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Unit 3 Diverse CulturesPeriod 6 Assessing your progress & Project 教材分析该板块的活动主题为“评估你的进步和完成项目活动”。第一部分为语言知识检测,检测学生对单元重点词汇,以及语法知识的掌握情况。第二部分为自我反思和评价。所提供的问题聚焦“文化多样性”这一主题,引导学生回顾自己在本单元学到了什么,还想了解什么以及最感兴趣的内容和遇到的困难,并对本单元做出评价,便于他们有针对性地解决问题,改善学习方式。第三部分为项目活动。该活动要求学生为外国朋友设计行程,“制作一份旅游手册”(Create a travel brochure),以帮助他们体验中国文化的多样性。三部分相辅相成,从各个方面回顾本单元主题,展示文化的多样性。 教学目标1. 掌握本单元重点词汇。2. 回顾本单元语法知识点。3. 总结单元所学内容,能运用所学知识完成活动项目。教学重难点【教学重点】引导学生回顾单元知识,学会用所学知识表达自己的看法。并能通过小组分工合作,完成项目活动。【教学难点】引导学生在语言实践活动中学习和了解文化多样性。教学过程Step 1 ReviewReview the key words.设计意图:回顾单元重点词汇,夯实基础知识。Step 2 Practice1. Work on Activity 1. Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.设计意图:在具体语境中巩固词汇知识。2. Work on Activity 2. Simplify the underlined sentences using ellipsis. Then role-play the conversation. Pay attention to how ellipsis is used.设计意图:巩固本单元语法知识。Step 3 Reflecting1. What do the pictures remind you of?设计意图:通过图片,回顾单元主题。2. Work on Activity 3. Answer the questions based on what you have learned in this unit.设计意图:引导学生回顾本单元内容,能够运用所学知识表达看法。Step 4 ProjectGive a presentation about a minority festival in China.1. In groups, look at the picture and discuss these questions.2. Read the travel brochure and think of the questions below.3. Imagine you are working in a Chinese travel agency and you are supposed to create a travel brochure for foreign travellers so that they can experience diverse cultures in China.设计意图:引导学生运用本单元所学知识,并参照范例,进行整合,小组合作完成旅游手册。Step 5 AssignmentPresent your travel brochure to the class. Then vote on which trip your class would like to take.设计意图:成果展示,加深对主题的理解。 2 / 2
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