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2021年黑龙江省七台河市统招专升本英语一模测试卷(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1.We finished our assignment when the teacher came to the door()A.had just B.have just C.just had D.just have2.The task in the disaster area is to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases as well as providing water and food()A.casual B.attractive C.primary D.simple3.Charles Dickens_many wonderful characters in his novels()A.invented B.discovered C.uncovered D.created4.()that the trade between the two countries reached its highest pointA.During the 1960sB.That it was in the 1960sC.It was in the 1960sD.It was the 1960s5.Our main concern is to _ the living standard of the people()A.raise B.rise C.arise D.arouse6.He looks so young!I agree with you. He looks 30, but he is45()A.actually B.basically C.accordingly D.entirely7.Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?Id love to, I didnt finish my homework yet()A.and B.so C.as D.but8.There was so much noise that the speaker couldnt make himself _()A.hearing B.heard C.being heard D.to hear9.He apologized having to leave so early()A.because of B.with C.owing to D.for10.No one the building without the permission of the police()A.is leaving B.will be leaving C.has left D.is to leave11.The man lost his just because his secretary was ten minutes late()A.temper B.mood C.mind D.passion12.Her duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor. But she also needs to do many other things()A.continuous B.routine C.initial D.constant13.It is reported _ the plane has been missing for more than thirty days()A.that B.which C.what D.as14.If only you him what I said! Everything would have been all right()A.do not tell B.would not tell C.have not told D.had not told15.Malaysia is a country that _ in the manufacture of rubber products()A.specializes B.produces C.turns D.makes use16.When the mixture(), it will give off a powerful forceA.will heat B.will be heated C.is heated D.has heated17.Sorry, I mistake your office _ Johns()A.with B.for C.on D.to18.well go for a picnic depends on the weather()A.Whether B.If C.That D.Why19.All my friends said that the film was worth _()A.see B.to see C.to be seeing D.seeing20.The of blood always makes him feel sick()A.sight B.look C.view D.glance二、选词填空题(10题)21.3._22.Researchers have found that people who go to concerts,shows and museums can live longer than 1 who do not.Experts from University College London have been examining the lifestyles of over 6,700 British people 2 15 years.They 3 how often the people went out and what kinds of events they attended.They found that people over 50 years old 4 regularly went to concerts were about 30 percent 5 likely to die over the next 14 years.The researchers said the over50s could extend their life 6 engaging with the arts.In addition to living longer concertgoers could also have more fun. The UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes there could be a lot of 7 in the research.He said arts and culture could 8 things like mental health,aging and loneliness.He 9 announced plans for the UKs National Health Service to use the arts to help people live a healthier life.One researcher said,“Our results highlight the importance of 10 to explore new social factors that affect our health.” 1._23.Students at university can learn and make friends 1 will last a life time.However,the cost of studying is on the rise.This increase means that most students can get into money trouble 2 they do not know how to manage their money. It is not just the course fees.Students must also 3 for room and board.In addition,they may spend money 4 clothes,travel,and other things. Thus,students need to budget 5 .At most universities teachers can give students suggestions on how to spend their money.The first thing they suggest is to write down your 6 ,for example,the money you will get from your family or a part-time job.Then list all of your expenses.Put your expenses into two 7 : those that change (food,books,travel),and those that will stay the same (tuition,room and board).Add together all of your expenses. When you do this,you find it is 8 to plan out your budget.This means you can save your money,rather than trying to 9 from others.As you can see,there is more to learn at university than just 10 is taught in the classroom._三、情景对话(10题)24.11._25.67._()26.70._()27.M: Do you think our manager is going to have a new factory built?W: I simply dont know.M: 71W: He may have plans, but he hasnt yet spoken to me about them.M: 72W: Of course. Right now we cant produce goods quickly. People have to wait six months for their goods.M: 73W: Its to find land to build the new factory. But some people dont want good agricultural land to be built on.M: 74W: Our manager will persuade the government to let him build a ne
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