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07便条便条是为了临时通知或转告某事而形成的一种简单的书信形式。在日常生活中有着广泛的应用,通常其内容应该言简意赅,浅显易懂,切忌冗长,同时语言不必精雕细琢,无需客套话,只需要将写便条人的意思清楚明白地表达出来即可。它主要包括留言条和请假条,其格式与书信极为相似,具体体现在:(1)时间:日期一般写在高于称呼的右上角。不必写年、月,可以只写日期或星期几,上、下午几点钟;(2)称呼:称呼可以正式,可以口语化,后用逗号;(3)正文:说清楚留言或请假的内容即可,要求语言简单扼要,通俗明了;(4) 署名:留言或请假人的姓名。请假条、借条的署名要正式些,在姓名前写.Yours,Yourstudent,Yourfriend等。遗失、启事、招领启事,有时不署名,只留下联系单位的电话号码。常见的便条:1.电话留言条英语电话留言条包括五部分:发话者(From);收话者(To);日期(Date);时间(Time);留言内容(Message)。有时,最后可以出现记录人签名。电话留言条最根本的特点就是内容必须言简意赅,切忌冗长。即写电话留言条时,行文要简明扼要,通俗易懂,将发话者的意思清楚明白地表达出来。2.请假条请假条(writtenrequestforleave)是中学生必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(noteforsickleave)和请事假(leaveofabsence)请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。英文请假条写作需注意三点:1)英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2)一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。需要注意的是,便条通常是第一人称或第三人称写给第二人称,时态运用灵活,需要根据具体写作内容具体分析。便条写作时可以遵循以下步骤:第一步:明确便条的格式,写明接收人;第二步:阐明便条内容,并对内容进行具体扩展;第三步:告知其他相关内容,表达愿望。模板 请假条 DateDear _,扩展说明具体请假时间点明便条性质及原因I am sorry that I shall be unable to _(做某事), because _(原因). So I beg to apply for _(几天)days/weeks leave from _to _(从哪天到哪天). / I would like to ask for _(几天)days leave. I hope you can approve. / I shall be very grateful if you can grant my leave. Thanks.表达请求 Yours faithfully, _(落款)【模板范文】March 24th, 2022Dear Miss Li,I am sorry that I shall be unable to come to school today, because I fell ill. I went swimming yesterday and now I have a fever. I am feeling terrible now. The doctor said I had to stay in bed for several days. So I beg to apply for 2 days leave from today to tomorrow. I hope you can approve. Thanks.Yours faithfully,Li Lin典例赏析:假如你是李华,今天下午你应邀参加演讲比赛,因此无法参加外教的口语课。请用英语向外教Mr Green写一张请假条,说明你缺课的原因,以及你将如何补上这节课。提示词语: speech competition, borrow, notebook, homework提示问题: Why will you miss the class? What will you do to make up for it?Dear Mr Green,Im writing to you to ask for a leave this afternoon. _Thank you for your understanding.Yours,Li Hua例文Dear Mr Green, Im writing to you to ask for a leave this afternoon. Im invited to take part in a speech competition. So I am very sorry that I will have to miss your English speaking class. Ill be sure to make up for it when I am back. Ill borrow the notebooks from my classmates to learn by myself. I promise that I will hand in my homework on time.Thank you for your understanding.Yours,Li Hua【详解】1. 题干解读:本题属于应用文写作,开头和结尾已给出,要求根据材料内容写一张请假条。写作时要紧扣提示问题并用上所给提示词语,可进行适当发挥。适当使用副词和连词等增加亮点。写好时,再阅读一遍,减少语法错误,不要犯单词拼写上的错误。2. 例文点评:这是一篇比较优秀的例文。例文紧扣开篇点题,写出请假的原因及如何补课,最后保证自己会按时上交家庭作业。用上了所给提示词语。例文中简明扼要,结构清晰,语言表达到位。3. 高分亮点:短语:ask for a leave;take part in;speech competition;have to;be sure to;make up for;learn by oneself;hand in;on time。句型:that引导的宾语从句;when引导的时间状语从句;祈使句。模板 留言条Dear _,留言原因You were out when I visited just now.So I had to leave you a message.留言内容表达期望_(人物)visited/called you at about 10:00 in the morning, saying that_ (事件). Please call her/him when you come back. _(落款)【模板范文】Dear Li Ming,You were out when I visited just now.So I had to leave you a message.Miss Han called you at about 10:00 in the morning, saying that well go for a picnic this Sunday in park. We will meet at the school gate at 9:30 tomorrow morning and go there on foot. Take some food and drinks. And dont forget your camera. Please call her when you come back.Wang Xin典例赏析:(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔二模)假设你是王丽,你想约李平周日去看电影,请你根据表格提供的信息给她写一则留言,并请她周五之前给你答复。The name of the filmThe Battle At Lake Changjin IITpeHistorical filmTime of the film3:30 p. m. _【答案】例文Dear Li Ping,Are you free this Sunday? I want to go to the cinema. The film is The Battle At Lake Changin . Its a historical film. Im sure youll like it. It begins/will begin at 3:30 p. m. Would you
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