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Unit 8 A green worldReading:Green Switzerlandplasticseparaterecycling allowcut downpunishfinelimitn.塑料vt.分开,分割vt.&vi 回收利用,循环利用vt.允许 砍到vt.处罚,惩罚vt.罚款vt.限制dependdepend on/uponrich resourcewiselyrun outproducedifferencemake a difference(to sb/sth)vi.依靠,依赖,指望依靠,取决于adj.富有的,丰富的n.资源adv.明智的,充满智慧的;用完,耗尽vt.导致,产生n.差异,不同之处有影响,起作用Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.1 separate _2 recycle _3 allow _4 fine _5 run out _6 produce _a cause a resultb make some pay money because he/she has done something wrongc be used upd put things into different groupse let some one do somethingf treat something used so that it can be used again dfebcaSwitzerlanda European countrynational flagSwiss Army Knifechocolatewatchthe Alpesnatural sceneryFast reading:Main ideasNew energy.A beautiful country.Laws.Martinas hope.Recycling.Para.1Para.5Para.4Para.3Para.2P1._P2._P3._P4._P5._a Martina asks everyone to do something for the environment.b People are starting to use new energy.c People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce pollution.d The government has laws to protect the environment.e Switzerland is a beautiful country.ecdbaAfter reading Martinas article,Kitty has written down the main points of the paragraphs.Write the correct numbers of the paragraphs in the boxes.Kitty made some notes of Martinas blog on a piece of paper,but her mother tore it up by mistake.Listen to the tape and help her match the two halves of the sentences.Write the correct letters in the blanks.a are separated into different groups and recycled.b energy from the sun,wind and water.c to protect the environment.d with high mountains and clean blue lakes.e because we depend on its rich resources to live.f to collect old clothes from around the country.1 Switzerland is a beautiful country _2 In Switzerland,glass plastic and paper _da3 An organization was set up _4 The government has laws _5 We should protect nature _6 People are starting to use _fcebCareful reading:(Para1)read and answer:1.What is Switzerland like?1.What is Switzerland like?2.What do people there try to do?2.What do people there try to do?Switzerland is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.Switzerland is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.They try to keep it that way.They try to keep it that way.In Switzerland,things like glass,plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled.Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled.I learnt about an organization for recycling clothes.It collects old clothes from all over the country.Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops,some are given to the poor,and others are sent to factories for recycling.My family and I often send our old jeans and T-shirts to this organization.Para.2 Our government has many laws to protect the environment.For example,we are not allowed to cut down trees.Otherwise,we will be punished.If we drop litter in a public place,we will be fined by the police.There are also laws to limit air and water pollution.Para.3 Nature is our greatest treasure.We depend on its resources to live,so it is important for us to protect it wisely.Luckily,we are starting to use energy from the sun,wind and water.These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out.Moreover,they produce little pollution.Para.41.Have a close reading of paras.2-4 and get very familiar with it.2.Please create your own questions(at least 2 questions for each paragraph).3.Have a Hot Chair test.ask questionsanswer questionsGreen Switzerlandrecyclinglawsnew energyQ1:What can be recycled?A1:Things like glass,plastic,paper and even old clothes and shoes can be recycled.Q2:How are these things recycled?A2:They are separated into different groups and then recycled.Q3:Where are the old clothes sent after they are collected?A3:Some,some and othersQ4:What(will happen)if people cut down trees/drop litter?A4:They will be punished/fined by the police.Q5:Why arent people allowed to cut down trees?A5:Because trees can help protect the environment.Q6:What is the difference between punish and fine?A6:Fining is one way to punish people by making them pay money because they have done something wrong.Q7:Why is it important to protect nature wisely?A7:Because nature is our greatest treasure and we depend on its rich resources to live.Q8:What are the new types of energy people are using in Switzerland?A8:They are using energy from the sun,wind and water.Q9:What are the advantages of the new types of energy?A9:They cost very little,never run out and produce little pollution.recyclinglawsnew energyMy online friend Martina wrote her blog last week about how they protect the(1)e_ in Switzerland.In Switzerland,glass,plastic and paper are(2)s_ into different groups and then(3)r_.Fill in the blanks according to the text.nvironmenteparatedecycledAn organization(4)c_ old clothes from all over the country.Then some are sold in charity show,some are given to the poor and o
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