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2021年河南省新乡市公共英语五级(笔试)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. Who can be described as a man to have his nose put out of joint ?A.A gay man.B.A sick man.C.A man who wants to smell a flower.D.A man who feels hurt and depressed.2. Most people in the mountains of Eduador drink a lot of coffee and alcohol, but they still live long.A.Right B.Wrong3. How long did it take for chili pepper to become popular around the world?4. The speaker will introduce six departmental managers one by oneA.Right B.Wrong5. Who did the people usually give letters to after the English colonists just arrived at America?6. Why are American students usually under pressure of work?A.Because their academic performance will affect their future career in the future.B.Because they are heavily involved in student affairs.C.Because they have to observe the university discipline.D.Because they want to run for positions of authority.7. In briefwhat did the speaker talk about?8. People like the changes in the organization of the companyA.Right B.Wrong9. People in Russia are also famous for their longevity.A.True B.Fasle10. Do-it-Yourself has become one of Mr Millers hobbies.A.Right B.Wrong11. Wang has some experience about CAD.A.Right B.Wrong12. What was the discussion topic of the previous class meeting?A.New England mystery stories.B.Eighteenth-century English criticism.C.A comparison of poems of Dickinson and Whitman.D.The poems of Walt Whitman.13. According to the figure of the academic year 1995/96,where do the largest number of foreign students come from?14. One reason for the good health of the people in Vilcabamba must be the clean, beautiful environment.A.Right B.Wrong15. How did Emily Dickinson differ from Walt Whitman?A.She published poems frequently.B.She seldom left home.C.She lived in an earlier era.D.She spoke a different language.二、2.Use of English(10题)16.(45)17.【C15】18.(39)19.【C10】20.(42)21.(46)22.【C8】23.(33)24.【C19】25.(32)三、3.Reading Comprehension(15题)26.The history of responses to the work of the artist Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510) suggests that widespread appreciation by critics is a relatively recent phenomenon. Writing in 1550, Vasari expressed an unease with Botticellis work, admitting that the artist fitted awkwardly into his evolutionary scheme of the history of art. Over the next two centuries, academic art historians defamed Botticelli in favor of his fellows Florentine. Michelangelo. Even when anti-academic art historians of the early nineteenth century rejected many of the standards of evaluation adopted by their predecessors, Botticelliwork remained outside of accepted taste, pleasing neither amateur observers nor connoisseurs. (Many of his best paintings, however, remained hidden away in obscure churches and private homes. )The primary reason for Botticellis unpopularity is not difficult to understand:most observers, up until the mid-nineteenth century, did not consider him to be noteworthy, because his work, for the most part. did not seem to these observers to exhibit the traditional characteristics of the fifteenth-century Florentine art. For example. Botticelli rarely employed the technique of strict perspective and, unlike Michelangelo, never used chiaroscuro.Another reason for Botticellis unpopularity may have been that his attitude toward the style. of classical art was very different from that of his contemporaries. Although he was thoroughly exposed to classical art. he showed little interest in borrowing from the classical style. Indeed, it is paradoxical that a painter of large-scale classical subjects adopted a style. that was only slightly similar to that of classical art.In any case, when viewers began to examine more closely the relationship of Botticellis work to the tradition of the fifteenth century Florentine art, his reputation began to grow. Analyses and assessments of Botticelli made between 1850 and 1870 by the artists of the Pre-Raphaelite movement, as well as by the writer Pater(although he. unfortunately, based his assessment on an incorrect analysis of Botticellis personality), inspired a new appreciation of Botticelli throughout the English-speaking world. Yet Botticellis work, especially the Sistine frescoes. did not generate worldwide attention until it was finally subjected to 4 comprehensive and scrupulous analysis by Home in 1908. Home rightly demonstrated that the frescoes shared important features with paintings by other fifteenth-century Florentinesfeatures such as skillful representation of anatomical proportions, and of the human figure in motion. However, Home argued that Botticelli did not treat these qualities as ends in themselvesrather. that he emphasized clear depletion of a story,
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