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2022年广东省珠海市公共英语五级(笔试)真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1.听力原文:M:Do you think women are generally better at certain things than men?W:Well,it seems to me women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a timeI dont know whether this has to do with the difference in their brain or whether its just how they have to cope more often with more than one thingFor example,it is usually women who work,have babieslook after the babies and take the main, responsibility for looking after the homeAnd maybe its practicing all that makes women be better able to do more than one thing at a timeMen,it seems to me,can only concentrate on one thing at a time,including boring domestic things like washing the dishesIf a friend of mine who is a man washes the dishes hell find it quite difficult to conduct a conversation at the same timewhereas if Im doing the dishes Im always talking to someoneprobably cooking something as well,and finding that not too stressfulM:Do you think women are more interested in personal relationships than men?W:Generally,yes,though again I dont know if this is because that from an early age they are taught to please other people,whereas men are always taught to please themselvesI think relationships are more central to most womens livesFor exampleI think men dont have very good conversations with each otherwhereas women doIf you listen to women talking,often they will be having,after a relatively short time of knowing each other,fairly personal and truthful conversations,whereas men have conversations not about what Id call real thingsThey will talk about their work in a very superficial way,or their interests in a very superficial way,for example,and football is meumjust a sort of way for men to relate to each other without actually saying anything important,it appears to meAccording to the woman,why women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time?A.She doesnt know the reason exactly.B.Because women are smarter than men.C.Because women have more things to deal with than men.D.Because men always refuse to deal with more than one thing at the same time.2. Who did the people usually give letters to after the English colonists just arrived at America?3. What kind of grain did most Europeans eat 500 years ago?4. Where was the finals of the World Cup in 1994 held?A.In England. B.In the USA. C.In Mexico. D.In France.5. What will she most likely do eventually?A.Do basic electronics.B.Teach English literature.C.Produce educational games.D.Write computer programs.6.听力原文:M: Cigarette?W: No, thank you. Ive given up, you know.M: Oh.W: Its ten days ago. Havent had one.M: Well, you dont mind if I had one.W: Well, all right, then. Oh my goodness! Thats a terrible cough.M: No, no, its not. Its only. I only get it first thing in the morning.W: Thats going to make you very unfit, you know.M: No, its all right. It goes in a minute.W: Why dont you try and give up?M: Oh, no. I ought to, but I cant. It relaxes me, smoking.W: Really?M: It does.W: Well, have you ever thought of just cutting down?M: Oh, no, thats all vey well but?. I wouldnt enjoy it. I depend a bit on my smoking. I must say.W: You should do it gradually. I mean. well, if you tried. have you thought of just giving up one day?M: Yes, oh well, yes, that is quite a good idea.W: It is.M: But I think Id lose count or something.W: Oh dear! Well, it might be an idea if you started eating sweets.M: Oh no, I couldnt do that. I couldnt possibly.W: Why?M : Well, it makes you fat.W: Well, do you think that matters? Dont you think it is better to be fat than to be unhealthy?M: No, I dont. I d rather be fat. Well, I d rather be thin than fat, certainly.W: Oh dear. Well. Hey! Ive got a good idea!M: Whats that?W: Why dont you go to a hypnotist? My sister did!M: Oh, look, you dont seem to realize that I like smoking. If I gave it up, if I didnt smoke at all, Id probably end up attacking people!W: Oh, dont be so silly! Of course you wouldnt.When did the woman give up smoking?A.Ten days ago.B.Just this morning.C.A week ego.D.Just yesterday.7. It sounds a bit unscientific that a good manager is _ rather than _.8. Who do not probably notice the beauty of theoretical physics?9. According to the lecture, what is inflation?A.Rising prices.B.Fixed income.C.Real income.D.Cost of living.10. Most people in the mountains of Eduador drink a lot of coffee and alcohol, but they still live long.A.True B.Fasle11. When will the speaker talk about the economic and political changes?12. Can you give an example of filler words ?13. Where cant chili pepper grow according to the talk?14. Bone contains no water.A.Righ
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