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2022年四川省德阳市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.According to Isaac-Mohr, increased selectivity means better students are going to all colleges.A.Y B.N C.NG2.She studies at Pennsylvania College for Women first with a major in _ then changed her major to _.3.According to scientists at the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center. within about 60 years, there will be _ on the Arctic Ocean.4.What do local residents claim for?A.They are sick because of years of pollution.B.They are sick because of industries on their doorsteps.C.They are sick because of pesticides from agriculture.D.They are sick because of air pollution.5.Consumers are encouraged to buy low-fat milk rather than _.6. Martinus van Schalkwyk, the minister of environmental affairs and tourism, visited the south Durban basin earlier this year and said there were measures in place to _.7. The example of crossing the street shows that the middle school boy is _.8. _has temporary effect on relieving stress, but not on eliminating it.A.Going window-shoppingB.Reading a good bookC.Using prescription medicationsD.Eating properly9.By saying As you experiment, avoid random motion, the author means you should _10.What, according to the author, caused the decline of theatre business?A.There are not professional theatres in large provincial towns.B.During World War , a lot of theatres were destroyed.C.Some people begin to choose stay at home and watch TV.D.The performance of the plays is becoming worse and worse.11. The oxidation of the decayed dead algal bodies cant _ .A.lower the amount of oxygen in the fiver waterB.make the water taste badlyC.make the water unsuitable for human consumptionD.make the bacteria dead12.What is not said to be a way of cleaning up after ourselves?A.Throw less away.B.Design recycled products.C.Dont use it again.D.Last longer.13.New drugs usually are not tested on the people who are _.14.It has been said that the English and the Americans are two great people separated by one language.A.Y B.N C.NG15.During World War II, more younger people took up smoking.A.Y B.N C.NG16.Foods vary in the quantity of proteins they contain per typical serving.A.Y B.N C.NG17.To have empowering thoughts, what should you do first?A.To try to take positive steps.B.To be willing to make a switch.C.To be clear about your inner thoughts.D.To be ready for hurt and anger.18.Cokes advertising once showed a young man drawing a glass of Coke from one of the crockery urns then used to_ .19.The passage tells us why baths and massages benefit us in terms of mood.A.Y B.N C.NG20.Whats so mysterious about back problems?A.The impossibility to measure the intensity of the pain.B.The unknown origin of the pain.C.The disconnect between spine defects and pain.D.The low percentage of people with abnormal discs among the healthy.二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.(31)A.More contact with friends.B.An opportunity to reconsider their life.C.A more promising job.D.A better family lifd.22.听力原文: Hello everybody, and welcome back to the thrilling game at the Tokyo Dome with the U.S. team. The game with the Japanese national team is going into the second half, 51 to 26. The U.S. Dream Team is made up of NBA veterans-supposedly the best we have to offer-but they need a miracle to dig themselves out of a hole and come back at this point.Unfortunately for the Dream Team, their leading scorer, High-Fly Wilson, was ejected one minute into the second quarter after climbing into the stands and fighting with a spectator who had continually heckled Wilson for shooting three airballs in a row. Another bizarre moment came late in the second quarter when the Japanese center, Tomohiro Suzuki, suffered a concussion and was knocked out cold as he collided with the knee of one of his own teammates. There have also been several other injuries, including the loss of starting forward, Masa Harada.Some of the coaches on the U.S. team are attributing the teams sluggish performance to some raw fish they had last night while attending a banquet in their honor. Who knows whatll be next. OK. It looks like were ready for the second half.(33)A.They are leading in the game.B.The score is really close.C.The Dream Team is way behind.D.They win the game.23.(44)24.(28)A.They smile to cover embarrassment.B.It is an unusual and even suspicious behavior.C.They smile to show politeness.D.It is an expression of pleasure.25.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should list
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