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2022-2023年湖南省怀化市大学英语6级大学英语六级学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Using the containers to transport can keep the goods clean.A.Y B.N C.NG2.Though the grind have good grades, what do they still lack?A.Self-discipline.B.Good memory.C.Original opinions.D.Writing practice.3. It found that increases in air pollution tended to _.4.Huygens clock, a mechanical one, had an error of less than only one minute a day, which was a massive leap in the development of _.5. Immune-regulated diseases are related to stress because such diseases_.A.tend to produce a stress-related chemicalB.will affect a persons character severelyC.will make people weak in body and soulD.tend to undermine the response to stress6. Mr. Young usually holds a_with the worker who is a substance abuser to discuss how to solve the problem.7.The ever-increasing exploitation of rivers has resulted in various problems except _ .A.decrease of the depth of the channelsB.fall of the water table of the surrounding areaC.destruction of the rivers in ecosystemsD.water pollution8.The relationship between some colleges and retirement communities is _.A.similar in that there are more females than malesB.opposite in that females perform. better in colleges while males better in retirement communitiesC.similar in that females perform. better than malesD.opposite in that there are more females than males in colleges9.According to the FAO, as the demand for organic food and products increases, prices will be lower for organic products than conventional products.A.Y B.N C.NG10. What do we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs?A.He was forced to leave home three years ago.B.He sold the house to pay for his world tour.C.He learned a lot from traveling around the world.D.He got a Ph. D in Geography in three and a half years.11. Martinus van Schalkwyk, the minister of environmental affairs and tourism, visited the south Durban basin earlier this year and said there were measures in place to _.12.Controlling air pollution is another crucial objective, the wrong-door is the_.13.Theoretically, people can burn all of the conventional natural resources and can still realize the great goals of _.14.What made a lot of large animals disappear in the past?A.Original vegetation cut down or burned.B.Habitats fragmenting and animals homeless.C.Hunting unchecked and without supervision.D.Mining, logging ,and energy exploration.15.Giant PandaCharacteristics of Giant PandasThe scientific name of Giant Panda is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, which means cat-footed animals in black and white color. An adult panda can be as tall as 1.6 to 1.8 meters with body weight ranging from 60 to 160 kg. Male Giant Pandas are larger than females, and they weigh about l0to 20% heavier. The head of the Giant Panda is large, with a broad round face, flat nose and round protruding ears. Surrounding the eyes are the characteristic black patches. The ears, limbs and shoulders are covered with black fur while the fur on the other parts of the body is white. Scientists believe that the black and white coloration helps Giant Pandas avoid contact with each other. However, at the same time, this distinctive coloration can help them find each other easily during mating seasons. The fur of the Giant Panda is actually rough, short and very dense. The oily nature of the fur can prevent penetration of moisture, which is an important adaptation to living in humid environment. Giant Pandas ability to see far is weak. However, their auditory and olfactory (嗅觉) senses are very strong.Habitat of Giant PandasThey are solely found in Sichuan, and the southwestern parts of Gansu and Shanxi provinces. The Giant Pandas live in bamboo forests ranging from 4,000 to 11,000 feet above sea level, where it is humid. In winter, they migrate lower down the mountains, while in summer they stay in the higher reaches. The males home range is larger than that of the female. A males home range can be up to 30 square kilometers.Behavior. of Giant PandasGiant Pandas are most active in the morning and at dusk. Giant Pandas sleep hidden away inside caves and dens which may be a hollow at the bottom of a large tree truck. Giant Pandas are solitary animals. They spend their lives alone, except during mating seasons or when females rear their young. Giant Pandas live in well-defined territories. Giant Pandas urinate (小便) or scent on trees to warn others of their presence in the territory. They also vocalize, producing sounds such as roaring or bleating (similar to that of a domestic goat), to convey to the others their intentions. Giant Pandas defecate (排便) about 48 times a day. In the wild, defecates are useful research mate
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