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2022年吉林省通化市公共英语五级(笔试)真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1.听力原文:M: Have you settled in?W: Yes, I feel myself quite at home now. I havent got used to the food yet but Im enjoying the life on campus.M: Good. Now wed better make sure you enjoy your studies. We offer a very wide range of options on the foundation course, as you know, but you can only take six courses. Do you know what you want to do yet?W: Yes, more or less; but Im not sure whether to do biological sciences or German.M: Well, thats quite a difference. Lets see. youve selected to do: physical sciences, basic electronics, art and design, CAD. thats computer aided design and English.W: Yes, five courses.M: Thats quite a range. Dont you want to do maths or computer program-lining, for example?W: Well, Im interested in electronics in computers especially in writing computer games. Id like to produce educational software, educational games, eventually. Ive taught myself a lot of programming and I was good at maths. I dont think I need either of them.M: Then, why did you choose to do art and design?W: Well, that will be good for my graphics. I need that to produce games.CAD, too. Ive never done computer aided design before.M: No.right.theyve got some powerful packages in the computer graphics and CAD offices.youll enjoy that. So.that leaves English. Its mostly English literature. I know your English is all right. But as a first year student, youll have to take the Cambridge Proficiency Test.W: All right.Who is the mail?A.Student advisor.B.Course teacher.C.Admissions officer.D.Department secretary.2. What lesson could be drawn from the accident?A.Accurate communication is of utmost importance.B.Pilots should be able to speak several foreign languages.C.Air controllers should keep a close watch on the weather.D.Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential.3. Dr. Wilson is satisfied with Wangs past experience.A.Right B.Wrong4. What are the shopping goods that are basically considered the same?A.Those that satisfy similar needs of the consumerB.Those that consumers dont care where to buyC.Those that consumers spend much time looking forD.Those that Can be found everywhere5. Judging by the extraordinarily warm clothes some people wear, what might we learn about them?A.They may be homesick and feel insecure.B.They are either cold or very sick.C.They may try to attract other peoples attention.D.They want to protect themselves from physical injuries.6. How long did it take for chili pepper to become popular around the world?7. Wang prefers to live with an English family.A.Right B.Wrong8.Part CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文: Last time we started looking at the question of management and wondering what the term actually meant. Then we took a brief look at the concept of scientific management. You remember, we decided it was useful but not enough on its own. So today were going to look at another aspectbehavioral management. You may not really have come across this word behavioral before, though Im sure you are familiar with the word behavior. Behavioral simply means having to do with behavior. And that is our starting point for today: We are going to start by realizing that the activity of any organization is human activity, designed to achieve human goals. So we are really talking about human behavior.Any business concern does two things. First, it provides either goods or services that the customer needs. That is, it either makes things or does things for other people in exchange for money. Second, it provides people with workand most of us have to work in order to make a living.Work, much as we may sometimes wish we didnt have to do it, or not quite so much of it, has in fact two advantages. Firstand I spoke about this last timeit can give us satisfaction. We can be proud of what we are doinglike a craftsman making something beautiful, or a doctor of a nurse helping people who are ill or in pain. This is what I called job satisfaction, and without it I am sure work can become an awful burden. And on a more basic level, work earns us money, which we can use to buy the things we need in order to live, like food and somewhere to live, as well as all the luxuries we could probably do without but still like to have.Behavioral management is based on a research of how people behave at work. It uses the findings of psychologists and sociologists, and so on. These make a study of individuals and groups to see what things influence the way they behave in dif
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