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The kings new clothes(story time 1)学科English年级六主备人课型new课时1执教者课 题Unit 1 The kings new clothes(Story time )导学目标1.能听懂、会读、会说: king, clothes, was, were, magic, clever, foolish, walk through, people, shout, beautiful, wear, point at, laugh. 2.能听懂、会读、会说句型:Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them. The king isnt wearing any clothes.3.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。4. 让学生体验故事表演的快乐,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。重点、难点教学重点:1. 单词clothes, foolish, wearing的发音。 2. 描述服装的形容词。 3. 故事中人物语气的朗读。教学难点:1.故事中大量形容词的理解和运用。 2.学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。教学准备PPT 练习预习方案预设集体智慧个性设计教学反思1 通过阅读课文,了解故事大意。2 查阅资料了解一般过去时的含义和用法。3 听录音学习课文中的新单词。教 学 过 程集体智慧个性设计教学反思Step1.1.Greetings2.Free talkWhat day is it today? Its. T: Welcome to school. Nice to see you again. We have a happy summer holiday.What do you often do on Sundays?What did you do in the summer holiday? S1.S2.S3.Step 2. Pre-reading1. Talk about the writer “安徒生”S1 S2 S3.2.Talk about the works “the kings new clothes”S1 S2 S3 S4 3. Talk about the king (learn “king”)Step3While-reading1. Watch and say1)the time: When did the story happen? (Learn: long long ago, was, were)2)the main characters: Who are in the story?2.Watch the cartoon and choose.1. ( ) What did the king like? A. Beautiful clothes. B. New clothes.2. ( )Who visited the king? A.Two men. B. Two women.3. Clever people ( ) see the clothes. Foolish people ( ) see them. A. cant B. can4.The king walked through the ( ) . A. town B. city5. ( ) pointed at the king and laughed. A. A man B. A little boy 3.Fast reading. Read the story individually and try to do T/F1. The king liked new clothes. _2. Two men showed the king some magic clothes. 3. The king was foolish. _4. People could see the kings new clothes. _5. The boy was foolish because he could not see the kings new clothes. _3. learn Paragraph 1.1)Read and answer: 2)Read it together. 4. learn Paragraph 2.1)read and complete the following sentence:According to the two men, the kings new clothes are .Because .(learn: magic, clever, foolish)2) Listen and repeat.5.Paragraph 3 and 4: read in pairs/groups and act. 1) The king walked through the city in his new clothes. Learn: walk through. 2) What did the people say? Try to act and say. 3) What did the boy say? Try to act and say4) Learn the new words: shout, point at, laugh. And pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: looked, shouted, pointed, laughing5) What do you think of the boy and the people in the street? Why?6.Read and finish the exercise. 1)Read and do the exercise.2)Check. 3)Read the whole story together. Step4Post-reading1.Act the story in groups. 2.Try to retell.让学生提前预习了解安徒生通过提问让学生了解课文大意反复阅读,培养学生的阅读能力分段讲解可以让学生把不理解的地方提问出来作业布置1. Read the story.2.Read more English stories from the Internet or bookshops.板书设计Unit 1 The kings new clothesThe king . clever Two men . foolish A little boy people Point at . laugh 第 4 页
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