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2021年黑龙江省哈尔滨市普通高校对口单招英语自考测试卷(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1._ does your brother _?A.How;look like B.What;look like C.What;look D.How;looks2.The student()Jack is waiting for you.A.calling B.calls C.called D.name3.There is()in todays newspaper.A.new anything B.new something C.anything new D.something new4.If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the river () so seriously now.A.is not pollutedB.would not be pollutedC.had not been pollutedD.would not have been polluted5.-Is your brother a worker?-().A.No,but my sister isB.Yes,but my sister isC. No,he doesntD.Yes,he does6.He()a teacher and writer.A.work as B.works as C.works on D.work for7.Our brain helps keep our balance()we do not fall down.A.in order of B.that C.so that D.for8. -Wheres Li Lei?-He()his sports shoes in the room. He()football with his friends.A.is putting on,is playingB.puts on,will playC.is putting on,will playD.put on,played9.The teacher asked us()the rubbish about.A.not throwing B.not to throw C.dont throw D.didnt throw10.does he play chess well _ he plays the piano well.A.Not only, but alsoB.Neither, norC.Either, orD.Whether, or11.Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket?_.A.Its not far from thereB.The supermarket is very largeC.The goods there are very expensiveD.Go down this street and turn left.12.-Does Bill do his new job well?-()his old job.I am afraid there is no hope for him.A.Not better thanB.No better thanC.Not so well asD.Not as well as13._ fine day it was yesterday!A.What a B.What C.How a D.How14.Eyes(), I see the moon so bright; Head(), in homesickness I am drowned.A.raising; bendingB.raising; bentC.raised; bendingD.raised; bent15.He finished his sandwich and asked for _.A.the other B.another C.other D.others16.-May I take your order now?-().A.No,Im in trouble nowB.Yes,Id like a dish of chickenC.Yes,We obey ordersD.No,I dont have a choice of meat17.Dont read () the sun. Its bad() your eyes.A.in;to B.under;in C.in;for D.under;for18.The river is _ . Can you swim _it?A.70-meter-wide, acrossB.70 meters wide, acrossC.70-meters wide, inD.70 meters wide, through19.-It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.-My God()!A.So did I B.So did you C.So were you D.So I did20.The man standing over there is a friend of _.A.them B.Toms fathers C.Tom D.Toms father二、填空题(20题)21.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you dont _the complaints from all directions.A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about22.We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than_we were given.A.it B.one C.the one D.those23.Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? _,if he is ready.A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case24.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he_about his fate all the time.A.is complainingB.has complainedC.was complainingD.had complained25.I prefer a house in a mountain village to_in such a large city as Changsha.A.that B.it C.this D.one26.John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face_him_.A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away三、汉译英(5题)27.有时候年轻夫妇不想自己包饺子。28.事实上,吃健康食品对身体健康很重要。(in fact)(此试题有下划线)29.跑步可以帮助人们减肥,所以肥胖者要常跑步。(lose weight)30.听到一个好的笑话,她总是会大笑。31.好的记忆对学习语言很有帮助。四、语言应用(5题)32.The flight took _ to arrive at the destination.A.9hr35m B.13hr35m C.14hr25m33.This is a chart of a cars fuel consumption during a certain day.Time of dayFuel consumption-燃料消耗 petrol-汽油 litre-升The above chart shows _.A.how much petrol was needed to Gill the tankB.the speed the car was goingC.which trip used the most petrolD.how far the car travelled34.From the sign,what should we do?A.We can throw rubbish here and there.B.We must throw rubbish into the dustbin(垃圾箱)C.We can pay no attention to rubbish.35.Rose is free after 7:20 p.m.Which lessons can she take?A.Computer lessons.B.Dance lessons.C.Cooking lessons.D.Both computer and cooking lessons.36.To buy The Best Medicine,you should pay _.A.$6.85 less than The One OnlyB.$4 less than DevourC.$7.96 more than Dragons Triangle五、翻译(10题)37.I bought a boat so that I could go fishing.38.Its impossible for him to work out this Maths problem.39.The boy is too young to know what he should do in trouble.40.Only then did he realize that he was wrong.41.Can I take your order now?42.Whatever you say,I will never believe in you.43.A small numb
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