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年中考真题英语分项汇编专题20补全对话 考点2填空型Passage 1(黑龙江哈尔滨)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Hi, Mike! You look so happy, dont you?B: Yes. Today is _56_. Its my favorite day.A: Why?B: Because tomorrow is Saturday.A: _57_your plan for tomorrow?B: I have nothing much to do. I only want to stay at home.A: What about taking a trip to the Sun Island?B: Good idea! We can go there by bus.A: Why not ride a bike _58_of taking a bus? Its good for our health and the environment.B: Great! But _59_shall we meet?A: In front of our school gate.B: When shall we meet?A: Lets meet _60_8:00 tomorrow morning.B: OK. I cant wait to take the trip with you.对话大意:对话中两个人约定星期六一起去太阳岛旅行,商定了出行的方式、见面的时间和地点。56. Friday【解析】根据下文“Because tomorrow is Saturday.”可推出今天是星期五。故答案为Friday。57. Whats【解析】根据答句“I have nothing much to do. I only want to stay at home.”可知此处是在问对方明天的计划是什么,用疑问词what提问,主语your plan是单数,be动词用is,缩写为whats,且首字母大写。故答案为Whats。58. instead【解析】根据下文“Its good for our health and the environment.”讲骑自行车对健康和环境有益,可推出是建议骑自行车代替乘坐公交车,结合空后of可推出要用instead of表示“代替,而不是”。故答案为instead。59. where【解析】根据答句“In front of our school gate.”是个地点,可推出此处询问在哪里见面,此处用疑问词where。故答案为where。60. at【解析】根据题干“Lets meet _ 8:00 tomorrow morning.”可知此处是说在明天早上八点见面,具体的钟表时刻“8:00”前用介词at。故答案为at。Passage 2(黑龙江龙东地区)Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.A: Hello, Sarah! We will have summer holidays next month. _51_?B: Hi, Mike! Im going to Harbin.A: Oh, Harbin is a great place for summer holidays. _52_?B: By plane.A: _53_?B: Im going with my parents.A: Sounds great! _54_!B: Thanks. Good bye.A: _55_.对话大意:对话中Mike在询问Sarah的暑假安排,Sarah告诉他自己将和父母去哈尔滨度假,Mike祝Sarah玩得愉快。51. Where are you going?【解析】根据上文“We will have summer holidays next month.”讲到下个月将要过暑假,结合答句中“Im going to Harbin.”可知此处是问对方将要去哪里度假。故答案为:Where are you going?52. How will you get there?【解析】根据答句“By plane.”是出行方式,可推出此处是问将如何去哈尔滨。故答案为:How will you get there?【53题详解】53. Who are you going there with?【解析】根据答句“Im going with my parents.”表示要和父母一起去,可推出此处是问将要和谁一起去那里。故答案为:Who are you going there with?54. Have a good time!【解析】上文对方表示要去哈尔滨度假,结合答句“Thanks.”可推出此处是祝对方玩得愉快。故答案为:Have a good time!55. Bye.【解析】根据上文“Good bye.”可知此处是在告别。故答案为:Bye.Passage 3(四川省成都市)完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。A: Do you still smoke, Paul?B: No. I had to stop smoking because of a serious illness. The doctor told me that many _51_ smoking had weakened my health. A: Could you tell me how you started to smoke?B: When I got my first job, I was very young. I couldnt finish the tasks in time and even made many mistakes. You cant imagine how helpless I was _52_ I began to smoke as I felt _53_ at work. A: _54_ its harmful to do so. It cannot lower the pressure _55_ only to do harm both to own health and to that of people around you. The _56_ and dangerous things from the smoke easily get into peoples body and the chances of being sick _57_. B: Thats true. I quite agree with you. A: Some people start smoking at a young age because their parents smoke. B: Exactly. People always say children like to _58_ their parents. A: Yes, children like to follow the examples of their parents in many ways. B: But some parents dont pay enough attention to their influence on children. A: I agree. _59_, smoking is one of the main reasons for fires. Sometimes those _60_ smokers even cause dangerous fires. B: Surely, smoking can cause lots of serious problems. I will never smoke again.这是一段A和B之间的对话,内容是关于吸烟对健康的危害。51. years【解析】句意:医生告诉我,多年的吸烟削弱了我的健康。根据下文When I got my first job, I was very young可知,B已经抽了很多年的烟。根据句意及句子结构,空格处应填入意为“多年的”名词所有格,故答案为years。52. then【解析】句意:你无法想象我是多么无助,然后我开始抽烟,因为我觉得工作压力很大。根据上文When I got my first job, I was very young. I couldnt finish the tasks in time and even made many mistakes可知,B刚开始工作时经常无法按时完成工作,并且经常犯错,于是他感到压力很大,然后开始抽起了烟。空格处应填入意为“然后”的副词,故答案为then。53. stressed/ nervous【解析】句意:你无法想象我是多么无助,然后我开始抽烟,因为我觉得工作压力很大。根据上文When I got my first job, I was very young. I couldnt finish the tasks in time and even made many mistakes可知,B刚开始工作时经常无法按时完成工作,并且经常犯错,于是他感到压力很大,然后开始抽起了烟。空格处应填入意为“有压力的、紧张的”形容词,故答案为stressed/ nervous。54. Actually【解析】句意:实际上这样做是有害的。根据下文It cannot lower the pressure but only to do harm both to own health and to that of people around you可知,此处A说的是实际上想用吸烟来减压的方式对健康是有害的。空格处应填入意为“实际上”的副词,且位于句首首字母应大写,故答案为Actually。55. but【解析】句意:它不能降低压力,但只会对自己和周围人的健康造成伤害。结合前后文It cannot lower the pressure和only to do harm both to own health and to that of people around you可知,从句意上两者为转折关系,故应填入表转折的连词,故答案为but。56. tiny【解析】句意:烟雾中微小而危险的东西很容易进入人体,导致生病的几率增加。根据句中things from the smoke提示,烟雾中的一些物质通常是很微小的。空格处应填入意为“微小的”形容词,故答案为tiny。57. increase【解析】句意:烟雾中微小而危险的东西很容易进入人体,导致生病的几率增加。根据上文The tiny and dangerous things from the smoke easily get into peoples body可知,烟雾中微小而危险的东西很容易进入人体,导致生病的几率增加。空格处应填入意为“增加”的动词increase,且主语chances为复数,故动词increase应用原形,故答案为increase。58. copy【解析】句意:人们总是说孩子喜欢模仿父母。根据下文Ye
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