课时跟踪检测(六) Assessing Your Progress 一、单元核心考点重点练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I love your music. Your first album (音乐专辑) Ice Cream Scream is my all­time favorite! 2.Junk food is sometimes bad for students' health, because it doesn't give them the energy (能量) they need at school. 3.Helen became a capable (有能力的) student and finally she received a university degree in English literature. 4.With his problem settled, he sank back into his comfortable chair with relief (轻松). 5.He is one of many online teachers who are taking virtual (虚拟的) learning to the lower grades. 6.The newly­broadened square is four times the size of the previous_ (先前的) one. 7.I hope I can have the opportunity (机会) to take part in the voluntary activities. 8.At present, the number of the unemployed (失业的) is still increasing. 9.This movie focuses on a romantic (浪漫的) writer Joan and her adventures. 10.The bus conductor (售票员) came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.When you do art, it makes you feel peaceful (peace). 2.Advertising aiming (aim) at children should be limited. 3.This produced a chain reaction (react), which made it possible for life to develop. 4.Different environments have different impacts on our productivity. 5.Listening to music is considered as a good thing for adults. Scientific studies have_proven (prove) it in the last few years. 6.Gradually (gradual), they are tired of life in the noisy city. 7.He was born in a poor family in 1889. His parents were both poor music hall performers (perform). 8.He developed a talent for literature and music when he was a little boy. 9.We have a lot of modern equipment (equip), making it convenient for students to learn every subject. 10.A study conducted (conduct) by the World Health Organization finds nearly 50% of teens have fallen into the habit of exposing themselves to unsafe levels of sound so far. Ⅲ.选词填空 1.She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate_on her studies. 2.They set_up a scientific organization to explore the unknown world. 3.It is reported that the accident led_to many deaths. 4.In_addition,_they also donated some money to the boy. 5.He has become convinced that what he has done will pay_off one day. 6.You must go_through your papers before you hand them in. Ⅳ.完成句子 1.真奇怪,他竟然爱上了这样一个粗鲁的女孩。(fall) It is strange that he should fall_in_love_with such a rude girl. 2.你应当多锻炼身体,这能让你振作精神。(which引导非限制性定语从句) You should take more physical exercise, which_can_lift_your_spirits. 3.每次我在公园里看到这位老人时,他都在专注地读报。(absorb) Every time I see the old man in the park, he is_absorbed_in_reading papers. 4.中国梦的目标是提高全体人民的生活质量。(aimed at) The Chinese dream is_aimed_at_improving the quality of life for all the people. 5.正如结果证明的,令人困惑的事件才刚刚开始。(as) As_it_turned_out,_confusing events were just beginning. 6.尽管这部法律现在仍在讨论中,但是它将很快被通过。(even though) Even_though_the_law_is_under_debate now, it will be passed soon. 7.我打了将近10分钟的电话,就是打不通。(get through) I've been trying to make phone call for nearly 10 minutes and I just_can't_get_through. 二、单元同类话题热读练 阅读理解 They are sisters.They are in a car.They are arguing and one of them tries to leave.The two girls are acting but for 17­year­old Ellie it's not all that far from the truth.Next week she will be in court to testify (作证) against a friend who hurt her.“Being here makes me forget all about that,” she says. At Breeze Arts Foundation in Leeds, eight young people between the ages of 16 and 20 are practising what their acting teacher Fiona has presented to them. Breeze Arts Foundation, which has been running for five years, is trying to get young people who are Neet (not in education, employment, or training) or in danger of becoming Neets back into education or work. Each member of the group tells a different story.Some are here because they simply can't stay in school, some because they have family problems, and some because they have a history of breaking the law. The course members attend a 12­week programme.While here they will all work towards an Arts Award (奖) and an end­of­term performance. Sarah McGlinchey is the course keyworker.As well as designing the courses, she does one­on­one work with the students, helping with everything from housing to job hunting.Lessons are given on Wednesdays and Thursdays but the rest of the time McGlinchey focuses on one­to­one support. Some of the teens here will never go on to work in the performing arts, but some will make careers (职业) in the area.One former member has worked at the West Yorkshire Playhouse.Another student went on to university to study modern art.Whatever happens, McGlinchey says, “Learning about performing arts and the arts industry builds their confidence (自信) and shows them what chances are out there.” 语篇解读:本文是说明文。英国利兹市的一个表演艺术课程让很多边缘青年开始了新生活。 1.What does Ellie probably think of the course? A.It is challenging. B.It takes her pain away. C.It teaches her some basic truths. D.It gives her kno
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