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Module7 Unit2 Ill be home at seven oclock.8:308:00quarter超过(整点)超过(整点).一刻钟一刻钟a quarter past距(整点)距(整点).差一刻钟差一刻钟a quarter to1.What time does Daming get up?He gets up at a quarter to eight.6:451:157:159:45Look,listen and say.1.What time does school start?School starts at eight oclock2.Will he be late?Yes,he will.Watch the flash.Today is his birthday.2.Why is Mr Smart so happy?1.Will Mr Smart be late?No,he wont.1.What time will Mr Smart be home?2.How many times do they call Mr Smart?Answer the questions:worryv.担心Listen and Repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(跟读课文,注意语音语调)Listen and repead.1.What time will Mr Smart be home?2.How many times do they call Mr Smart?Answer the questions:He will be home at .seven oclockThey call him .three timesUnderline the sentences with“will”on your book.6:30Will you be home at seven oclock?6:006:45Yes,I will.Are you going to be late?DadDont worry!Ill be home at seven oclock.What time will you be home?Ill be home at seven oclock.7:00Happy birthday!Act it out1.What does Mr Smart do?2.Where does he live?Mr Smarts scheduleWhenTimeget upWhat time do you?have breakfast 7:20go to workhave lunchgo homehave dinner What time do you have dinner?7:00go to bed6:008:0012:006:0010:00What time do you have breakfast?What time do you go to work?What time do you have lunch?What time do you go to bed?get up What time do you go home?Mr.Smart is a businessman.He lives in Washington.Every morning he gets up at Lets retellLets retellMake your schedule or plan制定你的计划Cherish your time珍惜你的时间Time flies like arrow,and time lost never returns.时光飞逝,时间一去不复返.Schedule the time,安排好你的时间,as you sit down and think about your life and what you want to do,当你坐下来思考你的生活和你想做什么,versus what you actually do and make a plan,再根你实际在做的事情相结合,然后制定出一个计划时,you will be working at ways to free up time.你就能找到节约时间的方法。Be punctual and be a good man.大家都要做一个守时的人Homework1.Read the text and try to recite.2.Write your summer vacation plan and share with your friends.
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