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2022-2023年甘肃省定西市公共英语五级(笔试)真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. What problem does the man think can be solved if the government put up small units to build solar panels?A.The heat supply.B.The electric supply.C.The water supply.D.The unemployment situation.2. MD decides companys policies and carries them outA.Right B.Wrong3. People in the Caucasus Mountains not only live long but also have a good physical condition.A.Right B.Wrong4. Water is as important as vitamins, minerals and proteins for life.A.True B.Fasle5. What was marked on each box inside the tree in Washington?6. What does Dr. Huber think accomplish the same objective?7. In terms of academic levels, in which level do we find the smallest number?8. MD refers to“a doctor of medicine”A.Right B.Wrong9.Part CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文: Last time we started looking at the question of management and wondering what the term actually meant. Then we took a brief look at the concept of scientific management. You remember, we decided it was useful but not enough on its own. So today were going to look at another aspectbehavioral management. You may not really have come across this word behavioral before, though Im sure you are familiar with the word behavior. Behavioral simply means having to do with behavior. And that is our starting point for today: We are going to start by realizing that the activity of any organization is human activity, designed to achieve human goals. So we are really talking about human behavior.Any business concern does two things. First, it provides either goods or services that the customer needs. That is, it either makes things or does things for other people in exchange for money. Second, it provides people with workand most of us have to work in order to make a living.Work, much as we may sometimes wish we didnt have to do it, or not quite so much of it, has in fact two advantages. Firstand I spoke about this last timeit can give us satisfaction. We can be proud of what we are doinglike a craftsman making something beautiful, or a doctor of a nurse helping people who are ill or in pain. This is what I called job satisfaction, and without it I am sure work can become an awful burden. And on a more basic level, work earns us money, which we can use to buy the things we need in order to live, like food and somewhere to live, as well as all the luxuries we could probably do without but still like to have.Behavioral management is based on a research of how people behave at work. It uses the findings of psychologists and sociologists, and so on. These make a study of individuals and groups to see what things influence the way they behave in different conditions. The results can then be used to design the best conditions in which people will performor behavein the way that a manager wants them to in order to make a business more efficient and to achieve its goals. They have collected a lot of evidence and formulated a lot of theories to help the manager, and there is no doubt that properly understood and applied, this can be very useful.But still we return to the fact that people are individuals, all different from each other, and allas we saywith minds of their own. So no matter what the manager knows about the way people behave in groups and so on, he has really to treat everyone on his staff as an individual in his own right. Of course, he can be helped in this by knowing how to encourage people to do things, how to stimulate them to behave in a certain way, and so on. A manager can himself be taught how to do this, but however unscientific this may sound, it is more likely that a good manager is born rather than trained. He has some natural ability to recognize what people are likely to do, what abilities they have, and other things like that. Realizing this, and then applying what he has learned about human behavior, is what makes someone a good manager.So behavioral management is management based on an assessment of an individual and the application of what is known about how people in general tend to behave. Like scientific management, it is undoubtedly useful, but not, the complete answer.What did the speaker talk about last time?10. Which power does the man suggest?A.Water power.B.Wind power.C.Solar power.D.Electronical power.11. Wang has little knowledge of the phonetic processing system.A.True B.Fasle12. Why does the speaker suggest we rise with a yawn and stretch?A.Because it will help keep your energy for the days work.B.Because it will help you to control your temper ear
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