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2022-2023年四川省雅安市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The crop circles were thought to be the greatest works of modem art, the signs of _ or landing sites of UFOs.2.Studies have shown that _ are the No. I reason for divorce for some couples.3.According to the writer, most of the culture shock happens when he _.A.went into the classroom after workB.left class and went back to workC.participated in a group projectD.took in a college sports event4.The beggars in London _ speak with anyone who talked about America.5.Four recent events should between them trigger the required overthrow of the mindset. The first components and second components have been manufactured for the International Space Station.A.Y B.N C.NG6.Making sure that Bluetooth and its connected devices dont interfere with one another can be difficult.A.Y B.N C.NG7.The disrupted natural ecosystem has led to _ of some species and put a lot of species in danger.8.Freud returned to Vienna in 188and began work as a doctor in _.9.Besides low birth rate, _ is another factor that fuels the trend of rural population in parts of Europe.10.Freud was the first man to help mental patients by having them talk about what made them anxious.A.Y B.N C.NG11. Stress is most likely to rise from conditions in which _.A.two persons with different characteristics work togetherB.a person always recalls past painful experienceC.a person has just get over a serious physical diseaseD.parents abuse their children too much in early nurturing12.Besides the discoveries of _ and _ Newton also developed one of the most powerful tools of mathematics - calculus.13.A control freak is a person who _.A.always feels overwhelmedB.wants to do everything on his ownC.is able to handle everythingD.sets a plan for everything he does14.Most models predict more warming in the troposphere than at the surface, whereas most datasets _.15.Natural gas VehiclesKermit the Frog once said, Its not that easy bein green. Although he wasnt referring to cars, his observation seems particularly appropriate for the auto industry today: Designing, developing and marketing green ears has not been an easy task, which is why gasoline powered vehicles still rule the road and fossil fuels still account for almost 75 percent of the worlds energy consumption. As gasoline prices soar and concern over harmful emission mounts, however, cars that run on alternate fuel sources will become increasingly important. A natural-gas vehicle, or NGV, is the perfect example of such a car-its fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership.Natural Gas BasicsThe word gas is a confusing term because it is used to describe many different substances that are similar but not exactly the same. For example, the gas you put in your car is gasoline, one component of crude oil, or petroleum. Petroleum is a dark, sticky liquid mixture of compounds formed underground by the decay of ancient marine animals.Natural gas also comes from the decay of ancient organisms, but it naturally takes a gaseous form. instead of a liquid form. Natural gas commonly occurs in association with crude oil. It is derived from both land plants and aquatic (水生的) organic matter and forms above or below oil deposits. It is often dissolved in crude oil at the high pressures existing in a reservoir. There are also reservoirs of natural gas, known as non-associated gas, that contain only gas and no oil.Natural gas consists primarily of methane (沼气) and other hydrocarbon gases. Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed only of the elements carbon and hydrogen. The hydrocarbons in natural gas are called saturated hydrocarbons because they contain hydrogen and carbon bound together by single bonds.Like gasoline, natural gas is combustible (易燃的), which means it can be used in a combustion engine like gasoline. But cars that could burn natural gas didnt appear on the scene until the 1930s.From Field to FordWe extract natural gas trapped in underground reservoirs by drilling wells into the earth. A modern well, equipped with diamond-studded drill bits, can drill to depths approaching 25,000 feet.Throughout the 19th century, the use of natural gas remained localized because there was no way to transport large quantities of gas over long distances. In 1890, the invention of a leak proof pipeline coupling made it possible to transport gas miles from the source. Improvements in pipeline technology continued over the next two decades until long-distance gas transmission became practical. From 1927 to 1931, laborers constructed more than 10 major natural gas transmission systems in the United States, making natu
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