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入职3个月的工作总结英文As I complete my first three months at this job, I would like to summarize my experience here so far. I must start by saying that I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this team and to work for this company.During my initial days, I spent a lot of time getting to know the tools, procedures, software, and policies of the company. I had to spend much of my time familiarizing myself with the work environment and learning how to work with the different teams.As I settled into my role, I found that our office has a great culture, where everyone is supportive and helpful. My colleagues are passionate about their work and are always willing to share their knowledge and experience. The team spirit here has helped me feel comfortable and motivated, making it relatively easy for me to integrate with others.Since joining, I have been exposed to various training opportunities, which has been beneficial. The company has an excellent, well-designed training program, which helped me acquire the necessary skills for my role. Besides, my manager has entrusted me with plenty of responsibilities and provided excellent leadership and guidance, which has helped me learn and grow on the job.So far, I have dealt with many challenges, some of which have tested my skills to the limit. From our teams handling of last-minute deadlines to a few issues with software updates, I have been able to learn from the setbacks and only grown more determined in my work.As I look forward to my next few months at this company, I am excited to continue working with my colleagues to achieve our shared goals. With my experience so far, I have developed a better understanding of my position, and I believe that I possess the necessary skills required to succeed in my role.In conclusion, these first three months have been a fantastic experience. I look forward to learning more, growing professionally, and contributing to the companys success.
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