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2022年吉林省通化市大学英语6级大学英语六级模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Whats the right activity for me?Whoever you are, theres an activity for you. And just as getting fitter doesnt have to mean pushing yourself to the limits of your endurance, you dont have to be technically brilliant at a particular sport to derive pleasure and health benefits from it.Some people hold back from getting fit because they feel self-conscious about their ability or body and want to find an activity they can do on their own, but organized classes and sports clubs can provide you with support and motivation, as well as a chance to make new friends.If youre interested in football, hockey or other team sports, for example, many local clubs will have several teams of varying abilities, while there are plenty of aerobics(有氧健身) or yoga classes specifically designed to cater for beginners.Youre never too old to learn to swim, or you can take classes to improve your technique if thats whats holding you back.But many activities can be done by yourself, and require neither technical expertise nor much in the way of equipment or expens just your willingness to give it a go.Here are some of the best, easiest and most popular ways to start getting fit, as well as some suggestions for alternatives, that get you started or put you in touch with a local club.WalkingMost of us walk at some point each day but we do it far less than we used to. The government calculates theres been a decline of more than 20 percent in the number of miles walked since the mid-1980s.But walking is the simplest and cheapest of all exercises, and making it a regular activity and focusing on the intensity or distance covered can greatly iflcrease your fitness.Walking improves the condition of your heart and lungs and works the muscles of the lower body. Its a weight-bearing activity, so it may improve bone density, yet its also low impact, putting less stress on the joints than some other forms of exercise.Aside from the health benefits of walking, some of the countrys most beautiful scenery can only be accessed on foot, so if you dont try walking, think what youre denying yourself. If youre a novice, go in groups or as part of an organized outing via a ramblers club.Walking up hills expends more energy even walking down again uses more energy than walking on the flat, but if you dont think youre ready for the hills yet. boost your fitness by walking just about anywhere.You could try power walking in the park. For example:the idea is to walk at such a fast pace that it would actually be easier to brcak into a run. You burn more calories walking at this speed than you would running at the same pace.Running/joggingRunning might just be the ultimate way to get fit:its cheap, can be done anywhere, at any time and, most importantly, is very effective. Theres really no difference between running and jogging, although jogging is often used to describe running at a slow pace. Whatever you call it, all you need is a good pair of running shoes and a little enthusiasm.As long as youre healthy and take it easy to start with, anyone can run. If you have a history of certain diseases like chest pain. high blood pressure, or have had recent surgery or are pregnant, consult a doctor first. As a high-impact activity, running may maintain or increase bone density. But it can also put more stress on your joints than lower impact activities such as walking and cycling, especially if youre overweight. Again, if youre concerned, consult your doctor.As with all exercise, you must warm up first. Start by walking at a brisk pace, then gradually break into a slow jog. Run at a pace at which you can still hold a conversation, but which definitely feels harder than walking. If youre getting too breA.offer readers information about sports activitiesB.persuade readers to try cheap ways of exerciseC.attract potential athletes to register for sports eventsD.ask people to donate in order to develop public sports2.There is not much change in theweather in the tropical rainforests all the year round.A.Y B.N C.NG3.Majority of countries suspect the statement that the world trade chains will collapse because _.A.they believe the agreements and the open trade systemB.the globe economic is recoveringC.many countries governments support importation and exportationD.the globe trade is thriving4._ have increased greatly in the past century.5. To grab the interviewers attention, it is necessary to edit time and time again and make a resume that is _.6.Ways to Take It to the Next LevelNo matter what youre doing, there comes a time when you are going to want to take things up a notch. Maybe its your career-even if things are going along fine right now, ultimately youd like to get a pr
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