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Unit 1 ArtLearning About Language Period 1教学设计 教材分析本板块旨在巩固Reading and Thinking语篇中的重点词汇,帮助学生进一步拓展本单元语篇词汇,丰富主题知识。本板块通过三个活动,以思维导图、语境填空、近义词辨析等不同形式让学生将本单元所学的重点词汇进行归纳和记忆。着重培养学生词汇理解、应用的能力,以及使用词块表达意义的能力,学生在积累主题词汇的同时能进一步拓展西方艺术知识,提高文化素养。教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 归纳记忆本单元重点动词和介词搭配的词组;2. 使用恰当的词块将句子及语篇补充完整;3. 辨别近义词之间的区别,结合语境合理应用。教学重难点【教学重点】1. 正确理解和掌握文本中的新词汇;2. 掌握重点动词和介词搭配的词组;3. 在正确的语境中合理运用词汇。【教学难点】能准确掌握重点动词和介词搭配的词组意义及用法。教学过程Step 1 RecallingWhich periods of art do the following pictures belong to? Use the information in the reading passage to help you.设计意图:帮助学生回顾上节课的文本内容,考查学生是否能运用语篇知识分辨不同时期的绘画作品。Step 2 Language pointsLearn to analyze and remember the new words and phrases in the reading part.设计意图:引导学生关注、理解并记忆本单元阅读部分的重点单词的拼写及用法。Step 3 Practice1. In groups, brainstorm words and phrases concerning art and then make a mind map to connect them.设计意图:通过头脑风暴,引出学生关于艺术的储备知识,拓展学生对艺术相关词汇的认识。2. Read the passage about Monet and Impressionism. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.设计意图:通过小故事,练习学生掌握新词汇的用法并能在正确的语境中应用。3. Work in groups. Look up each group of words in the dictionary and discuss their differences. Then create a blank-filling activity based on your understanding of these words. Exchange your activity with another group and see how well you can do it.设计意图:鼓励学生通过自由讨论和查词典,明白并掌握近义词之间的区别并能在语境中合理应用。Step 4 Assignment1. Finish the exercise on Page 61 in the textbook.2. Find a famous western painting and try to describe it and its artist with the words you have learned.设计意图:通过让学生用所学单词描述本单元话题,促进学生掌握单词的用法。 2 / 2
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