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Unit 3 Diverse Cultures子主题3:多元文化共存 Period 3 Reading for Writing (II)一、教学目标通过本课时学习,学生能够:1. 列提纲梳理写作内容和素材;2. 根据本单元所学撰写一篇短文,介绍自己居住的城市或小镇,包括当地文化特色;3. 分析与评价自己和同伴的习作。二、教学重难点【重点】1. 梳理写作内容和素材;2. 运用本单元的重点语言和结构进行写作。【难点】撰写一篇短文,介绍自己居住的城市或小镇,包括当地文化特色。三、教学活动设计环节一:复习前课(10 mins)教师引导学生复习旧金山中国城的文本结构和语言特点,激活已知。教学活动1. Students review the organisation and language features of the introduction to the Chinatown in San Francisco.Step 1: Review the organisationStep 2: Review the contentStep 3: Retell the passageStep 4: Review the language活动层次学习理解之概括与整合效果评价学生能够在老师的引导下回忆起前课所学的旧金山中国城的文本结构、内容和语言特点。环节设计意图:引导学生回顾作者如何围绕主题建构篇章结构、每个部分的主要内容、以及表达中国城典型特征时运用哪些词句,为之后的写作任务做好铺垫。环节二:列提纲 ( 5 mins ) 教师引导学生通过小组活动,用头脑风暴的方式讨论所在城市的信息,包括文化特色,并参照所学旧金山中国城的篇章结构和语言特点列出提纲。教学活动2. Brainstormingl Students work in groups and brainstorm as much information as possible about their city/town and its culture. (教材第33页活动3-1) Suggested questions: What is unique about your city/ town? Is it a city/ town with diverse cultures? What examples can you give to illustrate its unique feature?l Sharing information in class. 3. Writing the outlinel Students write an outline of the passage by themselves. (教材第33页活动3-1) l Students work in pairs to make the outline better. 活动层次应用实践之内化与应用效果评价学生能够运用已知旧金山中国城的文本结构和语言特点结合自己居住的城市或小镇列出提纲。环节设计意图: 帮助学生回顾旧金山中国城的文本结构和语言特点,并结合自己居住的城市或小镇的文化特色,搜集写作素材,为之后的写作任务做铺垫。环节三:内化语言 ( 12 mins ) 教师通过示范引导学生内化关于自己居住的城市或小镇的介绍,包括文化特色的语言。教学活动4. T gives examples by listing phrases, expressions showing an introduction to a city/ town. Following the examples, students make sentences of their own. Then students share and polish their outlines in pairs. (教材第33页活动3-2) 活动层次应用实践之内化与应用效果评价学生能够在教师的帮助下内化关于自己居住的城市或小镇的介绍,包括文化特色的语言,进一步完善提纲。环节设计意图: 通过示范,帮助学生内化语言,着手完成写作初稿前的准备。环节四:根据提纲和积累的相关语言表达写一篇文章,介绍自己的家乡 ( 13 mins ) 教师规定写作任务,并要求学生利用所学介绍自己居住的城市或小镇,包括文化特色,完成初稿。教学活动5. Students write their own first drafts of their city/ town with the help of the phrases and expressions.活动层次迁移创新之想象与创造效果评价学生能够深入思考并运用所学语言素材,写出关于自己家乡包括文化特色的习作。环节设计意图: 帮助学生运用所学,进行写作练习,训练学生在真实语境中运用语言的能力。环节五:根据评价量表进行自评与他评 ( 5 mins) 教师引导学生根据评价量表进行自我评价以及同伴评价,打磨自己的作品,提升对习作的评判能力,从而提高语言表达能力。 教学活动6. Students exchange drafts with partners and use the checklist to give feedback on partners drafts. (教材第33页活动3-2) 7. Students polish their own drafts.8. Student share and present in class. 活动层次迁移创新之批判与评价效果评价学生能够通过评价量表对自己和同伴的作品进行评价。环节设计意图: 实践并巩固所学,通过自我评价和互评,培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力, 展示学生作品环节为学生创造机会展示自我,从而增强学习的动力。作业与拓展学习设计1. Revise and polish the first draft.2. Put up the final draft in the classroom after the teachers evaluation.WorksheetUnit 3 Reading for Writing (II) Activity 1: Review the organisation Activity 2: Review the content Activity 3: Retell the passage according to the mind mapActivity 4: Review the language 中文 英文一个炙手可热的旅游景点全年气候温和体验正宗的中国味探索有趣的景色、气味和声音在现实生活中看到中国传统文化品尝选购多种多样的中国茶美国多元文化的一个重要组成部分 be located in/ on has a history of . years is divided up into . has a population of . is . in size is home to . ethnic groups the most popular/ greatest/ largest popular foods/ tourist sights include .Activity 5: Brainstorming Work in groups and brainstorm as much information as possible about your city/ town and its culture. Activity 6: Sharing informationEach group chooses a student to report the information about the city / town you have discussed.Activity 7: Write an outlineBased on the group and class discussions, write an outline of your passage. The phrases and expressions in Activity 4 may help you.Activity 8: Share your outline in pairsActivity 9: Write your draftWelcome to my hometown: _!Activity 10: Use the checklist to give feedback on your partners draft. Evaluation FormItemsEvaluation Is the city/ town introduction clear? Is the information specific and the facts correct? Does the city/town introduction contain all the important information? Is the information arranged in a good order? Does the passage have a proper beginning and conclusion? Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors? Activity 11: Polish your draftActivity 12: Share and present in classHomework: 1. Revise and polish your draft.2. Put up the final draft in the classroom after the teachers evaluation. 6 / 6
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