第1页 / 共13页
?Piano4444dt YtttYtt Yttt I|dttttoYtt Yttttt Y|dtYttYttttt Yttd?|cttttttttdt YttttY ttoYtt YAAAttttY ttt YttAAA?tY tttt Ytt Yt YAAtttttttttttttttt|?tttttttt ttt|#tttttt I t t#AAAtttttt I t tAAA?tttttt I ttAAAtttttt I ttAAAtttttt IttAAAtttttt It tAAAConcert Boy14th version Jasons songDr_Hopewww.popiano.org-1-(Whatever You Want-Vienna Teng)As this melody begins,so does my story.I was taken to a concert by my friendsSomeone caught my attentonI fellHe was shining,bringing light to the concert room Soft and pleasant?tttttt IttAAtttttt I t t|ctttttttttta?ttttttttattttttttabctttttttttt?ttt tctttttttt ttt tttttttttttttt|ttttttd t?tttttttttt t t|t tttctttttttt t tttctttttttt?tt t tdttttttttttttccdt ItttttttttoIttttttttttdt Itttttttttt-2-Somehow I didnt know why I was nervous,but I thought it was a miracleI got in contact with him.And we began to chat online in a very friendly wayWe met in a fancy bookstore in my little townTalked a lot,in a nervous way?toItttttttttttdt ItttttttttttoIttttoY t ttt t t ttttttttttttt tt tt tdtttttttt?ctc ttttttttcttttttttttttttbttttttttttttctttdcttttttttt?t tttctttttttttttI ttt ttttttcttt?tttttttttttttttt t|dtttttttttttttttt t|d?tttttttttttttttt t|dtttttttttttttttt t|d-3-I guess,I am more and more certain thatIfell for himIn a helpless way?tttttttttttttttt t|tttttttttttttttt t|t I?tttttttttttttttttt t t tt Ittttttttttttttttt Itt Itttttt?tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttY ttttY ttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttt?tt ttttttttttttY ttttY tttttt!t#ttt!tt#t tttt!t!tttttttttt!t#ttt!tt#t ttt!ttI tt!ttI!ttttt-4-Hope?Despair?Wait?Move?My life changed its patternI tried to get more chances to meet him.Picked him up from airport and from workAlthough Im a bad driver?ttttttttttttt#tttttttttttatttttttttt#ttY tdtY tttttY tttttattttt YttY ttttt#tttttttttttttttt#tttttttttt?tI tttt Yttt tt Yttdcdtttttttttttttt tttI ttttI tttttttttt YttY tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttI tcttt Yttdt tttcttttttttttttttttI ttttI ttttt?ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt#ttt#ttttt#ttttttttttttttttttttttY ttttY ttttt-5-But doing what I can for him brings satisfaction to myself I joined the Community Chorale that he joinedSo that I can sing together with himand drive him home?ttttdtItttIttdcttttttttt ttt tt|dtttt dtIttttIttt dttt ttttI ttt t tt t tt ttttttttttttttttttttI tddtYttct Ia?ttttttttttttttttt IddtYttctattttttttttttttttt IddtYttct Ia?ttttttttttttttttttt IdttdtIttttbttattttttttttttttttttt IdcdtIttbct Ia-6-The time spent together with him is more than enjoyableStars and city lights shine on the high wayIn the car we enjoy music and talk?ttttttttttttttttt IddtYttctattttttttttttttttt|t Ia?tttttttttttttttt t t tttatttttttttttttttttI tctYttct Ia-7-This feeling never appeared in the past several yearsI think I begin to love this city much more,because of him?ttttttttttttttttt tttttatttttttttttttttttI tctYttct Ia?ttttttttttttttttt t|datttttttttttttttt tt|t Ya?tttttttttttttttt tt|t Yattttttttttttttttt t|t Ia?tttttttttttttttt tt|t Iatttttttttttttttt tt|da-8-I dont know what I should do,but I have to do something?ttttttttttttttttaatttttttttttttttt t|da?ctttctttctttttttttttttttctt Ittttt Itttttt Itctta686868 t tttt ttttttta t ttttttYtttttttta?ttttt ttttttta tttttttYtttttttta t tt!t t!tttttttattttttttttttta1.-9-I bought him a romantic gift,threw it to his armsI ran awayLater on,I felt the distance enlargedIts harder and harder to meet him again?ttttttttttattttttttttattt tt ttttttttttttattttttttttttttdtta34?3434ttttttttttttttta2.ttttttttttttttdt YtY tdattttttttttttttttttdt YtY tda?tttttt tttttttttttdt YtY tdatttttttttttttttdt YtY tdattttttt tttttttttt ttdt YtY tda-10-We practiced singing together at his place,but so whatHeart gets dark,life collapse,but its never hard to face the loss and failure?tttttttttttttt tttttttdt YtY tdat t tttttY ttttdt YtY tda|tYttdtttdt Ytta|ctttttta?t t ttt tttttttta tttt t ttttttta444444rit.|ttttdtttttttttttttttdtttta24?2424tI tbtYttttttttttttttta141414”taa444444bt|tttt Itttt Y|t Ya-11-He flied awaynothingness and silenceI try to dilute my loss with time?t ttttct Ibtttttt Y|t Yat t ttttttt Ytt Ytt!tatttttttttttttttta?toY t|t Yttttt YtdattYtttttttt Ytda t|t Yttt Yttt Ya?ccttt!tt Ytt Ytta|ctttttttta|ctttttYtda-12-The sweet memories and the sadness,both hard to forget Its like a dream.But now you are awakeI wish I could go back to the dream to change the end of the story?tttttttttttt Itt Yattttttttttttttaatttttt tttt tttttaatcb|bttttt#tt-13-But life has to go on.Our story,ended with our chorale concert.(The melody of Pie Jesu)
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