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2022年内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市大学英语6级大学英语六级模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The article deals with the link between _ and the suggestions to prevent them.2. If you want to answer the 12 questions honestly, you should know what makes you not blindly blame your department for _.3.College education is to blame for the failure of Americas math and science education.A.Y B.N C.NG4.The author thinks that the options given by the two different camps would not work and he suggested _option.5.Some experts believe that Wal-Mart does harm to the economy because manufacturers had to cut down on expenses by _.6. Biotech firms have not much interest in the developing world market because_.A.running business there needs much in distributionB.farmers there are too poor to buy their productsC.these firms want to keep their technology secretD.farmers there dont like genetically modified crops7. As the center site of the worship of Zeus, Olympia hosted the opening ceremony for the ancient Olympic games.8. According to Ekman who studies micro-facial expressions of liars, a wrinkled nose probably shows ones _.9.When unemployed, some careerists take the opportunity to _ family matters in addition to pursuing training or volunteering.10.How did people in colonies respond to the Tea Act?A.They showed their loyalty to the British government.B.They were dedicated to the Revolutionary War.C.They paid nearly $1 million to the EIC.D.They threw a huge amount of tea into Boston Harbor.11.How to Get a Great IdeaThe guests had arrived, and the wine was warm. Once again, Id forgotten to refrigerate it. Dont worry. a friend said, I can chill it for you right away.Five minutes later she emerged from the kitchen with the wine perfectly cooled. Asked to reveal her secret, she said, Easy. I poured the wine in a plastic bag and then dipped it in ice water. After a few minutes the wine was cold. The hard part was getting it back into bottle. I couldnt find a funnel (漏斗), so I made a cone with wax paper.My guests applauded. How wonderful if we could all be that clever, one remarked.A decade of research has convinced me we can. What separates the average person from Edison, Picasso or even Shakespeare isnt creative capacity-its the ability to use that capacity by encouraging creative impulses and then acting upon them. Most of us seldom achieve our creative potential. I think I know why, and I can help unlock the reservoir of ideas hiding within every one of us.One puzzle Ive watched students deal with is retrieving a Ping-Pong ball that has fallen to the bottom of sealed, vertical drainpipe. The tools that they can use are either too short to reach the ball or too wide to fit into the pipe, which is also too narrow to reach into by hand. At last some students make the connection: drainpipewaterfloating. They pour water down the hole, and the ball floats to the top.This and many other experiments suggest concrete ways of increasing creativity in all of us. Here are the best techniques.Capture the fleetingA good idea is like a rabbit. It runs by so fast that sometimes you see only its ears or tail. To capture it, you must be ready. Creative people are always ready to act, and that may be the only difference between us and them.Poet Lowell wrote of the urgency with which she captured new ideas, Whatever I am doing, I lay it aside and attend to the arriving poem, she wrote. Like many other writers, Lowell sought paper and pencil when she saw a good idea coming. I enter new ideas into a pocket computer. Anything-even a napkin-will do.In a letter to a friend in 1821, Ludwig van Beethoven talked about bow he thought of a beautiful tune while dozing in carriage. But scarcely did I awake when away flew the tune, he wrote, and I could not recall any part of it. Fortunately for Beethoven and for us-the next day in the same carriage, the tune came back to him, and this time he captured it in writing.When a good idea comes your way, write it down on your arm if necessary. Not every idea will have value, of course. The point is to capture first and evaluate them later.DaydreamSurrealist Dali used to lie on a sofa, holding a spoon. Just as he began to fall asleep, Dali would drop the spoon onto a plate on the floor. The sound shocked him awake, and he would immediately sketch the images he had seen in his mind in that fertile world of semi-sleep.Everyone experiences this strange state, and everyone can take advantage of it. Try Dalis trick, or just allow yourself to daydream. For many, the three bs bed, bath and bus-are productive, there, and anywhere else you can be with your thoughts undisturbed, youll find that ideas emerging freely.Seek challengesWhen youre stuck behind a locked door, ever
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