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2022-2023年山东省泰安市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.For the entire Iditarod race, a sled dog team has to eat so much as to _.2.The words work and play are generally used to refer to day and night.A.Y B.N C.NG3.Nowadays sled dogs are still necessary when _.A.there are severe weather conditionsB.flying machines are full with passengersC.snow machines use up power in the Arctic regionD.people need partners during the travel4.Raymond Kurzweil thinks that ultrasmart machines are _.A.unimaginableB.life-threateningC.advantageousD.unacceptable5.The kind of _ Wilcox possessed can only be nurtured by years of living a life in nature.6.According to Nadines calculation, she can pay off all her debt when she is _ if she can get a salary of120,000 a year fight out of law school.7.Insurance companies usually pay the same amount _, Sutter says, so the hospital is left picking up the tab for the more expensive robotic surgery.8.As the bandwidth increased to 550 MHz, the number of TV channels increased by _compared with the early cable systems.A.24 B.33 C.58 D.919.Kentucky Fried Chickens famous advertising phrase finger lickin good became cat your fingers off in the Chinese translation, and this faulty translation caused the fast food chain _.10.You can judge whether youve reached your career turning point after you _.11.If Waldo Wilcox shoots the mountain lion without killing it, he will make much money by selling it to a zoo.A.Y B.N C.NG12.What do children usually do when they dont feel like attending school?13.Jessica had a plan to fake Bob on _ of London the next day.14.The passage mainly states how to get well in touch with the two fathers.A.Y B.N C.NG15.As a part of DHSs Metropolitan Medical Response System, a city can obtain _ in developing plans.16.Traditional radical prostatectomy(前列腺切除术), which would require an_ and at least two days in the hospital.17.Compared with the labor market, the stock market is a more abstract sort of market.A.Y B.N C.NG18.If a drug can bring great benefit to a patient, the patient may be willing to take the drug even with the risk for _.19.A person who thinks about having weight loss surgery should find _ bariatric surgeon.20.According to the industry experts at ASPO, the production of oil will decrease significantly in the world by 2008.A.Y B.N C.NG二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.【B8】22.听力原文:M: My goodness, the service in this restaurant is really terrible, a lot worse than before.W: Right. Its high time they got rid of half the staff here if you ask me.What can we learn from the conversation?(16)A.Neither of them has a favorable opinion of the service.B.The woman is having a terrible time serving in the restaurantC.Both agree its time for the restaurant to fire some employers.D.The man thinks the restaurant is all right, but the woman doesnt.23.(36)A.He was a man full of responsibility for German citizens.B.He was a man with little courage to face the threat of war.C.He was an eccentric man who loves hot weather.D.He was a man of many talents with a sense of idealism.24.听力原文:W: Hi, Peter. I was surprised to see you in the class in childrens literature yesterday. Are you also majoring in elementary education?M: No, Im not. But as a psychology major I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology.Q: What do you learn from the conversation?(14)A.The two speakers are classmates.B.The man is majoring in elementary education.C.The woman is majoring in elementary education.D.The two speakers got to know each other in a class.25.听力原文:W:The visiting economist is speaking tonightBut Dr. Johnson doesnt seem to think much of himM:That is because Dr. Johnson comes from an entirely different school of thought.Q:what do we learn from the womans remark?(15)A.The visiting economist has given several lectures.B.Dr. Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates.C.Dr. Johnson invited the economist to visit their college.D.The guest lecturers opinion is different from Dr. Johnsons.26.听力原文:M: Would you be interested in going to Paris with me this Sunday? I want to take in a show.W: Id love to, if I dont have guesses coming. What about next weekend?Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?(16)A.Meet her this weekend in Paris.B.Ask someone else to the show.C.Invite her guests to come along.D.Go to Paris with her another time.27.听力原文: Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not des
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