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2022-2023年山西省太原市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Your divorce application can be accepted if you make it in half a year after you find any adultery of your spouse.A.Y B.N C.NG2.Researchers studies indicated that the couples who owned a pet can _.3.The book The Play of Power still_the public policy, although not in separate chapters.4.The author believes that many discoveries in science, engineering and the arts mix ideas from _.5.Freeman concludes that kids are robbed of their sense of belonging to the society by_.6.It s the monitoring function that makes the host processor finally solve a dispute about a transaction.A.Y B.N C.NG7.It is suggested to provide opportunities for employees to express their ideas about _.8. When companies started losing lawsuits regarding their chemical emissions, the idea of toxic reduction became rather popular in _.9._on the developing countries path out of poverty would be the crime of the century.10.Sunlight is the deserts most common resource while fresh air is the deserts greatest necessity.A.Y B.N C.NG11.Paul was concerned not only about his own safety but about the safety of his Sudanese driver and interpreter.A.Y B.N C.NG12.In all hostage situations, the hostage-taker invariably wants something and the real target is a third party.A.Y B.N C.NG13.The number of women smokers started to increase greatly during _.14.Before Pia Abola got a position at the MSI, she spent at home _.A.two years B.three years C.four years D.five years15.According to cost-per-wear rule, the reasonable price of clothing should be under _ if you wear it 10 times in a year.16.Why did people reconsider to make natural gas as a fuel source in the late 1960s and early 1970s?A.Because the price of gasoline was high.B.Because natural-gas vehicles are much faster than other vehicles.C.Because people made much account of environmental protection.D.Because it was short of oil.17.In some Asian countries known for strict discipline such as Japan and Singapore, young people suffer serious psychological problems.A.Y B.N C.NG18.No matter how advanced the technology of measuring time will be we should never lose the ability to tell the time approximately by _.19.Economizing of the PoorComprehending Economizing of the PoorWalking down the aisles of a supermarket, low-income shoppers must consider a number of factors including quantity, price, quality and nutritional differences when selecting food products. Food-purchase decisions by the poor often entail balances among taste, preference and quality factors-either real or perceived-to meet spending constraints. Within broad product categories such as cereal, cheese, meat and poultry, and fruits and vegetables, shoppers can choose among many substitutable products. Low-income shoppers can extend their food dollars in a number of ways. They may shop in discount food stores; they may purchase and consume less food than higher-income shoppers; they may purchase low-priced (and possibly lower quality) food products; or they may rely on some combination of all three. A better understanding of how the poor economize in food spending addresses important policy questions raised by researchers, nutrition educators, and food-assistance program managers.The Correlation between the Location and PriceWhether the poor face significantly different food prices due to where they shop for food remains an unresolved empirical question. Extensive research over the years has tried to answer the question-Do the poor pay less for food? The Economic Research Service (ERS) in 1997 received the results of studies comparing price differences in grocery stores across different income levels and combined these with current census data on the distribution of low-income households by urbanization type. The ERS study concluded that, in general, the poor face higher prices due to their greater representation in urban and rural areas (as opposed to suburban areas), where food prices tend to be higher.Higher Prices but Less SpendingBased on results from household surveys, ERS also found that despite facing higher prices, low-income shoppers spend less than higher-income shoppers for food purchased in food stores. Due to their level of aggregation and lack of in-store sales and promotion information, such surveys shed little light on the economizing practices of households. To learn more about how low-income shoppers spend less for food despite facing higher prices, we obtained food-store purchase data that incorporate per-capita quantity and expenditure-measure equivalents (household measures adjusted for household size) across income levels.The Main Economizing Pr
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