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2023年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识精选试题及答案一单选题(共100题)1、Passage 4A.a form of gamblingB.a way of making money quicklyC.useful and necessaryD.old-fashioned【答案】 C2、资料:Our goal with the new MacBook was to do the impossible: engineer a full-size experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but also better. The result is more than just a new notebook. Its the future of the notebook. And now, with sixth-generation Intel processors, improved graphics performance, faster flash storage, and up to 10 hours of battery life. MacBook is even more capable.A.A noticeB.An advertisementC.A proposalD.A memo【答案】 B3、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢?A.使人焦虑的新闻事件B.反复重复的新闻报道C.扭曲夸张的新闻报道D.毫无根据的新闻报道【答案】 B4、柯达公司是世界上著名的影像产品及相关服务的生产和供应商。面对市场技术的不断革新,柯达公司满足现状没有及时进行技术更新,直到2003年,柯达才宣布全面进军数码产业。最终柯达公司陷入退市困境,体现了管理学中的()。A.二八法则B.长板法则C.青蛙法则D.木桶法则【答案】 C5、资料:packing tipsA.Rush out to the baggage carouselB.Use a grey suitcaseC.Head to the Lost & FoundD.Mark with a brightly colored string【答案】 D6、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息8厘,月息 6厘,日息3厘,则分别是指( )A.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为B.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为3C.年利率为8%。,月利率为6,日利率为3D.年利率为8%,月利率为3,日利率为0. 33【答案】 D7、多媒体的应用领域十分广阔,包括( )。A.教育和培训B.家庭娱乐、休闲C.商业和服务行业D.以上三项都包括【答案】 D8、Many states have _, amended or repealed laws to improve school nutrition.A.institutedB.organizedC.manufacturedD.enacted【答案】 D9、Ninety-four studies were deleted because they did notA.makeB.meetC.putD.keep【答案】 B10、下列银行中不是政策性银行的是( )。 A.中国农业发展银行B.国家开发银行C.中国进出口银行D.中国农业银行【答案】 D11、Children enter school at the age of six,_?A.do the childrenB.dont theyC.dont the childrenD.arent they【答案】 B12、 在我国银行实务中,将()的存款称为储蓄。A.个人B.公众C.企事业单位D.城镇居民【答案】 B13、_is well known,data under-determines theories.A.AsB.ThatC.WhatD.Which【答案】 A14、Passage 6A.Alexa is named after an ancient hero in EgyptB.Alexa is installed in librariesC.Alexa can provide all the necessary information about historyD.Alexa can provide more data to marketers than a cookie【答案】 D15、保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议,是一种()。A.民事合同B.刑事合同C.不具有法律关系的民事合同D.不能转让的合同【答案】 A16、邓小平提出的“三个有利于”标准具有内在的联系性,其中最基本的是()。A.提高人民的生活水平B.发展生产力C.巩固社会主义制度D.增强社会主义国家的综合国力【答案】 B17、Everybody showed great respect to the old doctor,who devoted everything he had to()the poor conditions of the local hospital.A.improvingB.improveC.improvedD.being improved【答案】 A18、在下列字符中,其ASCII码值最小的一个是()。A.控制符B.9C.AD.a【答案】 A19、下列当今热门电子产品中最不适合用来阅读电子书的是()。A.KindleB.Android手机C.iPadD.Xbox【答案】 D20、“Well done,Cassandra.”Crook said.She blushed,but accepted the ( )with good grace.A.commenceB.compromiseC.compensateD.compliment【答案】 D21、How about_in the river with us?A.swim;dont doB.swim;to doC.swimming;not doD.swimming;not to do【答案】 D22、帕累托最优条件不包括( )。A.效率问题B.社会问题C.生产问题D.分配问题【答案】 D23、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses. Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse. says Rubin.A.build motivation and a support systemB.encourage breaks to do exerciseC.build a kitchen so that the employers could make healthy mealsD.All above【答案】 D24、资料:With 55% of consumers customer service interactions starting online and 63% of adults using their smartphone several times a month to seek customer service, your mobile customer service tactics are more important than ever.A.ExpectantB.Letting the customers to doC.Used toD.Paying customs duties【答案】 C25、Passage 6A.DoubtfulB.ApprovingC.WelcomingD.Optimistic【答案】 A26、在发挥金融中介作用的过程中,下列符合投资银行运作方式的有( )。A.资金供需双方是金融工具的借贷而不是买卖B.资金供需双方是资金借贷而不是金融工具的买卖C.在媒介过程中只发生资金供需双方之间的一次金融合约关系D.在资金媒介过程中发生资金供需双方的两次金融合约关系【答案】 C27、商业银行应选派精通现代金融理论及金融创新理论的高素质客户经理接洽业务的细分市场为( )。A.国有企业B.民营企业C.外商独资企业D.合资与合作企业【答案】 C28、2.3,4.8,8.24,16.51,32.89,()A.64.138B.64.136C.128.138D.128.136【答案】 A29、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments. A.It is desired for students with special needsB.It is tutored by regular teachers for mainstream studentsC.It is planned for collaborative learning by mainstream studentsD.It has students with special needs and regular education classmates【答案】 D30、资料:This exhibition brings together outstanding works from the earliest times to t
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