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黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市成考专升本2023年英语第一次模拟卷(附答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1. The water will be further polluted unless some measures _.A.will be taken B.are taken C.were taken D.had been taken2. Let me help you, _?A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I3.Balloons float in the air_ boats do on the sea.A.just as B.when C.that D.where4. Whats the chance of there_an election this year? I have no idea.A.is B.to be C.being D.be5. Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may_.A.come round B.come back C.come again D.come out6.Tom was about to close the windows _ his attention was caught by a birdA.when B.suddenly C.and D.till7. This is my new dogHis name is Wisdom That s interestingWhy _did you give him such a name?A.in the earth B.in world C.on earth D.on the world8.Busy as they are, parents should _ at least two hours to spend with their children.A.set out B.set away C.set aside D.set off9. _today, be would get there by Friday.A.Were he leaveB.Was be leavingC.Were he to leaveD.If he leaves10. His handwriting is _yours.A.more better B.as well as C.much better than D.as better as11.I noticed his eyes _, because they were very large.A.in particular B.with particular C.in special D.with special12.The problem was settled to the complete of them, so they didn t complain.A.amazement B.satisfaction C.disappointment D.attraction13. My father_me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it.A.discouraged B.encouraged C.prevented D.asked14.After all this time youd think hed have forgotten, _ ?A.should you B.wouldnt you C.dont you D.do you15.to sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do harm to one s skin.A.Being exposedB.Having exposedC.ExposedD.After being exposed16. Thank you for the _you did me. to move the sofa upstairs.A.favor B.good C.help D.kindness17. _ your homework and make sure that you dont _ any mistakes.A.Do; do B.Make; make C.Make; do D.Do; make18.- Between the two possible plans, I m bound _the second oneA.favouring B.to favour C.for favouring D.to favouring19.These national parks are very important for preserving many animals, which would run the risk of becoming extinct.A.instead B.therefore C.nevertheless D.otherwise20.We can assign the work to_is reliable.A.whose B.whom C.whoever D.whomever21.Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him.A.did he begin B.had he begun C.he began D.he has begun22. _ you may be right, I cant altogether agree.A.While B.As C.if D.Since23.All the students went to the magic show yesterday. It was really _A.amusingly B.amuse C.amusing D.amused24. No conclusion has been _ yet.A.achieved B.reached C.attained D.arrived25._ crying sadly, he raised his head and let tears stream down his face on purposeA.To be seen B.Seeing C.To see D.Having seen26.I wondered what difficulty he had _ the plan?A.to carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.with carrying out27.Tom and Jack are both very clever. _, Tom is _Jack.A.All in all; as a clever boy asB.In other words; as clever a boy asC.That is to say; as a clever boy asD.In word; as clever a boy as28. Not only I but also Tom and Mary _fond of collecting stamps.A.am B.will C.are D.have29._ many times, he finally understood the problem.A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told30. He is too weak to _ the heavy box.A.rise B.put C.raise D.arise二、汉译英(20题)31. 运动会已经延迟到下星期一了。32. Obviously (这位发言人想要强调的是) the impact of these findings rather than the process that led to these findings.33. 你可以借这本书,条件是不要把它借给别人。34. 比尔是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。35. (很小和时候),I dreamed of traveling in European countries.36. 中国的文明史可以追溯到公元前3000年。37. 我们的冰箱坏了,必须找人修一下。38. 一定记住一到那里就给家里写信。39. 质量和价格都没有变。40. (如果你听从我的劝告), you will probably succeed.41. 在中国,人们常常把毛主席比作太阳。42. 她待我们很好,就像是对待她的亲兄弟一样。43. 就兴趣与爱好而言,他们几乎没有相似之处。44. 据说有些单亲家庭的孩子生活很悲惨。45. 教室里除还有一人外几乎空了,其他同学都已做完试卷离场了。46. There is no reason why you shouldnt tell him (提前) what you are going to do.47. (依靠我们自己), we overcame all the difficulties in building the highway.48. 众所周知,马克.吐温是一位美国大作家。49. 研究表明男人比女人更容易得心脏病。50. 我已了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的。三、语法与词汇(10题)51. Please dont _ (understand) me. My sole intention is to help you.52. Instead of Criticizing Elise for what she had: done, the teacher praised her_ (high).53. These studies give _ (leading) results because they havent looked at enough cases.54. That actor was almost _ (know) before he played that part.55. She is _ (fortune)
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