UNIT 4NATURAL DISASTERS单元核心素养单元核心素养单元话题导读单元话题导读单元核心素养单元核心素养单元话题导读单元话题导读512汶川地震,发生于2008年5月12日(星期一)14时28分04秒,根据中华人民共和国地震局的数据,此次震级达8.0级,地震波及大半个中国及亚洲多个国家和地区。截至2008年9月18日12时,512汶川地震共造成69227人死亡,374643人受伤,17923人失踪,是中华人民共和国成立以来破坏力最大的地震,也是唐山大地震后伤亡最严重的一次地震。A powerful earthquake in China is feared to have killed thousands of people in the southwestern province of Sichuan.The official news agency Xinhua says nearly ten thousand people may have died,with many more buried and injured.In one county,most of the buildings are reported to have collapsed(倒塌)Michael Bristow sent this report from western China.BBC News about Wenchuan Earthquake“This is the biggest earthquake to hit China in more than 30 years.Thousands are already confirmed(证实)dead.Chinese state media are reporting that 900 middle school children were buried when their school collapsed.At least 50 are known to have died.80%of the buildings in one county alone have collapsed,and up to 5000 people there are feared dead.The earthquake struck just before 230 this afternoon.The epicenter(震中)was in the mountainous Wenchuan County in Sichuan province.”And today marks the 11th anniversary of the terrible earthquake that struck Wenchuan County in southwest Chinas Sichuan province.The earthquake was the strongest to hit China since 1950.At least 87,000 people were killed or declared missing in the disaster.The earthquake left more people homeless than any other tremor(微震)in recorded history.At least 4,800,000 people required shelter after their homes were destroyed.However,the impact(影响)of the Sichuan quake was not only felt through the death toll(伤亡人数)it also resulted in significant economic loss.But Wenchuan has begun huge reconstruction since 2008.It is estimated(估算)about 885 billion RMB,or 137 billion US dollars have been spent on rebuilding the affected area.
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