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2022-2023年山东省泰安市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.If the paint hasnt begun to dry, sand the run off and touch up the spot with _.2.Why does the passage say anxiety is part of the fight or flight mechanism?A.Anxiety is an organ of our body or part of our body.B.Anxiety is a warning for you to fight or to escape from danger.C.Anxiety kept people alive when in danger.D.Anxiety is a carry-over from our ancient ancestors3. To build your audience, youd better catch the opportunities to be acquainted with people and try to catch their attention on you.4.Lisa Perez found a new interest in homemaking during the period of unemployment.A.Y B.N C.NG5. Only a small percentage of Americas high school seniors plan to major in engineering at college.6.The popularity of Grand Theft Auto 3 will stimulate producers to invest more violent videogames because they are _.7.According to the description of Buckminster Fuller, the two advantages of triangle in strength were _.8.The Internet is greatly changing customer behavior, including their shopping mode.A.Y B.N C.NG9.The United States made a mistake on the details of _.10.The newer SAT II Subject Tests are supposed to assess students _ .A.ability to enter collegeB.knowledge of college studyC.level of versatilityD.knowledge of a subject11. Domes are the environment-friendly building.12.The meaning of buzz words, if they have, is based on connotations instead of _.13. Why could Adam Smith be the last economist as the face on a bank note?A.No economic thinker could be more honorable.B.Cash is very versatile and enduring.C.We will not need money in the near future.D.Electronic money will replace cash in the future.14.The success of a party sometimes depends on _.A.how much fun people are havingB.whether it is loud or notC.whether parties provide an excellent environmentD.whether people are in good moods and spirits15.Tape and ape means _.16.In Australia a disturbing trend arises that young persons between the age of 15 to 24 are taking their own lives at an alarming rate.A.Y B.N C.NG17.Rachel Carsons writings are both _ and _.18. When athletes won in the Olympic games, they enjoyed various privileges for them to _.19. The phenomenon of men having two things sciatica and upcoming wedding in common indicates that _ .A.pre-marriage anxiety is inevitable for most menB.psychological distress may contribute to low-back painC.almost all bridegrooms have a degenerated or herniated discD.back pain may intensify pre-marriage jitters20. According to Sunil Bharti Mittal, what will revolutionize the traditional money-transfer business?A.Alliance of telephone operators and MasterCard.B.The large demand of immigrants and migrant workers.C.Sending money by text messages.D.International telephone networks.二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.(44)22.(26)A.She will call Mr. Taylor in the next few days.B.She will talk over their discussion with others.C.She will ask her colleagues to call Mr. Taylor.D.She will not contact him for further consideration.23.听力原文: (29)A student credit card? Is it right for me, and can it help me pay for expenses online such as online courses, music, language-learning materials, or even a degree?Actually, the answer might be yes or no, depending on your circumstances. Of course, probably the best advice is to save up and then make purchases with cash. Unfortunately, different online services often require a credit card. Here are some. ideas to getting a credit card. First of all, obtaining a student credit card is becoming easier, and many companies are offering such cards to students in this growing market. From a students perspective, it allows a person to pay for things online that only can be purchased on credit. (30)Furthermore, it can help students build a good credit history that is often needed later for bigger purchases like a car or home.Inspite of these advantages, students have to be careful because interest rates on such cards are often higher and have higher penalties if you fail to pay on time. Furthermore, students may spend well beyond their means and end up in debt that they cant pay off.Perhaps a happy medium is for students to get a debit card that has a credit limit, and money for purchases is just deducted from existing funds from a students account. Thus, it operates like a checking account, and (31)when the students spending reaches the credit limit, they cant continue to spend.Before you decide to get a student credit card, look carefully at the agreement terms for each company and compare the advantages and disadvantage
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