that all the necessary documents ______ to the president's office before the end of this month. A.be handed B.must be handed C.should hand in D.had been handed in 14.Helen always helps her grandmother even though going to school ____ most of her day. A.takes up B.make up C.save up D.put up 15.Mary, _________ here——everybody else, stay where you are. A.come B.comes C.to come D.coming 16. The water will be further polluted unless some measures ______. A.will be taken B.are taken C.were taken D.had been taken 17.The problem was settled to the complete of them, so they didn ‘t complain. A.amazement B.satisfaction C.disappointment D.attraction 18. We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite. A.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting 19.I noticed his eyes ______, because they were very large. A.in particular B.with particular C.in special D.with special 20.Send my regards to your wife when you__________home. A.wrote B.will write C.have written D.write 21.- Between the two possible plans, I ‘m bound _____the second one A.favouring B.to favour C.for favouring D.to favouring 22. All the students went to the magic show yesterday. It was really ______ A.amusingly B.amuse C.amusing D.amused 23. No conclusion has been ______ yet. A.achieved B.reached C.attained D.arrived 24. ______he come, the problem would be settled. A.Would B.Should C.Shall D.If 25. I wonder how much ______ . A.that car was B.was that car C.is that car D.that car is 26.The bank is reported in the local newspaper, _______ in broad daylight yesterday. A.being robbed B.having been robbed C.to have been robbed D.robbed 27. When we ______ the museum is not decided. A.visited B.visit C.will visit D.visiting 28. Countries that traditionally never allowed foreign students to stay and work like Germany or the United Kingdom—are facing their own labor ______ in information technology and relaxing their immigration laws. A.cuts B.shortages C.weaknesses D.imports 29.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _______. A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch 30. Not only I but also Tom and Mary ______fond of collecting stamps. A.am B.will C.are D.have 二、汉译英(10题) 31.你越是用功,你的功课就越显得容易。 32. 我喜欢看电视而不太喜欢看电影。 33. 在事故中受伤的那个人已被送往医院。 34. 那位演员一到宾馆我就给你打电话。 35. 他连自己都养不活,更别说养家了。 36. (据说), she is a world famous art critic. 37. 他们是在五个不同的大洲进行了研究之后才得出这一结论的。 38. He remained calm even 面临如此明显的危险. 39. The mind cannot be made up (一成不变). 40. I remember the whole thing (好像昨天发生的一样) 三、语法与词汇(10题) 41.He was about halfway through his meal __________ a familiar voice came to his ears A.why B.where C.when D.while 42.Hardly __________ down when the bell rang A.had I sat B.did Isat C.Ihad sat D.Idid sit 43. Everyone was invited to the party except Jack,, which caused much______ (suspect). 44. Max has no ______ (appreciate) of the finer things in life. 45. There are some ______ (art) flowers on the table. 46. She needs some comfort, but I really can't think of anything ______ (suit) to say. 47. Bob Dylan, a famous folk ______ (music) in America was best known for his anti- war songs. 48. Parents shouldn't
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