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模拟检测模拟检测 20222022 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识提升年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识提升训练试卷训练试卷 B B 卷卷(含答案含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率 1 个百分点,其中,2019 年 1 月 15日和 1 月 25 日分别下调 0.5 个百分点。同时,2019 年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。A.库存现金+商业银行在中央银行的存款 B.法定存款准备金率库存现金 C.法定存款准备金率存款总额 D.存款准备金-法定存款准备金【答案】C 2、观察数列的变化规律,然后为空缺处选出正确的数:87、152、265、132、43、()。A.65 B.74 C.83 D.91【答案】A 3、同业拆借()。A.是一种特殊的存款形式 B.最长不得超过 6 个月 C.参与者包括银行、非银行金融机构与中介机构 D.属于担保信用【答案】C 4、证券投资基金体现当事人之间的()A.产权关系 B.债权关系 C.保证关系【答案】C 5、下列不属于期货交易的主要特征的是()。A.期货交易以在期货交易所内买卖期货合约的方式进行 B.期货合约是由期货交易所制定的标准化合约 C.实物交割率高 D.实行保证金制度【答案】C 6、中国进出口银行的主要任务不包括()。A.筹集和引导境内外资金 B.执行国家产业政策和外贸政策 C.为扩大我国机电产品和成套设备等资本性货物出口提供政策性金融支持 D.促进对外贸易的稳定发展【答案】A 7、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while the other person talks.To the contrary,people perceive the best listeners to be those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight.These questions gently challenge old assumptions,but do so in a constructive way.Sitting there silently nodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening,but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has not only heard what was said,but that they comprehended it well enough to want additional information.Good listening was consistently seen as a two-way dialog,rather than a one-way“speaker versus hearer”interaction.The best conversations were active.A.How to become a good collaborator B.How to train your audience C.What makes listening attractive?D.What do good listeners do?【答案】D 8、下列各项中,不属于账账核对内容的是()。A.所有总账账户的借方发生额合计与所有总账账户的贷方发生额合计核对 B.本单元的应收账款账面余额与对方单元的应付账款账面余额之间核对 C.现金日记账和银行存款日记账的余额与其总账账户余额核对 D.会计部门有关财富物资明细账余额与保管、使用部门的财富物资明细账余额之间核对【答案】B 9、关于总需求曲线,以下表述错误的是()。A.总需求曲线反映的是产品市场和货币市场同时处于均衡时,价格水平和总需求量的关系 B.扩张性的财政政策使总需求曲线向右移动 C.扩张性的货币政策使总需求曲线向右移动 D.总需求曲线向右上方倾斜【答案】D 10、资料:Taikong City was founded by the dormuns about 50 AD.Its name is derived from a Cethic worldwhich means the piece of the bold one.After they invaded Bliton in 43 AD the Dormons built a bridge across the Themas River.They later decided it was an excellent place to built a port.The water was deep enough for ocean going ships but it was far enough inland to be safe from other raiders.Around 50 AD Dormons merchants built a town by the bridge.So Taikong City was born.A.established B.improved C.exceed D.promoted【答案】A 11、Students have show that travelers benefit financially _ being able to make their own fight and hotel reservations.A.for B.about C.plus D.from【答案】D 12、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction,according to a United Nations report published on Thursday.A.discuss why developing countries are playing major role B.illustrate a theory for poverty reduction C.explain reasons behind a report D.interpret the role of trade for developing countries【答案】C 13、He spent ages _ for a pay increase,only to resign from his job soon after hed received it.A.observing B.occurring C.negotiating D.securing【答案】C 14、年终结账时,若有结转销户科目,则应当()。A.核实该科目下部分分户账 B.注销该科目下所有的分户账 C.核实该科目下所有的分户账 D.注销该科目下部分分户账【答案】B 15、()要求企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认、计量和报告,不仅仅以交易或者事项的法律形式为依据。A.实质重于形式 B.可理解性 C.重要性 D.及时性【答案】A 16、下列经济行为中属于间接融资的是()。A.公司之间的货币借贷 B.国家发行公债 C.商品赊销 D.银行发放贷款【答案】D 17、资料:之后,经济学家 Mr.X 展望了中欧之间的商业机遇,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.Because those sites can legitimize suppliers B.Because those sites are free of charge C.Because those sites can verify the suppliers legitimacy D.Because those sites can arrange factory visits for businessmen【答案】C 18、关于产品生命周期理论的意义,以下说法不正确的是()。A.借助产品生命周期理论,可以分析判断产品处于生命周期的哪一阶段,推测产品发展的趋势 B.产品生命周期理论揭示了任何产品都和生物有机体一样,有一个从诞生成长巅峰的过程 C.产品生命周期引导人们通过产品生命周期,了解和掌握出口的动态变化,为制定市场战略提供理论依据 D.它还反映出当代国际竞争的特点,即创新能力,模仿能力,是活的企业生存能力和优越地位的重要因素【答案】B 19、某砖厂计划 20 天生产 30000 块砖,现在已生产的块数可以装 2 辆卡车,已知每盒装 6 块砖,每箱装 40 盒,每辆卡车装 50 箱,照这样计算,还要生产几天才能全部完成?()A.4 天 B.6 天 C.8 天 D.10 天【答案】A 20、下列各产品中能够适用我国产品质量法的是()。A.甲自产自用的木椅 B.乙销售的木椅 C.丙自建自用的木屋 D.丁销售的木屋【答案】B 21、()是指在正常生产经营过程中以预计售价减去进一步加工成本和销售所必需的预计税金、费用后的净值。A.现值 B.公允价值 C.可变现净值 D.历史成本【答案】C 22、一国关境与其国境相比()。A.关境可以小于国境 B.关境可以大于国境 C.关境可以等于国境 D.以上都对【答案】D 23、基金管理公司的监管机构是()。A.证监会 B.银监会 C.中国人民银行 D.中国银行协会【答案】A 24、证券市场监管的基本任务和规范市场的基本目的是()。A.增加市场流动性 B.提高投资者回报率 C.保证市场交易的活跃性 D.保护投资者利益【答案】D 25、_is well known,data under-determines theories.A.As B.That C.What D.Which【答案】A 26、Lets face it.Gardening fanatics like nothing better than to have their hands stuck in the soil or to be trimming,pruning,or harvesting the fruits of their labors.But for once,here is an obsession which benefits the whole community by beautifying the environment and producing cooler,more fragrant,and cleaner air.To recognize that fact,the Tampa City Council has decided to award generous prizes to the most beautiful displays this spring.A.The condition of the flowers B.The arrangement of the garden C.The appearance oil the garden D.The scent of the flowers【答案】D 27、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers,but can participat
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