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2022-2023年河南省郑州市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.A Clean World or a Polluted World?Consume, consume, consume! Our society is consumer-oriented dangerously so. To keep the wheels of industry turning, we manufacture consumer goods in endless quantities, and, in the process, are rapidly exhausting our natural resources. But this is only half the problem. What do we do with manufactured products when they are worn out? They must be disposed of, but how and where? Unsightly junkyards full of rusting automobiles already surround every city in the nation. Americans throw away 80 billion bottles and cans each year, enough to build more than ten stacks to the moon. There isnt room for much more waste, and yet the factories grind on. They cannot stop because everyone wants a job. Our standard of living, one of the highest in the world, requires the consumption of manufactured products in ever-increasing amounts. Man, about to be buried in his own waste, is caught in a vicious cycle. Stop the world, I a want to get off, is the way a popular song put mans dilemma.It wasnt always like this. Only 100 years ago man lived in harmony with nature. There werent so many people then and their wants were fewer. Whatever wastes were produced could be absorbed by nature and were soon covered over. Today this harmonious relationship is threatened by mans lack of foresight and planning, and by his carelessness and greed. For man is slowly poisoning his environment.Pollution is a dirty word. To pollute means to contaminateto spoil something by introducing in purities which make it unfit or unclean to use. Pollution comes in many forms. We see it, smell it, taste it, drink it, and stumble through it. We literally live in and breathe pollution, and, not surprisingly, it is beginning to threaten our health, our happiness, and our very civilization.Once we thought of pollution as meaning simply smogthe choking, stinging, dirty air that hovers over cities. But air pollution, while it is still the most dangerous, Is only one type of contamination among several which attack the most basic life functions.Through the uncontrolled use of insecticides, man has polluted the land, killing the wildlife. By dumping sewage and chemicals into rivers and lakes, we have contaminated our drinking water. We are polluting the oceans, too, killing the fish and thereby depriving ourselves of an invaluable food supply.Part of the problem is our exploding population. More and more people produce more wastes. But this problem is intensified by our throw-away technology. Each year Americans dispose of 7 million autos, 20 million tons of waste paper, 25 million pounds of toothpaste tubes and 48 million cans. We throw away gum wrappers, newspapers, and paper plates. It is no longer fashionable to reuse anything. Today almost everything is disposable. Instead of repairing a toaster or a radio, it is easier and cheaper to buy a new one and discard the old, even though 93 percent of its parts may still be functioning. Baby diapers, which used to be made of reusable cloth, are now paper throw-aways. Soon we will wear clothing made of paper: Wear it once and throw it away will be the slogan of the fashion conscious.Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a gigantic dump, or is there hope that we can solve the pollution problem? Fortunately, solutions are in sight. A few of them are positively ingenious.Take the problem of discarded automobiles, for instance. Each year over 40,000 of them are abandoned in New York City alone. Eventually the discards end up in a junkyard. But cars are too bulky to ship as scrap to a steel mill. They must first be flattened. This is done in a giant compressor which can reduce a Cadillac to the size of a television set in a matter of minutes. Any leftover scrap metals mixed with concrete and made into exceptionally strong bricks that are used in builA.Y B.N C.NG2.By Death Control, the author means control of the worlds population.A.Y B.N C.NG3.Selling things in the marketplace is_.4. A large sum of money must be spent on Lyubomirskys research because it needs to trace a lot of people _.5.Why are conservationists cooperating with local people in Madagascar and Brazil?A.Because they care about tigers and rhinos.B.Because they are scared by the fact and want to give up.C.Because they want to associate the protection with welfare of the locals.D.Because they want to avoid deforestation.6.If most employees often take business trips, then the office could be much smaller.A.Y B.N C.NG7.If the eyes of a sleeping person flicker back and forth rapidly, that means he or she is in _.8. By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when a buying is done.9.During the 19th century, natu
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