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Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3The world meets ChinaThe world meets ChinaReview:adverbial clauses Review:adverbial clauses To review adverbial clausesTo practice adverbial clauses by doing some exercisesTo read the timeline of culture exchange and find out what contributions each person madeLook at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions.a.You can only imagine how travellers felt when they saw the oasis of Dunhuang ahead of them.b.If you look up,you can see the paintings and other artworks c.Dunhuang was not as prosperous as it used to be.d.Given that the theme of the Expo was to promote cultural exchange,Dunhuang was the ideal place.1.Classify the adverbial clauses in the sentences.condition comparison reason timebcda2.What other types of adverbial clause can you think of?Give some examples.分分类引引导词例句例句时间状状语从句从句when/while/as(当当时),before(在在之前之前),after(在在之后之后),since(自从自从 以来以来),not until(直到直到才才),as soon as(一一就就),as(一一边一一边),no sooner than,hardly/scarcely when (一一就就)When it began to rain,Ben was helping his mom make dinner.He writes as he listens.He became an English teacher after he graduated from Peking University.He did not go to bed until his father came back.条件条件状状语从句从句if(如果如果),as/so long as(只要只要),unless(除非除非),in case(以防以防,万一万一)Unless bad weather stops me,I go for a walk every day.分分类引引导词例句例句原因状原因状语从句从句because(因因为),since(既然既然),as(由于由于)I didnt accept his help because I wanted to try it myself.Since we have no idea about this problem,lets ask Mr.Wang for help.目的目的状状语从句从句so that(以便以便,为了了),in order that(为了了),in case(以防以防,免免得得)They sped up so that/in order that they could get there on time.分分类引引导词例句例句结果果状状语从句从句so that/such that(如此如此以至于以至于)Its so hot that nobody wants to go out.让步步状状语从句从句though/although(尽管尽管,虽然然),even though/if(即使即使),whether or (不管不管还是是),whatever(无无论什么什么),whenever(无无论何何时),wherever(无无论哪里哪里)Although milk is good,you should not drink too much of it.Whatever you want to be,you need to work hard to achieve it.分分类引引导词例句例句比比较状状语从句从句than(比比),as as(和和一一样),not as/so as(不如不如)He is as tall as his brother.地点地点状状语从句从句where(的地方的地方),wherever(无无论哪里哪里)Where there is a will,there is a way.You can sit wherever you like.方式方式状状语从句从句as if/though(好像好像,似乎似乎),as(按照按照)It looks as if it is going to rain.Use a book as a bee does a flower.1.时间状语从句时间状语从句 (1)when引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句,主句主句是是一般将来时一般将来时或祈使句或祈使句,表示将来的意义时,表示将来的意义时,从句从句通常通常用用一般一般现在时。现在时。(简称简称“主将主将从现从现”“主祈从现主祈从现”)。e.g.When he comes here,I will call you.while引导引导的时间状语的时间状语从句从句表示正在发生某事的同时,另一表示正在发生某事的同时,另一件事发生了或正在发生。件事发生了或正在发生。多用进行时态,主句时态视情况而多用进行时态,主句时态视情况而定。定。e.g.While the teacher is speaking,I am listening carefully.(2)as soon as引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句,主、从句的时态:,主、从句的时态:主将从现。主将从现。e.g.Ill tell him the news as soon as he arrives.主、从句同为过去时。主、从句同为过去时。e.g.As soon as he got home,he threw his bag on the sofa.(3)until/till引导引导的时间状语的时间状语从句从句 主句主句为肯定句:谓语动词必须是延续性动词为肯定句:谓语动词必须是延续性动词,表示这一动,表示这一动作或状态一直延续到作或状态一直延续到until/till所表示的时间为止。所表示的时间为止。e.g.Ill wait for you till/until you come to see me.主句主句为为否否定句:谓语动词是非延续性动词定句:谓语动词是非延续性动词,常用句式常用句式 not until“直到直到才才”。表否定意义的词还有表否定意义的词还有never,nothing等。等。e.g.I didnt go to bed until I finished my homework.(4)since引导引导的时间状语的时间状语从句从句用一般过去时,主句用一般现在时用一般过去时,主句用一般现在时或现在完成时。或现在完成时。即即 have done since sb.did “自从某人自从某人做了做了一直一直”;It is+一段时间一段时间+since sb.did“(自从自从)做某事有做某事有(多久多久)”。e.g.I have worked in this school since I graduated from Peking University.It is 10 years since I began to study English.2.地点状语从句地点状语从句 地点状语从句常由地点状语从句常由where,wherever等引导,置于句首、句等引导,置于句首、句中或句末。中或句末。e.g.Where there is a will,there is a way.Stay where you are and dont move.Put it wherever we can see it.3.条件状语从句条件状语从句 (1)时态时态:主句为一般将来时或含有情态动词,从句用一般现主句为一般将来时或含有情态动词,从句用一般现在时。在时。e.g.Ill visit the Great Wall if it doesnt rain tomorrow.We cant pass the exam unless we study hard.(2)“祈使句祈使句,+and/or+陈述句陈述句”中,祈使句在意义上相当于中,祈使句在意义上相当于一个条件状语从句。一个条件状语从句。e.g.Use your head,and youll find a way.=If you use your head,youll find a way.(3)if是最常用的引导条件状语从句的连词,它表达的假设是最常用的引导条件状语从句的连词,它表达的假设既既可以是真实的条件,也可以是虚拟的条件。可以是真实的条件,也可以是虚拟的条件。e.g.If everyone does his part,the project will surely be a success.If I were you,I wouldnt go without saying goodbye.(4)unless 意为意为“如果不如果不,除非除非”,相当于相当于if not。e.g.Unless you make up your mind,I wont be able to help you.(5)so/as long as,on condition that 意为意为“只要只要”。e.g.So long as you run the marathon,you have the chance of winning a medal.I will do it on condition that you help me.(6)in case 意为意为“以防,万一以防,万一”,引导的从句为主句的动作提供引导的从句为主句的动作提供假设或理由。假设或理由。e.g.Youd better have a snack in case there is no time to eat later.4.原因状语从句原因状语从句 (1)通常用通常用because,since,as 引导原因状语从句引导原因状语从句。回答。回答why提提出的问题用出的问题用because。e.g.I didnt go to the movies because I have to finish my report.(2)如果原因是人们已知的事实,就要用如果原因是人们已知的事实,就要用since“既然既然”引导。引导。e.g.Since you cant answer the question,you can ask someone else for help.5.目的状语从句目的状语从句 (1)引导词引导词(组组):so that,in order that等。从句谓语中常含有等。从句谓语中常含有may,can,must,will等情态动词。等情态动词。e.g.He must get up early so that he can go to work on time.(2)当主、从句的主语一致时,从句可用当主、从句的主语一致时,从句可用“so a
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