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河南省南阳市高职单招2023年英语模拟练习题一及答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1. Li Ping runs the() in our class.A.faster B.fastest C.fast D.more fast2.The teacher told the children to keep the classroom _.A.to clean B.cleans C.clean D.cleaned3.The two strangers talked as if they()friends for years.A.have been B.are C.were D.had been4.- Do you enjoy your present job?-().I just do it for a living.A.Of course B.Not really C.Not likely D.Not a little5.In fact,I think its very much nicer without the naughty boy,if you dont mind me()so.A.say B.to say C.saying D.to saying6.- John, which color do you like, red or blue?-().I prefer to buy a yellow one.A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.All7.Please _ your exam papers once again before handing them in.A.going over B.went over C.go over D.to go over8.He visited Uncle Li _ a cold morning.A.on B.in C.at D.for9.()I had a few problems to deal with.A.Hardly have I arrived whenB.Hardly did I arrive thanC.Hardly had I arrived whenD.Hardly had I arrived than10.-Is your brother a worker?-().A.No,but my sister isB.Yes,but my sister isC. No,he doesntD.Yes,he does二、完型填空(10题)11.(5)A.good B.simple C.big D.proper12.8()A.uncomfortable B.unusual C.hopeless D.hungry13. Why do people drink? Often they are (1), but this cant be the only reason; there(2) be other reasons, too. In many countries, when friends see (3), they often have a (4) while they sit and talk Many English people don t need anyone else. They drink tea several times a day (5) they are alone.In most countries people say (6) when they drink together. The English (7)cheers,In all countries there are many places of which the main purpose is to sell drinks.Since these are so (8)of these places, it(9)that many people drink more often (10)they really to.1()A.hungry B.sleepy C.tired D.thirsty14.(10)A.Europe B.America C.China D.France15. Do you hate exams? If you do, you arent (1) . Students in many other countries hate them. too.(2) for them, British students have less exams than Chinese students. They only have them once a year. Every summer they have a test on each (3) . Each test (4) about an hour.These exams dont count much. Even if a student does really (5) he still can progress to the next grade.When the (6) come out they are then placed in an end-of -year report. The report is sent to the students parents. It describes (7)the student performed and behaved through the year.This report is private, so (8) the teacher, the student and his parents can see it. This means that a student doesnt know how other students scored in the exams. Some students choose to tell each other, but others(9).Parentsmeeting are held (10) a year, at the end of the winter term and then at the end of the summer term. Children along with their parents to meet their teachers and discuss their performance at school.1()A.lonely B.silent C.alone D.quietly16.(4)A.important B.necessary C.useful D.hard17.(12)A.forget B.remember C.see D.change18.6()A.running B.going C.carrying D.marching19.( )A.forbid B.separate C.leave D.stop20.A man who had been working so much found that he could not sleep at night, but kept on falling _ during the _ .He became so _ that he went to this _ . “Can you help me, doctor ?” he asked _ , “I used to sleep so well, _ recently I havent been able to sleep _ than two hours a night.” The doctor _ him carefully, gave him some tests, advised him _ less hard, and told him to take some kinds of _ to help him. The doctor was _ that he was not seriously _ and that he would soon be better. But the man grew worse _ better. He slept even _ than expected at night, and was _ falling asleep in his bed. He visited his doctor very _ , and it _ the doctor a long time to discover _ the mans servant gave him the _ medicines in the morning, and the ones to keep him _ at night. ( )A.sleep B.sleepy C.asleep D.sleeping三、补充对话(10题)21.-My father is an engineer.().-He is an engineer,too.A.I am TomB.Is he your father?C.So do I!D.This is Tom E. Thank you.E.Do you like wine?F.What about your father?G.H. How are you?22.(5)A.Thank you,doctor.B.I am not feeling very well.C.Good afternoon.D.Is it serious?E.Do you have a headache?23.(3)A.Thank you,doctor.B.I am not feeling very well.C.Good afternoon.D.Is it serious?E.Do you have a headache?24.-You should set aside more time to play with our kids.-(),but I am too busy recently.A.I knowB.Really?C.Ive had enough!D.Id love to. E. Great!E.Dont do that!F.Dont worryG.No problem.25.(4)A.Sounds reasonable.B.Its just for ourselves!C.It taught me a good lesson.D.There are few cars at this time on the road.E.Im an
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