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黑龙江省七台河市高职单招2022年英语自考真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1. Do you know a 5-day trip to Hong Kong costs?一 I guess its about ¥4,000.A.how fast B.how long C.how soon D.how much2.Would you like to tell me _ I can study English well.A.if B.that C.how D.why3.-You look worried.Whats the matter?-I cant find my bicycle. I forget where I()it.A.followed B.parked C.showed D.stopped4. Do you like a hamburger? _.A.Yes,I do.B.No,I like it.C.Please give me pizza.D.Rice is OK.5.York,()last year,is a nice old city.A.that I visitedB.which I visitedC.where I visiteddD.in which I visited6.You can find some _ on the Internet.A.informations B.information C.picture D.story7. _? It is warm and sunny.A.How are youB.How is the weatherC.How old are youD.How much is it8.The new film will be()in the cinema next week.A.show B.showed C.shown D.showing9.-Professor Johnson,Im afraid I cant finish the report within this week.-()How about next week?A.Good for youB. It wont bother meC.Not at allD.Thats OK10.()are enough,Mum.A.Two pair of trousersB.Two trousersC.Two pairs of trousersD.Two pieces of trousers二、完型填空(10题)11.(5)A.saw B.listened to C.heard D.looked at12.(7)A.slowly B.quietly C.easily D.quickly13.Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to ask about studying for a degree in English at Chrysalis College. _is my favourite subject at school. I have always got _ marks in my examinations. I also enjoy _ emails to my cousins who live in Canada。 Last year, I went to visit them in Vancouver。 Canada is a very beautiful country and it would be a _ place for me to improve my spoken and written English.Could you send me _ about your degree programmes in English Language? I am interested _ courses in writing and speaking. Could you tell me what the entrance requirements are for foreign students? It would also be _ for me to have information about getting a study permission for Canada, _ I would like to know what kind of services for foreign students Chrysalis College offers. I do not expect to have any money problems with regard to my study。 My uncle in Vancouver has promised to _ my study fees, and my daily cost of living will be low because I will be able to _ with my relatives. I look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely, Zhang Lei ( )A.English B.Chinese C.French14.(17)A.patiently B.tiredly C.silently D.proudly15.9()A.match B.rope C.coat D.sand16.( )A.faded into B.escaped from C.insisted on D.associated with17.4()A.agreed B.worried C.realized D.explained18.(6)A.standing B.sitting C.walking D.writing19.(16)A.hank B.library C.shop D.hotel20.(2)A.clock B.phone C.watch D.bell三、补充对话(10题)21.(2)A.How are you?B.Hello ,68813721C.Good morning. My name is Mary.D.Sure,whats your name,please?E.See you later. Bye.F.Im afraid hes out now. can I take a message?G.Whats your number,please?22.(2)A.Sounds reasonable.B.Its just for ourselves!C.It taught me a good lesson.D.There are few cars at this time on the road.E.Im an excellent.F.And theres no policeman on the street.G.But the seat belt is for your safety.23.(3)A.Then Ill take the tickets.B.Id like two tickets to shanghai.C.Dose it stop anywhere?D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out.E.What time is the earliest flight?24.对话:A: What can I do for you?B: (1)A: What size do you wear?B: (2)A: Here you are.B: 0h,a red one. I dont like red.Have you got any blue ones?A: Im sorry we havent got any at the moment. What about a white one?B: Thats all right. (3)A: Certainly.B: (4)A: 200 yuan,please.B: (5)(1)A.May I try it on?B.OK. Ill take it.C.How much is it?D.Id like to have a hat.E.Size L.25.-Its such a good day! How about going out for a walk?-().A.I caught a bad coldB.Its a good ideaC.By trainD.He is tall and handsomeE.Im not sure. F. OK!F.You11 be fine soon.G.H. How are you feeling now?26.-().-I like reading ? dancing,swimming,and watching movies.A.What does your father doB.Yes,a littleC.Are you JennyD.Whats your hobby?E.Thank youF.Well doneG.Can I speak to Jenny H. Is he your father27.-What does your friend look like?-().A.I caught a bad coldB.Its a good ideaC.By trainD.He is tall and handsomeE.Im not sure. F. OK!F.You11 be fine soon.G.H. How are you feeling now?28.(2)A.Then Ill take the tickets.B.Id like two tickets to shanghai.C.Dose it stop anywhere?D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out.E.What time is the earliest flight?29.A: Hello,Pan Wei. Is this your new car? How beautiful!B: Hi,Liss. Would you like to go for a rid
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