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贵州省遵义市考研外语学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(3题)1.AconnectionBreachCassociationDtouch2.AexchangeBinterchangeCencounterDinteract3.AauthorityBpowerCcontrolDruling二、阅读理解(5题)4.5.6.Which of the following is true regarding the recruitment of the intelligence?AThe new-release people are unwilling to tell anything about themselves.BIt is just a preparatory step for the reconstruction of the Iraqi armed forces.CThe western world as a whole dislikes the idea of reconstruction in this way.DAn obvious connection exists in the reconstructions of the army and the police.7.Which of the following did the author probably suggest?ASupport not the most supported.BDeny everything others believe.CThrow all tradition into trashcan.DKeep your eyes open all the time.8.三、1.Use of English(20题)9.(2)A.an B.a C.but D.and10.(16)A.rather B.as C.but D.except11.(13)A.rock B.earthquake C.fault D.crust12.(6)A.respect B.preference C.response D.return13.(5)A.presence B.performance C.lines D.light14.(20)A.better B.less C.worse D.more15.(3)A.adequately B.urgently C.attractively D.eagerly16.(19)A.possess B.have C.hold D.share17.(9)A.with the respectB.on this respectC.in this respectD.at this respect18. Speech, whether oral or written, is a used commodity. If we are to be heard, we must (1)_ our words from those (2)_ to us within families, peer groups, societal institutions, and political net works. Our utterances position us both in an immediate social dialogue (3)_ our addressee and, simultaneously, in a larger ideological one (4)_ by history and society. We speak as an individual and also, as a student or teacher, a husband or wife, a person of a particular discipline, social class, religion, race, or other socially constructed (5)_. Thus, to varying degrees, all speaking is a (6)_ of others words and all writing is rewriting. As language (7)_, we experience individual agency by in fusing our own intentions (8)_ other peoples words, and this can be very hard.(9)_, schools, like into churches and courtrooms, are places (10)_ people speak words that are more important than they are. The words of a particular discipline, like those of God the father or of the law, are being articulated by spokespeople for the given authority. The (11)_ of the addressed, the listener, is to acknowledge the words and their (12)_. In Bakhtins (13)_, the authoritative word is located in a distanced zone, organically connected with a (14)_ that is felt to be hierarchally higher.(15)_, part of growing up in an ideological sense is becoming more selective about the words we appropriate and, (16)_ pass on to others. In Bakhtins (17)_, responsible people do not treat (18)_ as givens, they treat them as utterances, spoken by particular people located in specific ways in the social landscape. Becoming alive to the socio-ideological complexity of language use is (19)_ to becoming a more responsive language user and, potentially, a more playful one too, able to use a (20)_ of social voices, of perspectives, in articulating ones own ideas.A.invent B.appropriate C.coin D.change19.(14)A.passively B.aggressively C.progressively D.intensively20.(10)A.beneath B.against C.throughout D.as21.(11)A.whenever B.whoever C.whatever D.however22. Soft money is the huge, unlimited contributions from corporations, labor union and wealthy individuals that political parties raise and spend on campaign attack ads and other (1)_ designed to influence elections. The soft money system undermines campaign finance laws (2)_ limit contributions and (3)_ the sources of funds that can be spent on federal campaigns. It provides corporations, labor unions, and wealthy individuals a way to circumvent federal election laws and (4)_ campaigns with tens of millions of special interest dollars, (5)_ corporations and unions have been (6)_ from contributing or spending their treasury finds to influence federal elections since 1907 and 1947, (7)_. Individuals can contribute to federal (8)_ through parties and candidates, but only in (9)_ amounts.The Democratic and Republican parties (10)_ $262 million in (11)_ money for the 1996 elections. The parties raise soft money under the (12)_ that it will be used for general party building activities. (13)_, soft money pays for campaign ads in the way as issue discussion, political research, polling, fund raising, and get out the-vote efforts all of which affect the (14)_ of federal elections.Soft money was the source of the 1996 political fund-raising scandals, (15)_ the selling of the Lincoln bedroom, White House
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