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Unit 2 Looking into the FutureLearning About LanguagePeriod 1Warming-upRead the phrases below and think of the similarity among them.send a messagehave a tryGive a commentmake a facetake a chancetake effectverb+nounVerbVerbs:detectdetect,integrate,leak,switchintegrate,leak,switchon/off,monitor,cure,on/off,monitor,cure,have,become,issue,have,become,issue,encourage,repair,encourage,repair,rejectrejectLearningWrite as many correct pairs of“verb+noun”phrases as possible.Nouns:a preference,routine,a warning,cancer,learning,the heater,air quality,potential dangers,oil,innovation,the electrical wiring,fantasiesEXAMPLE:detect potential dangers,have fantasies,.“verb+noun”phrases detect air quality integrate learning integrate the electrical wiring leak oil switch on/off the heater monitor air quality monitor the electrical wiring cure cancer have a preference have cancer become routine issue a warning encourage learning encourage innovation repair the heater repair the electrical wiring reject a warning reject innovation Learning(1)Big data will become much more in solving crimes in the future.(2)Many smart watches can provide fitness data.(3)It is possible that this technological fantasy will come true in the future.(4)After the accident,both drivers are in condition.(5)The fridge keeps food at a low temperature.LearningrelevantinstantdistantComplete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.abnormal automatic available constant criticalefficientdistant instant relevant securecriticalconstantbecome relevantinstant fitness datadistant futurecritical conditiona constant low temperature(6)The air conditioner works in mode.(7)It is important to make food and water to the survivors.(8)Houses with advanced appliances will keep us and healthy.(9)We find the German transport system to be one of the most in Europe.(10)The sensors can detect anything and automatically call someone to come and fix it.Learningautomaticavailablesecureefficientabnormalabnormal automatic available constant criticalefficientdistant instant relevant secureautomatic modemake availablekeep secureone of the most efficientanything abnormalPracticeCross out the options that are incorrect.1.Healthmonitors detect/cause/identifypotentialdangerstoourhealth.2.Smarthousescanbeoperatedfrom far/from a distance/remotely.3.Payattentiontoalltheswitches/knobs/appliancesoftheelectricalequipment.4.Theyinventedpotentially/possibly/greatlythemostefficientwayofheating.5.Somemonitoringdevicesaredesignedtowarnpeopleofcertaincritical/serious/difficultillnesses.PracticeParaphrase the sentences using the words and phrases in brackets.1.Care will also be taken to combine the building and surrounding architecture together to form an effective system.(integrate)2.We will probably benefit from remote-controlled houses.(potentially)Care will also be taken to integrate the building and surrounding architecture together to form an effective system.We will potentially benefit from remote-controlled houses.Practice3.He insisted that everything in the smart home would be all right.However,I could not help but feel anxious.(nevertheless)4.It is a good habit to make certain that you know what is happening with your blood pressure.(keep track of)He insisted that everything in the smart home would be all right.Nevertheless,I could not help but feel anxious.It is a good habit to make certain that you keep track of your blood pressure.Practice5.The monitoring system sends out warnings as soon as the car begins to leak oil.(the instant)The monitoring system sends out warnings the instant the car begins to leak oil.PracticeDiscuss with your group and add more elements in the mind map to build up your vocabulary.Housesintegratedsensors.TransportHealthsecurityworkFuture Lifedriverlesscars.healthmonitoring.machines todetect disasters.remote control;energy-efficient;voice commands;high-speed rail;mag lev trains;hybrid cars;electric cars;biofuel;robotics;mobile apps;wearable monitoring devices;3D printing;CCTV cameras;data encryption;monitoring drones;Telecommuting;automation;cloud technology;collaboration tools;virtual offices;AI;gig economy EntertainmentCGI(computer-generated imagery);virtual reality;home theatres;interactive TV;AssignmentFinish the exercise 1-4 on page 68.敬请各位老师提出宝贵意见!Bye-bye!Bye-bye!
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