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课题Unit4 I have a pen pal 课时2课型Lets learn教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写爱好单词和词组:dancing, reading stories, singing, playing football, doing kung fu.2. 掌握四会句子What are your hobbies? I like . I also likeand 能在情景中运用此句型结合本部分核心句型谈论兴趣爱好。并能了解like + doing 的用法教学重点四会单词音、形、意的落实以及四会句子的灵活掌握教学难点区分hobby and hobbies, 并落实这两个问句回答的不同之处。教学准备作业纸,课件教学方法对话教学法教学环节 教学流程师生活动和意图Step1:Warm-up热身环节1. Enjoy a song: I like dancing.2. Warm some phrases: a. Let students read some phrases. (The way: If the phrase with No.1, Ss should read loudly. If the phrase with No.2, Ss should read quickly.)b. Let students read the missing phrases as quickly as possible. 3. Free talk:What are you going to do next week? Im going to . Let some Ss answer this question. T: How about me next week? I am going to a birthday party next week. Because next week is my friends birthday party. Do you like party? And whySs: .T: I also like party very much. Because I like cake. And I like singing. Do you like singing? Do you know the happy birthday song? Lets sing together.1. 营造英语氛围2. 认读单词环节。目的在于增加孩子的词汇量。为后面自由对话板块,能使孩子们有内容说.3. 通过生日派对的对话,引出I like.句型。Step2:Presentation新课环节1、 引入单词hobbyAfter singing this happy birthday-引出Singing is my hobby.T: what is your hobby? Now lets learn more hobbies. 2. Guess hobby (learn words and the key sentences)A. 教学 singing: look at the PPT and guess - she likes singing. (let Ss guess anything that they can say)教读单词:singingT: Do you like singing?(个人问和整体问) Ss: Yes / No,List the sentences - Whats your hobby?I like singing. Then do a short chant: first listen to the chant , second follow the chant.B. 教学 dancing: guess - She likes dancing教读单词:dancing (听音并跟读)并强调dance 去e加ing.List the question, then answer the question - Whats your hobby?I like dancing. (方式同上)C. 教学 playing football: guess -He likes playing football. 教读单词:playing footballList the question, then answer the question- What s your hobby?I like playing football.Then do a chant together. D. 教学 doing kung fu: guess -she likes doing kung fu.- Whats your hobby?I like doing kung fu.(方式同上)E. 教学 reading stories:guess- She likes reading stories.- 教学Whats your hobby?I like reading stories. F. play a hobby game- Guess- whats his/ her hobbies? -He /She likes.Tip: body guess: He likes making kites(游戏规则:一位同学给出一个提示单词,让大家猜他的爱好是什么)3.引出hobbies问句直接引出hobby-hobbies T:I have a questionwhat _(is/ are) your hobbies? Then let a student answer this question.T: pay attention to the hobbies. Then list: I like.and.通过学生之间的互问T: What are your hobbies?List: I like. I also like.and.巩固此句型:通过大家互问,互答的方式。教师带动大家一起拍手问,当教师走在哪位同学旁边就由哪位同学回答。生与生之间互动性会比较强。 1. 通过看图猜爱好,呈现五组爱好。增加课堂的趣味性。2. 每个爱好都配有一小段Chant,目的是让孩子们更多操练爱好单词,以及熟悉I like.句型。让孩子不断的念唱中,无形中意会like+ doing 用法。3. 通过刚才学习的单词,进行巩固。通过一个提示单词,进行爱好的问答句。4.通过be动词的选择,让学生意识到,此问句应回答两个或两个以上的爱好。通过让大家互问,把句子一问一答的操练方式,归还给学生间操练。Step3:Practice&extension操练和拓展环节1. do a survey and make a dialogueLet Ss interview their partner: what are your hobbies? I like.Then let Ss show it by the means of dialogue.2. Listen to the radio and follow:- Hey, Zhang Peng, what are your hobbies?- I like reading stories. I also like singing and doing kung fu. 并学生分组朗读这段对话作业设计1.Do a survey Name Hobbies编对话(供参考句型)l What are your hobbies?l Whats the weather like today?l How are you?l What are you going to do next week?l Where are you going ?l How do you get there?l Nice to meet you!singingdancingplaying footballdoing kung fureading stories2. Make a dialogue(根据以上调查编对话,其他句型自行创作,尽可能丰富对话内容)板书设计 Unit 4 I have a pen palA Lets learn & Do a surveyHobby - hobbies -What is your hobby? -What are your hobbies?Story - stories -I like. -I like.hobby -I also like.and. reading storieshobbies playing football教学反思课程安排上,所采用chant的模式,未能很好的达到我所预期的教学目标。将此模式,换成同桌间的互问互答,把更多的时间让给孩子。让他们多操练,多对话,对句型的掌握以及运用会更好。第 4 页
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