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2022-2023年四川省乐山市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Large-package purchase can benefit low-income households in theory, but it seldom works in reality.A.Y B.N C.NG2.Half a year after his 60th birthday, Forbes had his prostate and lymph nodes removed and his bladder to his urethra reattached(尿道).A.Y B.N C.NG3.Just like fatigue and weakness, depression is one symptom of_.4.Consumer mistrust has led to _ about drug safety and risks.5.According to Bob Bernhard, in order to reduce road noise, people must change _.6. Why Americans travel overseas less than their western counterparts?A.Their vacations tend to be shorter.B.They cant afford international tours.C.They are more interested in making money.D.They prefer staying where Americans are in the majority.7.Trees can indirectly help the exposition of calcium and magnesium with their roots _.8.One innovative proposal proposed by some experts is providing _ for 25,000 qualified undergraduate students.9.In most circumstances, compared with notes and coins the predominance of a phone or a smart card involves _.A.fastness B.convenience C.popularity D.anonymity10.In 1930, The Green Pastures, a musical performed by just black actors and actresses, opens on Broadway, February 2A.Y B.N C.NG11.British companies have proposed designs that are more suitable than the X-33 and X-34, but the government does not support it.A.Y B.N C.NG12.Americans must be fully aware that _ for children and youth are essential to the nations health and progress.13.The federal government encourages people to buy hybrids by giving the owners a one-time _.14.CPAP is a useful machine for people with snoring problems because it can help to_.15.Any two networks in piconets is unlikely to be on the same frequency simultaneously because each network is changing its _ thousands of times a second.16. In the happiness pie chart, error factors account for 10 percent.17.Children who have fat mothers are much more likely to become obese themselves later in life because of _.18. What will happen in the middle of the 21st century, if we consume resources much faster than their replacement?A.We can have another planet called the Earth.B.We will use up resources on Earth.C.We will work out replaceable resources.D.We will migrate to another planet to live.19. The EPA recommend _ to treat buildings sick.A.not using air-condition and opening the windowsB.cutting energy costs and letting the air inC.using routine maintenance of HVAC systemsD.not working in office buildings20.If you can make readjustments in your fitness plan as you age, you can stay strong and flexible and _.二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.【B4】22.(17)A.He does not know who Alice is.B.He has found a job as a messenger.C.He does not want to deliver the note.D.He does not know who Alice is.23.【B8】24.(15)A.That the man will not be able to sleep.B.That someone will enter the back door while the man is sleeping.C.That the lock on the door will break.D.That the man will not be able to come back.25.听力原文:M: Are you going to study after supper, Mary, or would you like to come to the Ritz with us?W: Thanks a lot, but I cant. Anyway, Ive already seen the movie theyre showing there.Q: What is Mary going to do?(19)A.Go out for supper.B.Go to the movies.C.Get ready for the show.D.Have supper and then study.26.(36)A.The German team.B.The British team.C.The Brazilian Team.D.The American team.27.听力原文:M: What kind of father am I? My only son almost died, and I didnt even know he was ill.W: Don t blame yourself. You were too busy to pay attention to him. If his mother was still alive, things would have been much better.Q: Why does the man blame himself?.(18)A.At the airport.B.In a travel agency.C.In a hotel.D.At the reception desk.28.听力原文:M: What time is it? I dont have my watch with me.W: My watch has stopped. I must have forgotten to wind it last night. Lets ask Mary over there.Q: What does the woman suggest?(17)A.Winding the watch.B.Stopping the watch.C.Setting the watch by the radio.D.Asking Mary about the time.29.(32)A.Protecting roads along the shore.B.Building on beaches with seawalls.C.Adding sand to beaches with seawalls.D.Stopping building seawalls.30.(13)A.He enjoyed using his new camera.B.He left his camera at the airport.C.He left his camera in his friends car.D.He lost his camera on his trip.31.【B11】32.(21)A.She had promised that she would.B.She has been sick.C.She needs his approval for
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