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2022-2023年湖北省随州市公共英语五级(笔试)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. What was the discussion topic of the previous class meeting?A.New England mystery stories.B.Eighteenth-century English criticism.C.A comparison of poems of Dickinson and Whitman.D.The poems of Walt Whitman.2. A simple diet high in vitamins and sugar but low in fat and chemicals benefits those people in Hunza.A.True B.Fasle3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A.Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save ones energy.B.Dr. Kleiman explains why people reach their peaks at different hours of a day.C.Habit helps a person adapt to his own energy cycle.D.Children have energy cycles, too.4. Sugar in cold sweet drinks slows the liquid from getting into the blood-stream.A.Right B.Wrong5. Their scheme is based on the premise that all people have a basic way of6. Mr. Miller bought his house simply because the flat he used to live in was too expensive.A.True B.Fasle7. How many people depend on local rice and food in South Asia currently?A.More than 150 million people.B.Less than 150 million people.C.About 100 million people.D.About 120 million people.8. The past-oriented people tend to look at the world in a_.9. Whats the Civil Rights Movement for?10. Where is Low Till Farming becoming popular?A.In areas with few weeds and unwanted plants.B.In areas with a severe shortage of water.C.In areas lacking in chemical fertilizer.D.In areas dependent on imported food.11. According to the woman, why are women much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time,but men are not as good?A.Because women have better abilities.B.Because men are not used to housework.C.Because men lack practice,D.Because men find it easy to concentrate on only one thing.12. To travel by book means to take imaginary journeys to the places mentioned in the book.A.Right B.Wrong13.Part ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文: Good morning!Um. As Managing Director of our company Ive been asked to say a few words to you today about the way the company is organized. So what Ive done is to make a sort of table. you know. to show how it is all arranged. Its in your books. Can you find it?OK. Now, not all companies are organized in the same way, of course. They all have more or less the same bits and pieces, but they put them together in different ways. In fact, some Managing Directors are always changing the organization, which can be very disturbing for everybody else and sometimes causes awful hold-ups. Sometimes its necessary, of course, like when you start making something different or join up with another company or something. Any way, I think the organization of my company is fairly typical, so lets take a look at how we have organized it.At the top of the scheme, above me, is the Board of Directors. Their job is to administrate the company, make general policies, and so on. There are two kinds of directors, actually. One kind is what we call non-executive directors, which means that they are not full-time employees. They are the sort of people who have some standing in various parts of the business world and are in a position to help the company to succeed. They only appear when there are meetings of the Board, and some of them are on the boards of other companies at the same time. But the second lot of directorsthe executive directorsare full-time employees of the company. Most of them are managers of our various departments, and youll be meeting them later.The absolute head of the company, of course, is the Chairman of the Board. He is appointed by the Board, and his job is to take the chair at meetings of the shareholders and the Board of Directors, and to represent the companys interests at outside functions. He does not take much part in the running of the business. He leaves me to get on with the job. Mind you, not all chairmen are like that. Our last one was a real pain, always wanted everything done his own way and he kept on interfering. but anyway, thats what the top slot in the scheme is for.Then theres me, the Managing Director, or MD for shortas long as you dont think Im a doctor of medicine, ha ha. Um. Now, my job is to coordinate the policies decided by the directors and see that they are carried out. I do this through the various managers of departmentsdepartmental managers. At the moment Ive got six, and there are slots for them along the line underneath me in your scheme. I dont think they are in any particular order, so well start from the left and walk across. Actually, theyre all going to come and tell you about their jobs. So Ill just say a few words. And.Right
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