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2022-2023年河南省新乡市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.You may take shelter on upper floors of high, multi-story, reinforced concrete hotels when it is impossible to_.2.Nowadays, pharmaceutical sales reps have shorter visits with the doctor than those in the past because _.3.The basic principles applied to natural-gas vehicles are quite different from those applied to gasoline-powered vehicles.A.Y B.N C.NG4. Higher-income households purchased less _ RTE cereal than low-income house-holds.5.Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 14, markY(for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N(for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG(for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 510, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODSAre genetically modified crops an environmental dream come- true or a disaster in the making? Scientists are looking for answers.The world seems increasingly divided into those who favor genetically modified (GM) foods and those who fear them. Advocates assert that growing genetically altered crops can be kinder to the environment and that eating foods from those plants is perfectly safe. And, they say, genetic engineering which can induce plants to grow in poor soils or to produce more nutritious foods will soon become an essential tool for helping to feed the worlds burgeoning population. Skeptics contend that GM crops could pose unique risks to the environment and to health risks too troubling to accept placidly. Taking that view, many European countries are restricting the planting and importation of GM agricultural products. Much of the debate hinges on perceptions of safety. But what exactly does recent scientific research say about the hazards? The answers, too often lost in reports on the controversy, are served up in the pages that follow.Two years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland eco - vandals stormed a field, crushing canola plants. Last year in Maine, midnight raiders hacked down more than 3,000 experimental poplar trees. And in San Diego, protesters smashed sorghum and sprayed paint over greenhouse walls.This far - flung outrage took aim at genetically modified crops. But the protests backfired: all the destroyed plants were conventionally bred. In each case, activists mistook ordinary plants for GM varieties.Its easy to understand why. In a way, GM cropsnow on some 109 million acres of farmland worldwideare invisible. You cant see, taste or touch a gene inserted into a plant or sense its effects on the environment. You cant tell, just by looking, whether pollen containing a foreign gene can poison butterflies or fertilize plants miles away. That invisibility is precisely what worries people. How, exactly, will GM crops affect the environment- and when will we notice?Advocates of GM, or transgenic, crops say the plants will benefit the environment by requiring fewer toxic pesticides than conventional crops. But critics fear the potential risks and wonder how big the benefits really are. We have so many questions about these plants, remarks Guenther Stotzky, a soil microbiologist at New York University. Theres a lot we dont know and need to find out.As GM crops multiply in the landscape, unprecedented numbers of researchers have started fanning into the fields to get the missing information. Some of their recent findings arc reassuring; others suggest a need for vigilance.Fewer Poisons in the Soil?Every year U. S. growers shower crops with an estimated 971 million pounds of pesticides, mostly to kill insects, weeds and fungi. But pesticide residues linger on crops and the surrounding soil, leaching into groundwater, running into streams and getting gobbled up by wildlife. The constant chemical trickle is an old worry for environmentalists.In the mid - 1990s agribusinesses began advertising GM seeds that promised to reduce a farmers use of toxic pesticides. Today most GM cropsmainA.Y B.N C.NG6.Fear of tests may even lead to good performance in a test.A.Y B.N C.NG7.Consumers are encouraged to buy low-fat milk rather than _.8.The book The Play of Power still _ the public policy, although not in separate chapters.9.According to the passage, a speaker with self-confidence will _.A.stand as a soldierB.have more body languagesC.speak in a slow and tender voiceD.make self-changes to his audience10.In Mark Twains later years, what he mainly did was_.11.Four recent events should between them trigger the required overthrow of the mindset. The first components and second components have been man
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