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2021年江西省南昌市公共英语五级(笔试)重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1.Part CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文: As you know, many big changes happened after Christopher Columbus and other Europeans came to the Americas 500 years ago. Today Im going to talk about a change in the world diet the way people cooked and ate. Five hundred years ago, there was a big change in the diet of people all over the world.Lets talk about the diet in Europe 500 years ago. One important food was meat. Europeans ate many kinds of meat, including beef, lamb, goat, and pork. Europeans also ate dairy products, milk and cheese made from the milk of cows and goats. The Europeans ate several different grains: Most people ate wheat, and some people ate rice, which came first from Asia.Now, lets look at the diet in the Americas about 500 years ago. The diet of the native American was quite different from the diet of the Europeans. This is because the European meats, dairy products, and grains didnt exist in the Americas. However, the native Americans ate some food that didnt exist in Europe. The native Americans ate different vegetables, such as potatoes and tomatoes. They ate different grains, such as corn. They ate different meat, such as turkey and other wild birds. They also used spices such as chocolate and hot chili peppers. None of these foods existed in Europe 500 years ago.Now lets talk about the big change in the world diet 500 years ago, after Columbus and the Europeans went to the Americas.After Europeans went to the Americas, the diet of the native Americans changed a lot. When the Europeans went to the Americas, they took many new kinds of food with them. The Europeans gave some of the food, the meat, dairy products, and grains to the native Americans and then the native Americans started to use the European food in their cooking. As a result, the diet in the Americas today is very different from their diet 500 years ago. For example, if you go to a country like Mexico, you can see that the traditional Mexican food uses a lot of beef, pork, cheese, wheat, and rice, all foods that came from Europe with Columbus.After the Europeans returned to Europe from the Americas, there was also a big change in the diet of people in Europe and the rest of the world. When the Europeans returned to Europe, they took many new kinds of food back from the Americas. They took back the vegetables, grains, and spices that they found in the Americas. Little by little, people all over Europe started using the new foods in their cooking, and then the foods spread around the world to Africa, the Middle East and Asia.Some of the new food spread very quickly around the world. One example is the chili pepper. You may be surprised to know that 500 years ago, the chili pepper didnt exist in many countries that are famous today for their hot and spicy food made with chilies. Actually, we think that the first chili pepper was taken to Spain by Columbus in 1493, when he returned from the Americas. After only 100 years, chili peppers had spread all around the world. They grow easily in warm weather. The only place that the chili pepper did not become popular was Northern Europe, probably because it is too cold to grow chili peppers easily.Although chili peppers spread quickly, other foods from the Americas spread very slowly. Potatoes are a good example. It took about 250 years for the potatoes to spread around the world. The reason it took so long is that Europeans thought that potatoes were poisonous. The potato looked a lot like a very poisonous plant that grew in Europe. People were afraid to eat potatoes! For a long time, people only used potatoes to f2.听力原文: I want to talk today about some studies. They seem to indicate that there is a startling world-wide decline in the number of amphibians, such as flogs, toads and salamanders. Theres little doubt that one reason why the number of amphibians is declining is their habitats have been destroyed when the developers fill in ponds and marshes to build houses. Amphibians cant just move somewhere. They need water to lay their eggs in. Another problem is the growing fish industry. Another range of popular pool fish such as carp have been introduced to many lakes and ponds all over the world. Raising and selling these fish can be profitable, but the fish eat the eggs and offspring of amphibians that were already living in the lakes and ponds. Other factors could be contributing to the decline include acid rain and the spread of pesticide residues. Many pesticides that farmers added to their crops are eventually washed away bythe rain and end upin pondsand other bodies of wate
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