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广广 东东 一一 模模 英英 语语 解解 析析阅阅 读读 理理 解解A21.D 根据关键词true story 排除B(科幻小说)和C(童话),根据全段排除A(爱情故事)1.take sth/sb by storm 在某处大获成功;使观众等倾动The play took London by storm.这部剧很快就风靡伦敦。拓展:a storm in a teacup大惊小怪,小题大作,茶杯里的风暴(小事引起的大风波)2.the talk of sth (某地人人谈论的)话题,谈论中心 Overnight,she became the talk of the town.A22.C racial issues 种族问题 the Black experience3.pen【熟词生义】v.to write sth 写;(把)关起来He penned a letter to the local paper.At clipping time sheep need to be penned.23.D 两个戏剧作品都讲述的是两个青少年的成长经历。Yet her aging disease may be the least of her problems.How others see me is the least of my worries.然而,她的衰老疾病可能是她最小的问题。别人怎么看我是我最不担心的事。B24.C根据第一段fans compare before and after photos of bears to vote for the one they think has gained the most weight(粉丝们比较熊的前后照片,投票选出他们认为体重增加最多的一只),故选C.B25.B根据Fat Bear Week started in 2014,.In 2015,.Last year,.这些时间标志词得出此段在介绍该活动的历史,故选B.B26.B根据第四段第二句到末尾,卡特迈有2200只熊,它们以世界上最健康的鲑鱼为食,非常强壮。由于气候变化,太平洋西北部的鲑鱼正遭受过度捕捞、大坝建设和河流预警的影响。幸运的是,卡特迈熊喜欢在布鲁克斯河捕鱼,到目前为止,布鲁克斯河没有受到这些威胁。故选B(卡特迈熊有稳定的食物来源)。B27.A此文为一篇新闻报道。第1段:报道Fat bear Week于10月5日开始,并投票选出增重 最多的熊;第2段:介绍Fat bear Week的历史发展;第3-4段:介绍Fat bear Week的两个目的;第5段:对Fat bear Week的总结的评价。故选A(肥熊周:保护是快乐的)拓展1.【P1L2】kick off 开始;发怒 kick up 越来越强;逐渐加强 a kick in the teeth 重大打击 kick the bucket 死;翘辫子;蹬腿儿2.bed down 睡觉C28.D研究过程:1.dyslexic and non-dyslexic children catagoriz2.They were instructed to read the text out loud while being recorded.record childrens reading3.measure the number of errors they made count errorsC29.A 第三段第一句是本段主题句(研究发现,增大字母间距的文本对两组人都有好处。)根据第四句In addition to improving reading speed,it also resulted in a significant decline in the number of words missed by the children with dyslexia.(除了提高阅读速度外,它还显著减少了患有阅读障碍的儿童遗漏的单词数量。),可知答案选A(减少阅读错误)C30.B 根据第四段We believe extra-large letter spacing works by reducing what is known as the crowding effect,which can hamper the recognition of letters and reduce reading speed.我们认为,超大的字母间距可以通过减少所谓的“拥挤效应”来发挥作用,这种效应会阻碍字母的识别,降低阅读速度。故选B.prevent.C31.A 根据最后一段最后一句 the short reading duration of the tests in our study may have put coloured overlays at a disadvantage.(在我们的研究中,测试的阅读时间很短,这可能会使颜色标注处于不利地位。)可知A(他们可能没有得到公平的评估。)D32.C 根据第一段最后一句 However,there are worries for Fellay:they contain sensitive details that could lead to embarrassment,discrimination or even worse.(然而,费莱也有一些担忧:其中包含的敏感细节可能会导致尴尬、歧视甚至更糟。)以及第二段介绍FHE以及它能帮助终结大数据的隐私问题,可知答案选CD33.B 根据第四段最后一句 However,it supports multiple operations on encrypted data,rather than only one calculation in HE.(但是,它支持对加密数据进行多次操作,而不是在HE中只进行一次计算。),可知答案选B(它允许更多的计算。)D34.C 根据最后一段 Workable,but still slow:calculations on the FHE-encrypted data could take millions of times longer than those on raw data.But,as Goldwasser says,“If you believe that security is not a plus,but its a must,”she says,“then in some sense there is no overhead.(可行,但仍然很慢:对FHE加密数据的计算可能比对原始数据的计算长数百万倍。但是,正如Goldwasser所说,“如果你认为安全不是一个加分项,但它是必须的,”她说,“那么在某种意义上就没有开销了),可知答案选C(支持的)D35.A 全文介绍FHE在大数据时代保护隐私。七七 选选 五五How Star Wars Changed Movie-making Forever “May the force be with you!”If you are a Star Wars fan,then you have probably heard this phrase many times.36 So many characters,devices,and phrases from the movie have become well-known.But you might be surprised to find out how much this movie has changed how movies are made.F.If you are not a fan,you are still likely familiar with these words.“A long time ago in a galaxy far,far away”is how Star Wars begins.Its plot was not ground-breaking.37 The story was typical science fiction with lots of drama,traditional characters and good battling evil,in space and in hand-to-hand fight.B.In fact,it was quite old-fashioned.它的情节不是开创性的,事实上是相当老套的。It was the special effects that made Star Wars stand out from other movies.People still talk about the light swords(剑剑)that could cut,burn and melt through most substances.Spaceships sped through space and landed on huge,realistic-looking space stations.38 When Star Wars first came out in 1977,most movie theaters were stand-alone buildings,with just one movie screen.C.Moviegoers had never seen anything like it.Theaters needed more movies to show on all the additional movie screens and in all the new multiplexes.So new movie companies sprang up,including small ones creating experimental movies.39 Some of the methods became popular and others failed.But,thanks to Star Wars,people got to see new types of moxies.A.They tried out new techniques.40 There had been movie continuations previously,but they were often just poor imitations of the first movie.The Star Wars movies were all popular.There have been two trilogies(三部曲)so far,with more planned.E.Star Wars was the first really suecessful movie trilogy in history.完完 形形 填填 空空41.A earned the top prize 获得最高奖项42.D inspire v.启发思考;赋予灵感43.C occur to sb.(想法在某人脑海中)突然出现44.B reliable 可靠的45.D eventually 最终46.A managed to do 设法完成.47.C under instruction 在老师的指导下48.B give instant results 立刻给出结果49.D smooth 顺利的50.C 老师一路帮助他51.B credit sb.with sth.把.归功于某人52.A encouragement 鼓励53.C honor 荣耀54.D speak highly of 高度评价55.B practical 实用的语语 法法 填填 空空 During the summer holiday I had the
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